War of Resistance

Chapter 1340 Attack Plan

Facts have proved that rabbits will bite people when they are in a hurry, and dogs will jump over walls when they are in a hurry.

It is not as profound as Shakespeare's "To be or not to be, that is the question", some only have "to live"!
Yang Fushou himself knew that if he didn't accept the vote, it would be impossible for him to survive. He had to pay back the blood debt of this village. If he didn't pay with the lives of the Japanese, he would use his own life. to repay.

At this critical moment of life and death, there are not so many fools in the true sense. Yang Fushou has lived for nearly 40 years, so it is impossible for him not to understand this truth.


Looking at the knife in his hand that had been stabbed into the abdomen of the Japanese officer, Yang Fushou couldn't help but gasped. His hands were trembling slightly. He didn't expect that he would kill a person just like this, and it was a murder. Abandoned the Japanese who usually swaggered and swaggered.

"I killed...I killed..." Yang Fushou's voice was trembling.

"Is it scary? Right?" Liu Houming grinned. To Yang Fushou, he looked like a demon.

"Of course it's terrible, this is a living human life..." Yang Fushou said tremblingly.

However, before Yang Fushou finished speaking, his collar was grabbed by Liu Houming, who said viciously: "You mean to say that the life of these Japanese beasts is life, and my grand Chinese Isn’t the life of the people their life?”

As soon as Liu Houming said this, everyone glared at Yang Fushou, as if they could skin and slaughter this idiot as long as the company commander gave an order.

"No, no, no, the life of my Chinese people is of course my life." Yang Fushou was trembling, he knew that if he said something wrong, his life would probably be lost.

"Remember, the lives of the common people in this village are due to the killings caused by you bringing these little devils here. You have to pay it back. If you can't, I remember that in this history, there seems to be a game called people's shit ?” After speaking, Liu Houming sneered, and Yang Fushou's legs immediately went limp, and he slumped on the ground, as if he had lost a little strength.

"Forgive me, please let me do whatever you want." Yang Fushou's tone was full of pleading.

It was not until this time that Liu Houming finally showed his fox tail. He smiled and said: "I ask you to write down the distribution map of the Japanese army positions and logistics bases that you know immediately. Be careful, don't lie to me, otherwise , your head will move..."

Hearing that he still had a chance of not being shot, Yang Fushou immediately agreed. He nodded hastily and said, "No problem, I'll write it out right away."

"Come here, give him the paper!" Liu Houming said to a soldier behind him. For soldiers like them who often do this kind of sneak attack, they must always have this kind of thing to ensure the reliability of the attack— ——After all, they operate deep behind enemy lines, and they are weak arms. If they are not careful, they may fall into a land of eternal doom.

"Yes, sir!" The soldier responded, quickly turned over his backpack, found the special paper and handed it to Liu Houming.

After Liu Houming took the paper, he looked at Yang Fushou with a smile and said, "Don't lie to us, we will take you away this time, if you are dishonest, no one will cut your throat on the battlefield." I know."

Liu Houming's smile made Yang Fushou shudder: he knew that the black-faced strong man in front of him would definitely be able to do this, and he would definitely be able to do it successfully. If you don't believe it, just look at the Japanese people who are so dead that they can't die anymore.Even a well-trained Japanese soldier could be killed so easily by the group in front of him, let alone a person who lacked exercise all the year round. Killing him, wouldn't it be as easy as killing a chicken?

"I know, I know, the little one will never lie." Yang Fushou immediately answered this sentence full of desire for survival.

Watching Yang Fushou write out the above content bit by bit, Liu Houming's eyes narrowed even more—smiling.

Why did he, Liu Houming, spare the life of this traitorous traitor, and tried his best to intimidate him, asking him to pay for his life, etc. Isn't what he was waiting for the content of the above paper?Don't look at Liu Houming as a rough guy, but in fact he is not, he is a type of rough with fine.

Not long after, Yang Fushou finished writing, and Liu Houming was also very generous, letting Yang Fushou rest for a while, and letting his troops rest where they were for half an hour before setting off!
What are you going to do?Of course, we need to see the situation in Tongcheng, especially those outposts, arsenals and the like. Why don't we go and have a look?Otherwise it would be a waste...

"Sir, are we really going to fight the little devil?" One of the two guides ran to Liu Houming and asked, his expression was full of excitement. He had never tried to fight like this before. Level, zero casualties on one's own side, while the other side was completely wiped out!

Such a record, no matter how you look at it, is extremely rare-the Japanese army of this era is not the Japanese army in later generations of film and television dramas. It is not only very powerful in combat power, but also very fierce in terms of fighting will. This is universally recognized , if not, in the Russo-Japanese War, the Japanese, who were short in stature and relatively poorly equipped, would not have been able to defeat the Russians.

"What do you think?" Liu Houming smiled, and said something that seemed to say everything, but actually said nothing.

"It's terrible, sir, you are really amazing, don't say anything, when we get back to Pingjiang, we two brothers will just hang out with you, and it's too much fun to fight little devils with you!" A guide also ran to Liu Houming and said.

"Then can't you mix with us now? Our theater guards are the most capable troops in the entire Ninth Theater. If they can really hang out with us, they will not be so vicious." Liu Houming's mouth turned even higher. , as if encountering a very happy thing.

That's right, how could Liu Houming be unhappy?This was originally a matter of others sending pillows when he wanted to sleep-this was a great thing for his next step.

What's next?Of course, I want to hug the Japanese army's logistics warehouse or something. If I go to hug their outpost first, it will not be worth the loss.

For the officers and soldiers of these secret service companies, they can make a small fortune by taking care of the Japanese army's munitions warehouse. At least in the next two or three small battles, they will not have to worry about the supply of guns and ammunition at all. .

Not bad, their next goal is the Japanese army's logistics arsenal!

ps: update sent!It's too difficult to work overtime these days, I will definitely update it when I have time!

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