War of Resistance

Chapter 1341 Prelude to the Great War

Chapter 1341 Prelude to the Great War ([-])

The breeze gently blew across the hills, blowing on Liu Houming's resolute face, and also blowing on Yang Fushou's scared but nervous face.

The hairs on his face moved with the wind, Yang Fushou only felt that the pressure on his shoulders was not as heavy as usual. For him, being coerced into this action, his whole family was in his hands.

Yang Fushou's only comfort is that when Liu Houming burned his body after cleaning the battlefield, he threw away his translation official certificate and clothes by the way, so that when the Japanese army came to look for it, he would trust him as a translator. already dead.

Although Liu Houming acted meticulously, for Yang Fushou, this was still a very dangerous thing, especially the kind of thing that put the lives of the whole family on his waistband.

In the military supply depot in the distant valley, many Japanese soldiers were resting. They seemed to be at least the size of a transport squadron, but they were generally not very vigilant.

Obviously, the disappearance of Tsukamoto Jiro did not attract the attention of the Japanese army.

In fact, it stands to reason that the disappearance of the brother-in-law of the head of the division should be taken seriously, but because Tsukamoto Jiro has a special hobby, that is, looking for flowers and asking willows, and it is precisely because of this that the head of the division and the joint The captain didn't even bother to pay attention to him - it was extremely normal for this guy to disappear for a few days, if he stayed in the camp every day when there were no combat missions, it would be a ghost.

It was precisely because of this situation that Liu Houming's small team in the enemy's rear was able to get a rare opportunity for a surprise attack.

For Liu Houming, it was true that the command of the regiment was to monitor the No. 30 Third Division of the Japanese Army, but in fact, he could also engage in some "part-time jobs", for example, to rob the logistics warehouses of these little devils.

Besides, Liu Houming doesn't think that his actions can keep the little devil away for long. After all, things like the disappearance of the division commander's brother-in-law will arouse the suspicion of the Japanese army sooner or later. Back to a little initiative.

Regarding the sneak attack on the little devil's logistics warehouse, Liu Houming also made a careful judgment. For example, the current state of the Japanese army is still relatively relaxed, and they can wait until they can catch a wave before lurking.

"Company commander, tell me, will we be scolded by the team leader for this job we are doing this time?" A row leader next to him asked Liu Houming cautiously.

"Don't worry, kid! What we're targeting is just a transfer station for the little devil. You see, the people below will not exceed a squadron at most. With our strength, we can take out a squadron and then occupy the arsenal for transit." I don’t think this will alarm the little devil too much, and besides, as long as there are regiment-level guerrillas attacking, I don’t think this is a very difficult task.” Liu Houming slightly raised a smile on his lips, As far as he is concerned, this is a trivial matter.

Shi Junsaburo is an ordinary Japanese soldier. For him, it is a beautiful thing to stay here to defend the arsenal. After all, this is not a front-line battlefield, and there is no need for special training.

"La La ~ la la la ~ la la la la la la la me ~~~” Thinking about it, Chun Sanlang hummed cherry blossoms, and his mood was not ordinary.

The whistle kept blowing, which immediately brought back the memories of the soldiers around, and they all hummed softly.

It seemed that everything was so quiet and peaceful. As the sun slowly set and the night gradually shrouded the land, Liu Houming's eyes began to flash with light—because he knew that an opportunity was coming.

Liu Houming was lying on the hillside like a hungry wild wolf, his eyes fixed on the Japanese arsenal transfer station under the hillside.

"Action!" Liu Houming said softly, and at the same time he made a "action" gesture.

Under the order of the company commander Liu Houming, the officers and soldiers of the entire spy company immediately moved, moving very quickly and without making a sound.

Under the night, the night wind blows, and everything around is moving. The Japanese army relaxed their nerves as usual, because in their view, after the cleaning operation some time ago, the surrounding towns and villages no longer have the guerrillas of the Chinese army. It is not too easy to be attacked by surprise.

It is said that if you are careless, accidents will happen. There have been countless things in history that have proved that this will really happen. For example, Liu Bei lost Jingzhou carelessly, and Teacher Ma was careless and did not flash...

The same is true for these Japanese troops. If they are careless, the consequences will be very serious. For example, some particularly elite small troops of the national army will surround them quietly.

That's right, in the carelessness that the Japanese army is accustomed to, the four platoons of the Special Service Company of the First Guard Regiment of the Ninth Theater of the National Army have surrounded them from all directions, almost all condescending, and the small It was carried out in the form of team touch-in.

Similar to the previous sneak attack plan, each platoon of the spy company sent two squads of troops to move forward, while the remaining squad was responsible for fire cover and fire suppression.

In the dark night, the officers and soldiers of these eight squads crawled forward and disappeared in the whistling night wind.

"Mr. Xiao, it's time to go to bed. The Chinese army around here has been almost wiped out by us. Besides, there is still one of our regiments stationed nearby. If there is any trouble, they will definitely deal with it as soon as possible. We will provide support." A soldier with Miyamoto Qingzang on the nameplate on his chest said to Hour Junzaburo beside him.

"Miyamoto-kun, if you're sleepy, go to bed early! I don't think I'm too sleepy. Our camp is surrounded by mountains. To be honest, I can't sleep..." Shi Junzaburo frowned and said, He always felt that something was wrong tonight, but he couldn't tell why, so he wanted to wait.

"Mr. Xiao, you are too nervous, I can tell you. Our troops are beating these Chinese troops with all their strength. It's fine if we don't fight them. They can't possibly have the guts to fight against them." Our partial division far away in Tongcheng started the attack. Moreover, our partial division, no matter how you say it, is an established division." Miyamoto Qingzang stepped forward and patted Shi Junsaburo on the shoulder and said.

Facts have proved that in terms of the general direction of history, Miyamoto Qingzang's judgment is correct, but there is no way to do it. Zhang Tianhai, a wonderful person, and a more daring Liu Houming were appointed, which made Miyamoto Qingzang erroneous judgment.

"Go, go, you are willing to be depraved and lazy, so go by yourself, don't even think about bringing a good young man like me with you!" Hour Jun Saburo said with disgust on his face.

"Baga, you idiot, I kindly asked you to relax and rest together, but you are so disrespectful to say that to me." Miyamoto Qingzang cursed, after all, in his opinion, Shi Junsaburo is completely old-fashioned , and do not know how to work around.

"Then I'm an idiot!" Shi Junzaburo said helplessly, he had nothing to do with Miyamoto Qingzang, who was a little boy...


PS: I finally finished working overtime, let's write an update!

(End of this chapter)

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