War of Resistance

Chapter 1343 Prelude to the Great War

Chapter 1343 Prelude to the Great War ([-])
Looking at the confident Okamura Neiji, Kobayashi Asaburo wanted to say something, but he hesitated.

Because he knew that Neiji Okamura was an extremely conceited person. Since he had decided on the general direction, he, the chief of staff, just followed suit.

"Hay! Commander, Your Excellency is wise!!" Kobayashi Asaburo lowered his head and said, this is his strength, he can bend and stretch, and he can cater to Okamura Neiji's point of view and do his job as an assistant officer well.


On the other side, a small battle in Tongcheng also broke out.

The cause of the incident was that an officer and soldier of the special service company was not clean enough to do it, which caused a Japanese soldier to utter a scream, which exposed the specific target.

In the night, a firefight was going on, and the scene was very intense.

This sudden battle caught the Japanese defensive officers and soldiers by surprise, especially their searchlights, which were directly broken by the precision shooters of the secret service company.



The light machine guns of the officers and soldiers of the national army were suppressing the machine guns of the Japanese army, and as soon as the Japanese army fired back, a hidden gun shot into their machine guns immediately.

"Baga Yalu! Damn the Chinese army! The fighting power is so fierce! Where did this Chinese army come from? Its fighting power is comparable to that of the troops of the Sixth Division!" The squadron leader of the Japanese garrison, Xiao Chuanjian, yelled angrily. He has never fought such a useless battle. He lost nearly half of his troops at the beginning of the battle, and the opponent's firepower was able to suppress them!

If the loss of troops and suppression of firepower is a sign of cowardice, then the machine gunners around him died one after another, which would make Xiao Chuanjian feel even more annoyed.

"Quick! Immediately! Ask Shangfeng for reinforcements!" Seeing that the situation was not right, Xiao Chuanjian made this decision right away. For him, there was only so much he could do.

Judging from Ogawama's experience, the firepower of the national army in front of him should be an elite battalion-level unit of the Central Army.

In normal times, Xiao Chuanjian, as an elite non-commissioned officer who was born in the army, would definitely not ask for help easily - because according to his firepower equipment, coupled with the solid fortifications of the arsenal transfer station as a defense, he decided to be able to block the national army Half a regiment attacked for more than three hours.

However, less than 5 minutes have passed since the outbreak of the battle, and there have been such a large number of casualties, and more than half of the casualties have occurred at the beginning. According to the situation he has, he may not last for half an hour. Rescue, the whole army will be wiped out here!
"Hay!!" The communication soldier next to him responded.

But at this moment, the fortress they were in exploded!

The bunker where the Japanese military command post was located was like a rose that exploded in the dark night, blooming very beautifully, and with the fireworks of infinite death, it illuminated everything around it.

It also included the faces of Yang Fushou and the two guides. Different from the panic of the former, the eyes of the two behind were full of excitement-they had never tried to fight like this before. The Japanese army was like three melons and two dates. It was cleared away by the people of the theater security forces like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves.

"That's the way it is! No wonder these guys are so arrogant. They are indeed from the 'No. [-] Regiment in the World'!" one of the guides said excitedly.

Yes, Liu Houming and others are not proud of being members of the security forces in the theater, but proud of being from the First Regiment of the Ninth Theater Security, the "No. [-] Regiment in the World".For them, the theater security force is only developed based on the first security regiment. If there is no security first regiment, there will be no theater security force, especially the first security regiment as the mainstay. The infantry of the regiment accounted for [-]% of the entire army, and they were the most well-equipped and the strongest in combat!
With the sound of the explosion, all the remaining Japanese troops were stunned. They didn't know what happened. It took only 10 minutes to start fighting, and even the command post was taken away. Jun opened his mouth and waited for them.

The explosion of the command center was like kicking hard at the already extremely fragile psychological defense line of the remaining Japanese troops, and then a chain reaction like a domino effect occurred.

The remaining dozen or so soldiers were terrified. They didn't know what kind of opponent they were facing. In the dark night, those opponents were hunting them one by one like hunters.

"Run!!" One of the Japanese soldiers couldn't bear such strong psychological pressure, collapsed and turned around to run away.

Facts have proved that no matter what it is, as long as one person takes the lead, others will dare to follow, and the rest of the Japanese army will also run away.

When the Japanese soldiers ran away, the officers and soldiers of the national army immediately followed them, and a hunting team of five immediately set off and followed them.

The battle ended so quickly, which was completely expected by Liu Houming. To defeat such a Japanese squadron, and they came prepared, defeating them is not a very difficult thing at all.

"Hurry up! Clean up the battlefield!" Liu Houming gave an order, and all the officers and soldiers of the secret service company immediately began to act in a very tacit understanding, touched the Japanese army's warehouse, and began to sweep the spoils.

It didn't take long for the officers and soldiers of these special service companies to search for what they could use, and then began to retreat.

The whole process took no more than 10 minutes.

"How about it, old ghost Yang, believe in our strength now? Don't play tricks with us. In your eyes, these invincible Japanese are nothing more than that. They can't even protect themselves, can they protect you? A monk can run away, but a monk can't run away from the temple..." Liu Houming's gaze was as sharp as an eagle's, sweeping across Yang Fushou's face, the bayonet in his hand was still playing.

"Sir...sir, I was wrong, I will definitely change...I will definitely change..." Yang Fushou's legs were already trembling, and a warmth surged from his crotch!
He even peed!
"Don't be afraid, as long as you cooperate, we will still spare your life. Remember, we are the best in the national army, Zhang Tianhai's 'No. [-] regiment in the world', the first regiment of the national army's ninth theater guard! "Liu Houming smiled softly, the fire in the distance illuminated his cold face, like a god of killing!
The first regiment of guards in the ninth war zone is his belief, and Zhang Tianhai is the god in Liu Houming's heart!


PS: Updates are coming!It's rare to have some free time tonight, so I don't have to work overtime until the early hours of the morning.Sorry, fellow readers!
(End of this chapter)

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