War of Resistance

Chapter 1344 Prelude to the Great War

Chapter 1344 Prelude to the Great War ([-])
It's not that Zhang Tianhai is cult of personality, but that the First Guard Regiment of the Ninth Theater is too powerful, so some people in the First Guard Regiment are very obsessed with the First Guard of the Ninth Theater.

Therefore, when Liu Houming uttered these words, it was undoubtedly with strong confidence, because behind him was the entire Ninth War Zone security force to support him!
The No.30 Third Division of the Japanese Army?In Liu Houming's view, if the guards in the war zone join the battle and fight with these little devils, the little devils may not be their opponents!
This is not to say that the security force of the Ninth War Zone of the National Army is strong enough to withstand the attack of a reorganized division of the Japanese Army, but because Zhang Tianhai is the commander-in-chief!
As long as Zhang Tianhai is still the commander-in-chief of the security forces in the theater, the entire security force in the ninth theater will be invincible like a towering giant. They believe that when Zhang Tianhai commands a regiment, he can defeat a regiment of the Japanese army. Now that they can directly defeat an elite brigade of the Japanese army in terms of military strength, they will continue to create a series of military miracles in the coming time.

After annihilating the defending Japanese army, the officers and soldiers of the secret service company quickly entered the warehouse to carry military supplies. It didn't take long for them to "make a small fortune".


As for the annihilation of an arms transfer station in the rear, as soon as it happened, it immediately alarmed Amakasu Shigetaro, the division commander of the No.30 Third Division of the Japanese Army.

Sitting in the office and listening to the sudden news, Amakasu Shigetaro's face was very gloomy—since the opponent was able to annihilate one of their squadrons in such a short period of time, it proved that the opponent was a well-trained and powerful combat force. team.

"From the beginning to the end of the battle, the time did not exceed 10 minutes. The corpses of the invincible army were left on the scene. According to the number of bullet casings left at the scene, the staff determined that the enemy army was the elite of the Central Army of the Chinese Army." The combat staff just said Those words shocked Amakasu Shigetaro until now.

"Has the staff made more detailed research and judgments? For example, the number of enemy troops and the specific death conditions of our officers and soldiers." Amakasu Shigetaro raised his head, looked at the combat staff in front of him and asked, for him He said that if he didn't find out the specific situation, he might not even be able to sleep at night.

As the saying goes, how can you allow others to sleep on the side of the couch?
The combat staff officer of the Japanese army stood at attention and lowered his head, saying: "Hay! Report to the commander of the division. According to the analysis of the casualties of the officers and soldiers killed at the scene, the staff department has encountered a strange army that has never been seen before! The specific report is still being sorted out. among!"

"The situation of the death in battle? Tell me about it." Amakasu Shigetaro frowned slightly. For him, all the details can be used as clues.

"Reporting to your Excellency, the commander of the division, nearly half of the officers and soldiers of the defending squadron were killed by the enemy's cold weapons. The shell casings of the Czech-style light machine gun, a small amount of [-] rifle bullets, and traces of grenades were also found. Combining all the clues, the staff department analyzed and concluded that we have encountered a strange army that has never been seen before! The report is over! "The combat staff officer replied respectfully.

"Indeed, we met a very strange army." Up to now, Amakasu Shigetaro has to admit this reality, "Their tactics are very likely to be learned from German special operations...but it's strange , with China's military level, is there really anyone who can play with the constant tactics? Can their weapons and equipment and combat consumption be able to withstand such a game?"

Many questions came to Amakasu Shigetaro's mind, but no one can answer this question now. Their enemy turned out to be an army with perfect combination of cold weapons and hot weapons. For this kind of enemy, what should he do? How to continue to search?

"Have we fought with this unit before?" Amakasu Shigetaro asked a very important question.

"According to reason, we have not engaged in combat, but according to the search results of the [-]th Regiment, we preliminarily determined that Lieutenant Jiro Tsukamoto died at the hands of this unit." The combat staff also didn't want to Say this sentence, but it is true and you have to say it, or you will have to find trouble with him later.

Amakasu Shigetaro became nervous all of a sudden because of his brother-in-law's matter. He said, "Was Tsukamoto's squadron also annihilated by the same method?"

"Yes, Your Excellency, Division Commander. The team led by Squadron Commander Tsukamoto was killed similarly to the officers and soldiers at the arsenal transfer station, but most of them died from cold weapons. At that time, it was not ruled out that we encountered We found a team of bandits who are very good at playing cold weapons. But after the attack on the arsenal, we are sure that we have encountered a well-trained army. We suspect that this army is the elite of the Central Army of the Chinese Army , Sichuan Army Yang Sen's troops, it is impossible to have such a powerful combat force. Their size should be a battalion-level combat force." The combat staff analyzed.

Being targeted by such a small unit, Lieutenant General Amakasu Shigetaro felt as if he was on his back. He thought that he must start to solve this problem, so he pondered for a while and said: "About this established enemy force , We must start to solve it, otherwise it will greatly affect our army's logistics supplies, especially when our army is going to the front line to fight, your staff must form a feasible combat plan within two hours, and the large troops The combat mobilization will be completed by six o'clock tomorrow morning."

The Japanese combat staff officer immediately saluted and said, "Hay!! Guaranteed to complete the mission!!"

Looking at the back of the combat staff officer leaving, Amakasu Shigetaro's old face darkened again - Tsukamoto Jiro is not only his brother-in-law, but also his "very smart" successor, but Tsukamoto Jiro is still young, so greedy After playing for a while, Tsukamoto Jiro is now dead, and he must avenge this great revenge!

It has to be said that the staff of the No.30 Third Division was extremely efficient. The originally required two hours to complete a feasible combat plan were completed in just four to ten minutes.

It was no longer a small combat staff officer who came to report on his work this time, but the chief of staff came in person.

Chief of Staff Sonoda Teruma strode up to Division Chief Shigetaro Amakasu, and reported loudly, "Report to Your Excellency, Division Chief. The Staff Department has completed the combat plan. Please review it!"

After speaking, Sonoda Huizheng handed over a document.


PS: Updates are coming!

(End of this chapter)

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