War of Resistance

Chapter 153 Directly affiliated to the theater?

Chapter 153 Directly affiliated to the theater?
Gu Zhutong frowned slightly, and said, "There are only 400 people left? It seems that your division's loss is not small. This time the Military Commission transferred your division back to Nanjing, and it is very likely that your division is required to guard Nanjing. "

"It should be more than our teachers. In addition to our teachers, there should be Shen Fazao's 87th Division and Sun Yuanliang's 88th Division." Song Xilian said.

Gu Zhutong nodded and continued: "Shen Fazao's 87th Division has assembled in Nanjing, and the 88th Division has been defeated. Now, Master Sun Yuanliang has led the remnant troops on their way to Nanjing."

"Sun Yuanliang's 88th Division was defeated by the enemy? This guy is really an idiot. It would be a waste for the 88th Division to be placed in the hands of such people." Song Xilian said disdainfully. For Sun Yuanliang, he looked down on him from the bottom of his heart—this The guy is greedy for money and lust, but he can still become a teacher, he is really blind.

As for Sun Yuanliang's nickname of "Flying General", Song Xilian really didn't care about it. Wasn't Song Xilian also called "General Eagle and Dog"?At their level, what kind of title is just a title, the key is character and whether they are all the way.

After the "August [-]th" incident, Sun Yuanliang raped a Shanghai female student representative in the division headquarters when he was in contact with the masses for condolences. It is not a secret in the circle of the National Guard. Bad deeds such as making war fortunes have long been despised by other division commanders who were born in the National Guard, Song Xilian despised them, Wang Jingjiu, Shen Fazao and others also despised their deeds.

It can be said that the "parachutist" is a unique and wonderful landscape from the National Guard system.

(Note: Sun Yuanliang raped a female student in the division when he was in contact with the masses for condolences. This incident did happen, and it was not fabricated by the author. This incident occurred in early October 1937. Later, he was the director of the 88th Division's Ordnance Department and the director of the Nanjing Communication Department at that time. Ge Tian recalled: "(1937) when I arrived in Shanghai in the first ten days of October, I happened to meet a Shanghai student representative at the 10th Division of the Sixing Warehouse. The girl played alone in the division for a while and tried to rape. After Feng Shengfa, the deputy commander of the division, found out about this situation, he went to the division to persuade him, but it was ineffective. At this time, I went to the division, and Feng asked me to go to persuade him again. I did what Feng said to Sun After persuasion, he actually said: "Heroes are always associated with beauties. Heroes have always liked beauties since ancient times. Especially we have made meritorious service in Shanghai. It's nothing to do such a small thing.")
Hearing the deep disdain in Song Xilian's words, Gu Zhutong probably knew what was going on, so he hurriedly made peace and said: "Okay, Yin Guo, now that the country is facing a crisis, don't say these things that hurt people." My comrades-in-arms and colleagues have expressed their feelings. Take your troops to Nanjing quickly, I have arranged the vehicles."

"Yes, sir!" Song Xilian replied, turned around and took the troops to the direction of the railway bureau, the car was nearby.

Due to the large number of retreating soldiers along the way, coupled with the raging bombing of Japanese planes above, the march was once very slow.

When Zhang Tianhai and others arrived in Nanjing with the main force, it was already 22:[-] am on November [-]. Song Xilian, the commander in chief, directly ordered the troops to station in a private house in Nanjing, and then went to meet Chiang Kai-shek in the afternoon.

As the war was approaching, seven or eight of the millions of people in Nanjing had lost seven or eight of them, leaving a large number of empty houses, so that the officers and soldiers of the 36th Division finally had a good place to sleep after eating and sleeping in the wind and rain. The bad thing is that they have to face the bombing of the Japanese army, but for the officers and soldiers of the 36th Division who retreated from Shanghai, this is a small problem and they are used to it.

Song Xilian met Chiang Kai-shek at four o'clock in the afternoon. Chiang Kai-shek lived in a small bungalow in Sifang City outside Zhongshan Gate in order to avoid the bombing of Japanese aircraft.

The surroundings of the small bungalows look good, and the houses that have been blown down are relatively limited. After all, this is not the main city area. There are many guards at the gate, and the distribution is very regular. Won't there be one or two traitors?
Song Xilian met Chiang Kai-shek in a small bungalow. Although the lights were slightly dim, Song Xilian could tell that Chiang Kai-shek's face was haggard and pale, but he was very nervous.

"Yin Guo, you are back, what is the current strength of your 36th Division?" This was the first sentence Chiang Kai-shek asked after seeing Song Xilian.

"Reporting to the principal, there are only 36 people left in our 36th Division, and the troops have suffered heavy losses. But basically, we can guarantee that everyone has a gun and can still form combat effectiveness. Students can guarantee that as long as they go to the battlefield, our [-]th Division will not be defeated It will be inferior to any army!" Song Xilian stood at attention and saluted, with a very serious expression on his face. He fought in Shanghai for three full months and showed his confidence!

"Very good. With this guarantee from you, Song Yinguo, I, Jiang, feel more at ease. By the way, how is the situation along the way?" Chiang Kai-shek nodded and asked again.

"Excuse me, I'm very pessimistic. The Japanese army drove straight in. Our army lacked effective resistance, and our army was defeated like a mountain..." After speaking, Song Xilian sighed for a long time, his face full of worry.

Sure enough, after hearing Song Xilian's words, Chiang Kai-shek's brows that had just eased a little bit were frowned again, and he said: "This time you are transferred back to participate in the task of guarding Nanjing, and it will be assigned to Commander Tang (Tang Shengzhi) Command. Minister He (He Yingqin) is still in Nanjing, and if you need additional soldiers, weapons, etc., you can report to Minister He immediately!"

"Yes, principal!" Song Xilian stood at attention and saluted, then turned and left immediately.

Just as Song Xilian was about to go out, Chiang Kai-shek called to Song Xilian: "Yin Guo, is the Battalion Commander Zhang who your master won the battle in Shanghai last time still alive?"

Song Xilian returned to Chiang Kai-shek and said, "Principal, you are talking about Zhang Tianhai, right? He is also a graduate of our Whampoa, but a student of the seventh batch."

Chiang Kai-shek nodded, and then said: "Yes, this is Zhang Tianhai. He really is a hero. The battle he fought last time was very beautiful, and it can be listed as a typical example of a lesson plan. Now the war zone commander's department has decided to set up The first regiment directly under the third war zone, I thought about it, this Zhang Tianhai of your division can be put in the position of the commander of the first regiment for some experience. When the first regiment directly under the war zone is not completely independent, it will belong to you temporarily Headquarters commander, directly under the backbone of the regiment, let’s draw from your 36th division! On this point, you must do your best to support.”

Hearing this sentence, Song Xilian felt a little surprised, but he still chose to obey Jiang's order unconditionally: "Yes, principal. The students will thank the principal for his cultivation on Zhang Tianhai's behalf. The students will definitely not let the principal down when they are directly under the formation of the regiment. expect!"


PS: Another day.

(End of this chapter)

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