War of Resistance

Chapter 154 Captain?

Chapter 154 Captain?

When Song Xilian walked out of Chiang Kai-shek's temporary headquarters, it was almost dusk, and the round sunset slowly set like a disc, which was dyed red. The Japanese bombers in the blue sky looked very much like those buzzing planes. Like a fly that screams but refuses to leave, it is extremely annoying.

Song Xilian walked quickly to the third archway, because He Yingqin's military and political department was located in the third archway.

On the way forward, Song Xilian's mind did not stop running fast. The first regiment directly under the theater was set up by President Jiang himself, and it was temporarily under his command. This calculation must be done well. He separated from the 36th Division.

As for the transfer of Zhang Tianhai, Song Xilian saw it very clearly: This is an order from the superior, and it must be carried out. If a battalion commander is transferred, wouldn't it be enough to replace him with another?

Thinking about it, Song Xilian ordered Song Jieyi, a very strong security staff officer beside him, and said, "Jieyi, you go to the Central Military Academy, bring that boy Ouyang Wu back to me, and go directly to Captain Zhong Bin, and then Then go to Ouyang Wu and tell Ouyang Wu that this is an order for Lao Tzu to come back as a battalion commander."

"Yes, teacher seat." Song Jieyi responded. Although he is Song Xilian's cousin, there are always rules in the army.


When Song Xilian arrived at the military and political department in Sanpailou, he found that most of the personnel in the military and political department had moved to Wuhan, and only a few personnel stayed in Nanjing with He Yingqin.

"Song Xilian, the commander of the humble 36th Division, has met Chief He!" After entering the door, Song Xilian paid a military salute.

After seeing Song Xilian, He Yingqin just nodded slightly and said, "Mr. Song, you are here."

"I came here this time, and I came to find Chief He to make up for it at the order of the chairman." Time was running out, and Song Xilian didn't care about reminiscing about the past, and directly explained the purpose of coming.

Upon hearing this, He Yingqin shook his head and sighed: "Since the Meiji Restoration, after 50 years of hard work, Japan has developed into the world's top power with a modern army, navy and air force. However, our country does not have its own industry, machine guns and cannons. It has to be bought from foreign countries, the country is not unified, and the people have never organized training, how can they engage in such a large-scale war?"

After saying this, before Song Xilian could speak, He Yingqin went on to say: "Since the August 30th Incident, the casualties and losses of our army have been huge. So far, there are no less than [-] people. The military and political department is also very difficult now. , Whether it is the replenishment of soldiers or supplies, it is extremely difficult, and everyone understands the difficulties of our country."

"But the principal's order is difficult to disobey, and the students really have nothing to do about it. Now, in addition to my 36th division's need for soldiers and supplies, the principal also has to separate a third theater from our division to directly belong to the first regiment. What we are facing now There are many difficulties, and the students are helpless, please ask the chief instructor to help!" Song Xilian said with a look of embarrassment, after all, there are only so few people left, and the backbone must be drawn out to establish the first regiment directly under it. Teachers are going to run out of people soon...

That's right, He Yingqin was the chief instructor of the Whampoa Military Academy. Strictly speaking, he can also be regarded as Song Xilian's teacher.

Seeing Song Xilian's appearance, He Yingqin thought for a while, gritted his teeth and said, "Well, let me transfer the two supplementary regiments stationed in Wuhu to you! You send someone to receive them immediately, what do these two supplementary regiments say?" There are more than 300 people in total, so let’s add it first, and I will pick up some light and heavy machine guns, rifles, communication equipment, and engineering equipment for you. As for the directly affiliated regiment, you will directly distribute it from your old army. Two or [-] people will come out as a pretense for the directly affiliated regiment. As for the soldiers, let the regiment leader figure out a way. Within three days, I will see a fully staffed directly affiliated regiment. If there is no way, then there will be no It is necessary to set up a direct regiment, as long as it is full, guns, ammunition and clothing can be distributed immediately!"

"Yes." Song Xilian replied, "Then what standards are used to implement the organization of the regiment directly under it?"

Song Xilian had heard He Yingqin's implication. The latter was not in favor of re-establishing the army at this time. After all, it is still very difficult to replenish the army, let alone re-establish a regiment. Where are you from?Thinking about it is a big head, it is very rare for the Military and Political Department to give the 36th Division two supplementary regiments.But this order was issued by Chiang Kai-shek himself, and He Yingqin could not refuse, so he could only give such an order.

He Yingqin thought for a while and said: "Since this regiment is directly under the third theater, we should count it as a strengthened regiment in terms of establishment, and assign him to the four battalions. The rank of the regiment commander should be counted according to the usual rank, and the rank of colonel .By the way, who is the leader of this regiment?"

"It's Zhang Tianhai from the seventh phase of Whampoa, the deputy head and first battalion commander of the 36th Regiment of the [-]th Division of the students." Song Xilian said truthfully.

He Yingqin nodded and said, "Okay, let him come to the Military and Political Department directly after we go back. I want to meet this young man."

"Yes!" Song Xilian saluted, and he didn't want to ask Minister He why he personally met such a small head of the regiment, and he was also the head of the newly established regiment directly under him. Surprise is nothing but surprise, the order still has to be carried out. After all, this is an order from a superior, and soldiers take obedience to orders as their bounden duty.


After returning to the army, Song Xilian immediately sent someone to Wuhu to receive the two supplementary regiments, and then directly sent Zhang Tianhai to the division headquarters to meet him.

To be honest, Zhang Tianhai was a little dazed. This master met him immediately after he went to see the chief. According to his experience in the past two lifetimes, this was a big event.

Before he came to the division headquarters, Zhang Tianhai had already taken a shower and changed into a clean officer uniform. He had also shaved his stubble beard and even his hair. He looked very energetic. He entered the office three months ago The young, tall and handsome officer in front of the Songhu battlefield, but his rank is no longer a lieutenant, but a lieutenant colonel, and his whole person has been blackened twice.

"Zhang Tianhai, deputy head of the Lieutenant Colonel of the [-]th Regiment, is ordered to report!" After entering the division headquarters, he saw Song Xilian, and Zhang Tianhai immediately stood at attention and saluted.

Seeing that Zhang Tianhai was still looking very energetic, Song Xilian nodded incredulously, and said, "Very good, very energetic, and looks a bit like a regiment leader. I've called you here this time to announce an appointment order. .First of all, congratulations, Zhang Yulin."

congratulate?And it's still an order?It looks like I'm going to be promoted... But wait... In just three months, I was promoted from a deputy company commander to a deputy regimental commander, and now I'm going to be promoted again?Could it be the leader?
Zhang Tianhai was really confused. He understood the words of the division seat, but it seemed that few of the military officers of the 36th division wanted to be transferred. Could it be that this was a major personnel transfer before the Nanjing Defense War?He has indeed made a lot of military exploits in the past few months, but even if he has made so many military exploits, the speed of his promotion is indeed a bit appalling, right?For three and a half months, the deputy company commander should be the head of the regiment?Isn't this an anecdote?

PS: Another update at 10:25, hehehe.

(End of this chapter)

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