Chapter 155
Dumbfounded, but Zhang Tianhai didn't show it, he forced himself to be calm and said: "What order is it, please let me know clearly!"

"Very good, what I want is your attitude of neither arrogance nor impetuosity. No matter where you go in the future, you must keep in mind the Whampoa spirit, dedicate yourself to the party and country, and fight for the nation." Under the light, Song Xilian's face was very serious.

"Yes! I will never forget the instructions of my teacher in a humble position!" Zhang Tianhai respected Song Xilian as a teacher from the bottom of his heart. He admired Song Xilian's usual style of conduct and his determination to resist Japan - because this is a As a real soldier, you need to know that in addition to Song Xilian in Song Xilian's family who participated in the Anti-Japanese War, he later persuaded eight relatives around him to participate in this anti-Japanese and national salvation war. Among these eight people, there is his Cousins, his brother, and his two brothers-in-law!
"Very good. Just remember, and I will convey the order from the Commander's Department of the Third War Zone." Song Xilian stood up from the office chair, straightened his face and said: "The Commander's Department of the War Zone decided to establish the First Regiment directly under the Third War Zone. This regiment The post of colonel commander is up to you. The establishment is a reinforced regiment with four battalions in one regiment! I hope you can live up to the cultivation of the party-state and work hard to fight against Japan!"

"Yes!" Zhang Tianhai stood at attention and saluted with a very serious expression. The dim light shone on his handsome face, and this moment seemed to be full of sacredness.Reaching the position of regimental commander meant that he finally had the power to command a battle independently.

A reinforced regiment, according to the establishment of the national army, a German-style full-staffed battalion has more than 600 people, and four battalions have more than 400 people. In addition to the regiment headquarters and supply troops, etc., it may be nearly [-] people. This is Zhang Tianhai's biggest official promotion since he became a man.

Just when Zhang Tianhai was immersed in the dream of being promoted and couldn't extricate himself, Song Xilian poured a big basin of cold water: "But, don't be too happy too early, the Military and Political Department didn't give any soldiers to your first regiment, And you have to recruit a fully reinforced regiment within three days, if you can’t recruit the regiment within three days, you will not be the commander of the regiment. Wait until the recruitment is full, and the military and political department will equip you with guns.”

What the hell?Give the number but not others?Isn't this a scam?Zhang Tianhai was dumbfounded. He was the only one who would recruit nearly 3000 people within three days?
Seeing Zhang Tianhai's expression, Song Xilian also knew what this guy was thinking, and he probably had all kinds of scolding in his heart, he smiled slightly and said: "Yu Lin, you have to figure out what to do with the soldiers, but the foundation of the army It’s not completely lacking in aspect, just pull all the troops of your current first battalion into the Zhiyi Regiment, as the old foundation of your regiment.”

After hearing this, Zhang Tianhai finally heaved a sigh of relief. At least he has this air, so it's okay to say that if he is alone, even if he does it without eating or drinking, he can't change in three days. Three thousand people came out.

"Well, Master, can I ask you for someone else?" Zhang Tianhai said rather embarrassedly.

"Okay, you can choose any officer below the lieutenant colonel." Song Xilian said bluntly. He said this with skill. The lieutenant colonel and the officers above the lieutenant colonel are the backbone of the division. Yes, but only give it to a lieutenant or something, it seems a bit petty and not interesting, so Zhang Tianhai was given a choice range, major, captain, lieutenant, or even a second lieutenant, anyone in this range he wanted. Yes.

"A humble job requires Guo Qiliang, the captain of the [-]th Regiment, the combat staff officer." Zhang Tianhai is not the kind of person who speaks loudly, and he insists on poaching Fang Ren. His chief of staff is just fine.

"Yes. But your Zhiyituan must put on a show, otherwise don't say you are a person who came out of the 36th division." Song Xilian is not the kind of person who drags his feet. He explained the task directly.

"Yes, the humble job will definitely live up to the expectations of the master." Zhang Tianhai reassured.

"By the way, now you go to the Military and Political Department on the other side of Sanpailou. Minister He wants to meet you in person." After talking about the business, Song Xilian remembered what He Yingqin had told him.

"Understood, I will pass now." Zhang Tianhai stood at attention and saluted, and then strode out of the division headquarters.

When I walked out of the division headquarters, it was already [-]:[-]. Since it was a time of war, the street lights that should have been turned on at ordinary times turned on and off, and the surrounding area was already pitch black.

Zhang Tianhai waved his hand, signaling to his driver Liu Houming who was waiting outside, and motioned for him to bring the car over.

Yes, that's right, just drive the car over.

As the base camp of the National Guard, Nanjing was transferred to Xi'an in a hurry before, and Xi'an is a long way away, and taking the train is undoubtedly the fastest, so most of the possessions of the 36th Division except for the necessary things such as guns and ammunition were kept. In Nanjing, including cars.

So after returning to Nanjing, Song Xilian took the 400 surplus troops to the station and brought back the cars and other things.

In addition to the antique Nanjing in the night, there are also stars in the sky in the night sky, which are so beautiful that there is a special beauty in front of you.

Zhang Tianhai sat on the co-pilot of the car, letting the off-road vehicle sway left and right, his eyes were staring at the moon in the sky, this was the fifth time he felt that what happened here was just a dream .

But when Zhang Tianhai pinched his cheek fiercely, it felt so real and so painful.

Nanjing is very big. Because the Japanese bombers do not take off at night, the road is relatively smooth. The Sanpailou where the Military and Political Department is located is not far from the 36th Division's station. It takes about [-] minutes to drive there.

After getting out of the car, Zhang Tianhai straightened his clothes. This fairly brand-new military uniform was neatly organized.To be honest, he was also a little nervous. After all, this was the first time he met He Yingqin, the veritable No. [-] chair of the Whampoa Department.

Zhang Tianhai took a deep breath, and strode into the temporary office building of the Military and Political Department.

This is a typical old brick building in the south of the Yangtze River, full of the graceful atmosphere of the water town in the south of the Yangtze River. Although the building is only two floors high, the usable area is not small. The area of ​​the bare house is at least two to three hundred square meters.

As soon as he entered the door, Zhang Tianhai was stopped by two guards at the door: "I'm sorry, sir, please stay and show your ID!"

Zhang Tianhai took out the military officer's card with the blue sky and white sun emblem from his chest pocket, opened it and handed it to the guard: "I am Zhang Tianhai, the new head of the first regiment directly under the third war zone, the former Army No. The lieutenant colonel and deputy head of the 30th Regiment of the [-]th Brigade of the [-]th Sixth Division. He is now reporting for duty under the order of Minister He."

The guard carefully looked at the certificate for a while, and only after confirming that it was written as the deputy head of the 36th Regiment of the [-]th Division did he let him go.


PS: another update day.Well, the update time is a bit strange, everyone updates at night, only I update in the morning.

(End of this chapter)

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