War of Resistance

Chapter 156 First Arrival at the Military and Political Department

Chapter 156 First Arrival at the Military and Political Department

The darkness outside the house was different, but the temporary office building of the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs was brightly lit. There was no way. As an important functional department in wartime, this place was no different than other places, and had to work all night.

After walking into the gate of the Military and Political Department, Zhang Tianhai looked around carefully like a country bumpkin who had never seen the world, and saw that the furniture in the mansion was antique and elegant, and looked low-key and luxurious under the illumination of Western-style electric lights. Basically, they are all made of precious wood. From the layout of the hall, it can be seen that the previous owner enjoyed it very much. It was only because of the war that they chose to stay away from Nanjing.Perhaps it is precisely because the environment here is very good that the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs chose to use this place as a temporary office.

There is no way, the office location of the military and political department where he worked before has long been known by the spies of the Japanese army. Needless to say, it must be a key bombing target.

While Zhang Tianhai was still carefully looking at the surrounding environment, a familiar yet unfamiliar figure came into view.

Yes, they are familiar and unfamiliar people.Familiar because this person is reporter Zheng Manzheng; but unfamiliar because Zheng Man is wearing a military uniform, and it is an officer uniform. The two bars and two stars hanging on the collar prove that she is a lieutenant colonel officer, not of the same rank. Low.

A goblin is still a goblin, the face that is disastrous to the country and the people is still charming and charming, and the long legs are still the same pair of long legs, but the temperament is very different. Zhang Tianhai can't describe this feeling. If he had to make a metaphor, then It's just that there is a lot of righteousness and awe in the charming, but also a little masculine, it is such a contradictory temperament, but it looks very harmonious on her body.

She is very beautiful, but she clearly wears some thorns. This kind of thorns gives people a very dangerous feeling, and it is the kind that may be pricked with blood on her hands if she is not careful.

Compared with Shen Wei, that is simply an extreme, one is charming but dangerous, while the other is pure and simple.But they all have one thing in common, that is, they are outstandingly beautiful, which left a deep impression on Zhang Tianhai's heart.

Yes, that's right, one is the royal sister type, and the other is the pure school flower type.

Seeing Zheng Man in this place suddenly, Zhang Tianhai was a little surprised. He had also guessed that Zheng Man's background was not simple, the military background should be very strong, but when he really showed it, he couldn't help showing it. After all, he is just a mortal, and even more so, a man.

Before Zhang Tianhai could speak, Zheng Man took the initiative to take care of him: "Hello, Zhang Yulin."

Compared with Zheng Man's naturalness and generosity, Zhang Tianhai seemed a little cramped. He forced himself to nod his head calmly, and said, "Yes, what a coincidence. Why did you come to the Military and Political Department, and you're still wearing this suit?"

Zhang Tianhai is like this, he speaks straight to the point. If we use the words of girls in the 21st century to describe him, that is, this guy is a straight man of steel.

Well, of course, steel is not steel, straight is not straight, it depends on the person and the appearance - the one with high appearance is cute, straightforward, or cold; the one with lower appearance is straight steel .

Cough cough cough, digressing.The book returns to its original story.

Zheng Man smiled lightly and said: "Of course I am here to work. As for the specific situation, let's talk about it after you finish your business. I will wait for you in a while. But you, the promotion is quite fast." , From the time I met you, how long did it take to be promoted to deputy head? It is said that you have made great achievements in the front line, and even the chairman praised you. Congratulations, deputy head Zhang. "

Seeing that Zheng Goblin was full of coquettishness in every frown and smile, Zhang Tianhai almost couldn't control himself. He swallowed lightly, and then forced himself to be serious: "Well, okay, Miss Zheng. I won't see you in a while. Not scattered."

Watching Zheng Man leave, Zhang Tianhai took a deep breath, and after suppressing the evil fire, he strode up to the minister's office on the second floor of the Military and Political Department.

There are a lot of rooms on the second floor, maybe it was specially built because the former owner of this courtyard had many wives and concubines or children.At this time, these rooms and bedrooms have been converted into offices of various functional departments of the Military and Political Department, even He Yingqin's office is no exception.

Walking to the door of the minister's office, Zhang Tianhai stood at attention and saluted: "Report sir, Zhang Tianhai, the former deputy head of the 36th Regiment of the [-]th Division, has been ordered to report here!"

"Come in!" He Yingqin was full of spirit, even after working overtime for days.

After Zhang Tianhai walked into He Yingqin's office, He Yingqin put down the pen he was writing in, stood up from behind the desk, and carefully looked at this young man who was a small deputy company commander three months ago.

He Yingqin is from Xingyi, Guizhou, and he is not tall. At least compared to Zhang Tianhai, who is 1.8 meters tall, he is really not tall. His eyes are very sharp. After staring at Zhang Tianhai for a while , he finally spoke: "Very good, Captain Zhang is indeed an excellent talent from the seventh phase of Whampoa, very good, no wonder he was able to lead the troops to destroy the Japanese artillery position in one fell swoop, and also destroy the Japanese regiment by the way Command, capture their regimental flag."

Don't look at Zhang Tianhai as tall and mighty, but he is still very self-aware. To put it harshly, he is nothing in front of this big man of the national army, at best he can be regarded as an excellent officer.

So Zhang Tianhai stood at attention again and saluted, and said loudly: "It all depends on the cultivation of the party-state. Without the cultivation of the party-state, I, Zhang Yulin, would not be where I am today!"

He Yingqin nodded imperceptibly, and then said: "Very good, you are indeed a student of my Whampoa Military Academy. You are not discouraged in defeat, and not arrogant in victory. These are the qualities that a good commander must have. I believe that you will be the direct commander. Commander Song Xilian has conveyed the order of the commander of the first regiment to you on my behalf, right?"

"Report sir, Commander Song has conveyed your order to me." Zhang Tianhai reported truthfully.

"Well, I only gave you the number and equipment, but not the cadres and soldiers. I believe you know about this. I believe you will feel a little uncomfortable more or less. But I can tell you clearly, Songhu The battlefield has almost wiped out the supplementary troops in the Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas. Even your old 36th Division, I can only supplement them with two supplementary regiments, so in terms of soldiers, I need you to find another way. You understand me Do you mean it?" He Yingqin's piercing eyes had been staring at Zhang Tianhai's face, and no movement could escape his eyes.

"Reporting sir, I understand what you mean, sir. Now that the country is facing a crisis, all troops have suffered serious casualties and downsizing. I understand that as a soldier, I should also share the country's worries. It is no problem for the humble officer to recruit soldiers by himself. Three days to recruit There is no problem with full staff and the formation of combat power within half a month, but I only want a promise from Minister He." Zhang Tianhai said without changing his face, he understands that crying children have milk to drink, and Nanjing will definitely not keep it Stop it, equipment and other aspects must not be soft, the guy in the hand is strong, the waist can be tough.

"Oh? What conditions, you just say it's okay, as long as the conditions do not violate the principle, you can raise them." He Yingqin looked at this young man who directly raised the conditions when he met Chief He for the first time with great interest. I don't know if he is upright, or an ignorant person is fearless?

PS: Another update is completed, let's update it stably for a month first, and then resume double updates later!

(End of this chapter)

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