War of Resistance

Chapter 157 The life-saving charm?

Chapter 157 The life-saving charm?
"The promise of the humble official is very simple. First, the equipment and ammunition will be distributed in full and on time. You can't let the brothers go to the battlefield with fire sticks? Second, the humble official will complete the task on the basis of not violating the general principles, but must To recruit nearly [-] officers and soldiers in just three days, the conventional method will definitely not work. I only ask that Mr. He will not be shot if Mr. He makes a mistake. It is not too much to ask Mr. He to agree to these two requests. , I will definitely be able to complete the task assigned by the officer within three days. If the task cannot be completed, the officer can directly send the officer to a military court for punishment!" Zhang Tianhai did not hesitate, and directly stated his conditions, and he was confident In a full state, this is the best time to ask for conditions. If you don't mention it, there will be no shop after passing this village.

Well, that's right, give a bike a try and turn it into a motorcycle.

He Yingqin thought about it, and after thinking about it, he agreed to Zhang Tianhai's request. It was based on two considerations: first, out of the consideration of personnel training, if Zhang Tianhai could complete the task as he promised, it would prove Zhang Tianhai is indeed a talent, and it would not be a waste to build a relatively well-equipped unit for him to command; second, it is also out of consideration for the overall situation of the battlefield. The troops are also in a state of lack of personnel. It is the time when soldiers are needed. It is a good choice to get back a reinforced regiment. Anyway, it is temporarily under the command of Song Xilian. It is also a good choice to temporarily strengthen the 36th Division, which has suffered heavy casualties.

"Okay, I agree to your request. But I, Mr. He, said something ugly before. If you can't even complete this task, then don't be the head of the regiment." He Yingqin's expression was very serious, without a trace There's a hint of joking involved.

"Yes, I promise to complete the task!" Zhang Tianhai stood at attention and saluted.

"Well, I hope you can live up to the expectations of the party and the country. Go, now go to the temporary office of the Civil Service Hall on the first floor to get another set of military uniforms, and get your colonel's collar badge." He Yingqin handed Zhang Tianhai a copy and put it in a folder letter of appointment, and then with a big wave of his hand, it can be regarded as an order to expel the guest.

"Yes!" Zhang Tianhai stood at attention and saluted, then turned and left.

When he walked out of Chief He's office, Zhang Tianhai's back was already wet. Even after he was appointed as regiment commander, he was only a small colonel. He's so bold, even he himself thinks so.

Thinking of how to recruit soldiers, Zhang Tianhai had already thought about how to recruit soldiers before coming to the Military and Political Department. The reason why he wanted to raise some conditions with Minister He was because he needed a life-saving talisman. At that time, the problem of recruiting troops can only be solved in a special period.

After taking a deep breath, Zhang Tianhai took his letter of commission to get his military uniform and collar badge. He understood what Minister He meant by asking him to get a set of military uniform again, which means that this regiment is highly valued by the war zone commander's department Although a regiment is newly formed now, you have to make a new look.

New clothes, new look.Indeed, the meaning is profound.

After receiving a new military uniform and a new collar badge, the staff of the Temporary Office of the Civil Service Department also gave him a new military officer's card. When he opened this brand new military officer's card, the troop number read "The Third War Zone is directly under the First Regiment." ", and the column of the position is impressively written in traditional characters with the word "Regimental Commander", and the column of the military rank is "Colonel".

Holding this brand new military officer certificate, at this moment, apart from the joy of being promoted, more words of responsibility flooded into Zhang Tianhai's heart. From this moment on, he was no longer the one who only shouldered the lives of more than 3000 officers and soldiers. The major battalion commander, he is now the leader of a reinforced regiment, the colonel leader who holds the lives of nearly [-] brothers!
After walking out of the Civil Service Office, Zhang Tianhai took off the old collar badge, hung the new collar badge on his collar, and then strode towards the entrance of the military and political department. After all, it seemed a little ungentlemanlike to make a beautiful lady wait so long... ...well, even though he's not a gentleman...

After walking out of the door, Zheng Man was already waiting beside Zhang Tianhai's car. Under the dim street lights, her military uniform looked extraordinarily heroic.

"Hello, Lieutenant Colonel Zheng, I didn't expect to see you in two months. You have changed a lot. From a charming female reporter to a heroic female officer." This time Zhang Tianhai did not When Zheng Man spoke first, he greeted him straight to the point.

"You're not bad, you've become the deputy head of the lieutenant colonel so soon..." Zheng Man said with a smile, before she finished speaking, she suddenly discovered that Zhang Tianhai's collar badge was no longer a lieutenant colonel with two bars and two stars. It's the two bars and three stars of the rank of colonel.

Before Zheng Man could exclaim in alarm, Zhang Tianhai quickly answered the question: "Let's go, let's find a place to sit and chat. Do you know where in Nanjing we can sit and chat and drink a cup of tea?"

Zheng Man also knew what Zhang Tianhai meant. This is the gate of the Military and Political Department, and it is indeed not a good place to chat and reminisce about the past, so she nodded and said, "Then let's go to Fuli Winery. There was only one bar left that hadn't closed and evacuated."

Zhang Tianhai nodded and agreed. He didn't know the roads in Nanjing, so he simply let Zheng Man sit in the passenger seat and let her show the way.

"Deputy head, don't we go back to the battalion first?" Liu Houming still didn't have the consciousness to be a leader driver, he didn't know what not to ask, so he didn't ask.

"Close your beak, don't ask what you shouldn't ask." Zhang Tianhai glared at Liu Houming, the temporary cameo driver, who immediately shut up and remained silent.

The car started and drove slowly towards the center of Nanjing. There were not too many dilapidated houses along the way, but occasionally one or two houses that had been destroyed by Japanese bombers.

Along the way, there were many soldiers and police patrolling. After all, this was a wartime situation. We had to prevent some things that shouldn’t happen, such as the traitors bribed by the Japanese army waiting for an opportunity to create chaos in the city. After all, these things happened on the Songhu battlefield. It has already happened, and this kind of thing can't happen again in Nanjing.

The headlights of the car are still relatively dim. After all, the level of automobile technology in this era is far from reaching the advanced level of modern times. The light of the headlights can only be said to be able to see the road, and even the suspension of the car is very hard.


PS: It’s another update, thanks to the starting point book friend Member Wai 509 for the 100 point reward.Still the same sentence, Xiongying will continue to work hard, hehehe.

(End of this chapter)

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