War of Resistance

Chapter 158 The 88th Division Guard Battalion?

Chapter 158 The 88th Division Guard Battalion?
Some people say that where there are people, there will be rivers and lakes, and where there are rivers and lakes, there will be business, and Nanjing is no different.

The war is approaching, and many people have fled Nanjing. After all, life is more important than money; What's the difference?
Obviously, the owner of Fuli Winery thinks so. The world is in chaos now. Many of these soldiers are about to die in battle. Most of them don’t care about the little money in their pockets before they die. , Even if the price is more expensive, it is still relaxing and spending.

Therefore, although the environment here is not very good, it can be said that it is average, but there are still many officers who are willing to come here to spend.

When Zhang Tianhai and Zheng Man first arrived here, they found that the entrance here was already full of soldiers, and they seemed to be soldiers of the German Armor Division.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Tianhai frowned slightly: "Which kind of master is this? It's this time, and he still has the leisure to bring so many soldiers here to play with great fanfare?"It seems that the troops here must have at least one company...

To be able to mobilize a company of German Armor troops as a guard force to protect him, it seems that this person's official position will not be small.But it's a guess, but Zhang Tianhai won't be so bored at this time, and cause some unnecessary troubles.

The site of Fuli Winery is a two-story independent house, a building full of Western style. It looks quite exquisite from the outside, but if it was placed before the war, it would be regarded as the city of Nanjing. It's second-rate level here.

The officers and soldiers of the German weapon division stood at the gate of the winery like guards, standing very straight, and they all had a murderous look on them.That's right, it's a murderous aura, and it's a troop that just got off the battlefield, so there's absolutely nothing wrong with that aura.

"Hey, Zhang Yulin, which army do you think those troops standing at the door belong to?" Zheng Man followed behind Zhang Tianhai and asked softly, looking a bit playful.

Zhang Tianhai shook his head with a serious expression, and said: "I don't know, it should belong to the German Armor Master, but not from our division. I have never seen these people in our division."

Indeed, facing this situation, Zhang Tianhai couldn't laugh. After all, he was a soldier who had just come down from the battlefield, the blood in his hands was still wet, and the hatred of the country and family had not been reported, yet there were still senior officers who openly brought so many troops Come for fun?Although he also came here to sit for a while, he didn't intend to get drunk and dream about death here. It was obvious that those high-ranking officers were here to have fun.The higher the position, the heavier the responsibility. Obviously, most of these people are dereliction of duty.

When passing by those guard troops, Zhang Tianhai glanced at the badge of the leading company commander, and saw that "Army No. 80 Eighth Division Guard Battalion [-]st Company" was written in traditional characters on the troop number column.

After seeing the badge, Zhang Tianhai shook his head slightly: It turned out to be the security force of the 88th Division. Except for the division commander Sun Yuanliang, which officer has the courage to come here to have fun at this time?
The lights in the Fuli Winery were brightly lit, and all the ordinary-looking hostesses in the winery were drinking red wine with the officers present. That’s right, except for the officers, there were basically no social people.After all, the rich people in this city have almost run away, and even the wealthy people at home have almost run away. Except for military officers, can other ordinary people afford it?

There are few female officers, and basically they will not appear on this occasion, that is to say, except for the hostess and the concubine they brought, the rest are male officers, so when Zheng Man, the beautiful army When Hua appeared here, he undoubtedly became the focus of the audience.

Zhang Tianhai also knew that the people who could come here were basically lieutenant colonels or above, at least middle-level cadres in the army, so he didn't intend to cause any trouble, so he and Zheng Man So I found a corner place and ordered a bottle of red wine.

I have to say that the work efficiency of the waiters is still very fast, and they brought a bottle of opened red wine and glasses in a short time.

"Miss Zheng, Yulin is really on military duty today, so it's inconvenient to drink too much. It's almost enough to order a bottle of red wine." Zhang Tianhai's eyes were very clear, and there was no trace of lying in them.

Zheng Man smiled slightly, the face that disastrous to the country and the people was full of beauty, she smiled and said: "I know, seeing that you were a lieutenant colonel before entering the Military and Political Department, and you will know when you are a colonel after you come out, first of all, I must congratulate you .”

"It's okay." Zhang Tianhai nodded and poured half a glass of red wine into Zheng Man's glass, "The Commander's Department of the theater appointed me as the head of the first regiment directly under the theater. Besides, Minister He wants to see me."

Zheng Manyu moved her finger lightly, thanked Zhang Tianhai for pouring the wine, and then said: "It seems that I really did not misunderstand the person at the beginning. I have known you for only three months, and you have been promoted from lieutenant to acting company commander to colonel. .Congratulations."

Zhang Tianhai shook his head and smiled, "I am far behind you. You were just a reporter from the Central News Agency, but you became a lieutenant colonel in the army in a blink of an eye. You are too mysterious. By the way, you What exactly are you doing now?"

Zheng Man brushed her hair subconsciously, and said: "You don't think I'm a spy, do you? I don't have the heart to be a spy. I remember I told you that I was studying in a university in Japan, yes I have a certain understanding of Japanese culture, so my father arranged for me to go to the telecommunications department, hoping to be helpful in translating telegrams. Just now you met me in the military and political department purely because I wanted to Just submit a translated message to the chief of the Military and Political Department."

To be honest, Zhang Tianhai's heart felt like it was beating faster now. After all, the movement that Goblin Zheng raised his hair just now was too seductive. Sultry, um, maybe this is the benefit of good looks.

A good-looking person is good-looking and cute even if he wrinkles a bitter face, and an ugly person, no matter how charming his movements are, it is just a mere imitation... That's right, this is the cruel reality. If you want a person not to judge others by their appearance , which is undoubtedly very difficult.

"Hey, I did have some doubts just now. I didn't expect you to see through." Zhang Tianhai was undoubtedly very embarrassed when his mental activities were exposed, but he didn't intend to hide it. After all, this is a very normal thing. It's normal to be suspicious.

"Let's not talk about that, let's just talk about you. I heard that you made a great contribution in Shanghai before. This promotion should also have something to do with that meritorious service?" Zheng Man is not the kind of person with low EQ. The scene was embarrassing and quickly changed the subject.


PS: Another day to complete the task, before entering V, please give more recommendation tickets, I hope the results will be better, hehehe.

(End of this chapter)

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