War of Resistance

Chapter 159: The Beauty and the Troubled Water?

Chapter 159: The Beauty and the Troubled Water?

The slightly dim light shone on Zhang Tianhai's slightly dark handsome face, coupled with the energetic military uniform, he looked very charming. It can be said that this kind of him is an addictive attraction for women. poison.

Young and handsome, tall and mighty, and a battle hero, not to mention that this battle hero is only 25 years old, and he has achieved an achievement that ordinary people may not be able to achieve--the 25-year-old colonel leader, and there are several in the national army. ?All of this shows that he is a treasure.

Zheng Man is also a woman, a typical oriental new-style woman. Facing such a young and outstanding officer, she has no reason not to be moved. Her eyes are fixed on Zhang Tianhai, making the latter feel hairy for a while. .

That's right, it's just that my heart is trembling, like the feeling of being targeted, like a prey stared to death by a hunter.

"Maybe. At that time, I led the first battalion to go deep into the enemy's rear to attack the Japanese artillery positions. The purpose was to delay the time for the Japanese army to take down our position on the south bank of the Suzhou River. I just didn't expect that when I came back, I could easily kill one of the Japanese troops. The headquarters of the regiment is ready." At this time, Zhang Tianhai seemed a little shy, and it wasn't because he had never been on a blind date or had never met a girl before, but mainly because the goblin's aura on the other side was too strong, which made people feel like It's too dangerous, I can't help feeling guilty...

Hmm... The last sentence above is purely a psychological activity of Comrade Zhang Tianhai's inner struggle,
"Come on, take a sip, congratulations, Zhang Yulin, now you are the head of the regiment directly under the theater, and your future prospects are boundless." Zheng Man picked up the red wine glass, her fingers were very It's slender and clean, and it's really good-looking. It's round and smooth, without any blemishes.

"Come, take a sip." Zhang Tianhai suppressed the thoughts in his heart, picked up the cup and clinked a cup with the beautiful fairy opposite.

Just taking a sip of the red wine, Zhang Tianhai, who was a special soldier, felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere around him. He saw that everyone around him looked towards them, and Zhang Tianhai knew why everyone paid attention to this place in the next second.

I saw an officer in his thirties staggering towards them. He seemed to have drunk a lot. Zhang Tianhai had sharp eyes. When he looked at the collar badge, he saw two gold stars on it—— rank of general.

The lieutenant general officer in his thirties was also quite handsome, with a height of about 1.7 meters [-]. He looked like a handsome man, but the blood red in his eyes proved that he was already drunk at this time.

Zhang Tianhai had already guessed who he was, who else would there be besides the greedy and lustful "parachutist"?
It's a blessing, not a curse, and it's a disaster that can't be avoided.Zhang Tianhai knew what Sun Yuanliang wanted to do, but he absolutely could not take the initiative to provoke troubles. He was also an officer anyway. Although he was not an officer in charge of his own army, he was also a German weapon division commander on an equal footing with Song Xilian, and he was not at the same level at all.

"Both, do you mind having a drink together?" After all, this is a public place, not his 88th division headquarters, so he was already drunk and behaved extremely restrained, but his eyes were always on Zheng Zheng. Man look.

Hey, could it be that this is the legendary beauty?It's really troublesome to bring such a beautiful girl by your side in troubled times...

"No, sir. The two of us will go back to the army after drinking this cup. I won't disturb your pleasure." Zhang Tianhai held back his anger, stood up and refused Sun Yuanliang.This is a man's responsibility. You can't let a girl on the opposite side take the initiative to refuse and offend others, right?
It wasn't until Zhang Tianhai stood up that Sun Yuanliang began to look away from Zheng Man, and then looked at the former squarely.

Sun Yuanliang took a closer look and saw that he was a colonel, and then read Zhang Tianhai's badge: "Deputy commander of the 36th Regiment of the 72th Division? Let me tell you, the Dragon King Temple was really flooded. We are all members of the National Guard." I am the commander of the dignified [-]nd Army. You are just a small deputy commander. You go back earlier and leave your female companion behind. I will not report to you, Commander Song, otherwise you will be held accountable Duty of duty."

(Note: Sun Yuanliang is the commander of the 72nd Army and the commander of the 88th Division. The 72nd Army is the same as the 78th Army, and only has one division under its jurisdiction)

"I'm afraid Mr. Sun's words are a bit exaggerated? Zhang thinks he is just a small head of the regiment, but he would never come here to have fun here when Nanjing is in danger, but the officer is drunk at this time. , please forgive me for my humble job." After finishing speaking, Zhang Tianhai said to the waiter beside him: "Come here, pay the bill."

It's all up to this point, even a man would be angry, okay?Not to mention a 24K pure man like Zhang Tianhai.

"Oh? Then you mean that you won't give me Sun Yuanliang's face today?" Sun Yuanliang said angrily. Since he became the commander of the ace division of the 88th Division, few people really dare to be rude to him, and still A little deputy head?
"Mr. Sun, a lowly position does not cause trouble, but you will never be afraid of trouble. Your 88th Division is a hero and an ace army. Is it true that all of our 36th Division are idiots and let you bully?" Zhang Tianhai said with a murderous look, the words in his words were full of warning, the devil's blood in his hands was not dry, so this happened?If he was afraid of death, he would not have appeared on the battlefield of resisting Japan and saving the nation.

"Okay, very good, Zhang Tianhai, right? I remember you." Sun Yuanliang laughed back angrily, and then he didn't make fun of himself. After all, this is a critical period. If he dares to provoke a conflict with the 36th Division at this juncture , Do you really think that Principal Jiang's beheading knife is not sharp?

After the waiter came, Zhang Tianhai dropped two oceans and said, "You don't need to look for it."

After finishing speaking, he directly took Zheng Man's hand and walked out. This was an oath of sovereignty. If he didn't do anything at this time, I'm afraid Zheng Man would be in trouble, and he would do all the things that offended people by himself. It's over.

It's just that Zhang Tianhai didn't notice that Zheng Man, who was being held by him by his little hand, had flushed cheeks and quietly accelerated heartbeat...

In the winery, looking at the two people leaving holding hands, Sun Yuanliang's eyes became even more angry, but on this occasion he was not easy to get angry, so he had to pull over a hostess next to him, and then went back to find his colleague to continue. Went to drink.

On the other hand, the people in the field lost the fun to watch, felt a little disappointing, and could only continue to be busy with their "business", but there were also those who cared about this scene. Such conflicts are rare. You must know that these three divisions from the National Guard are the three most elite divisions in China.


PS: Another chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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