Chapter 160
Zhang Tianhai let go of Zheng Man after leading the pretty blushing Zheng Man to the opposite side of the road.

Her hands were so soft and smooth, which really made him a little distracted.

Zhang Tianhai took a deep breath, turned his face, looked at Zheng Man sincerely and said, "I was really embarrassed just now, and I was trying to take advantage of you. You also saw that scene. If I didn't do this, it would make people It will be difficult for you in the future, after all, Sun Yuanliang is a teacher with real power."

Zheng Man didn't answer Zhang Tianhai's words, but just lowered her head slightly. Under the dim light, she could vaguely see her slightly red pretty face. From the slightly tangled expression on that pretty pretty face, one could tell that , she seemed to be making some important decision.

Seeing that Zheng Man lowered his head and remained silent, Zhang Tianhai didn't see her expression, and thought she was frightened by Sun Yuanliang's reckless behavior. Out of the man's desire to protect, Zhang Tianhai said something mysteriously: "Actually , you don’t have to be afraid of him, Sun Yuanliang, if he dares to make things difficult for you, I will lead my direct subordinate regiment to his division headquarters and arrest him.”

"Zhang Yulin, is what you said true?" Zheng Man raised his head slightly with a smile on his lips.Those eyes are as bright as stars.

"Of course it's true..." Throughout the ages, heroes have always been sad about the beauty pass. Looking at the expectant eyes of the beautiful woman in front of him, Zhang Tianhai said this sentence by accident. It's just a shadow. Whether Zhiyituan can be established or not, we have to wait three days to see the result.

Before Zhang Tianhai finished speaking, there was a soft object in his arms, to be precise, it was a person, and the fragrance rushed in front of him. For a moment, he felt light all over his body.At the same time, his neck was also gently hugged by a pair of catkins...

Zhang Tianhai is a living person, and even more so, a living man. Smelling the pleasant temperature, his soul wandered a little. This is a warm embrace that he has not felt for many years... so warm... just a little Embarrassingly, he "raised the flag"...

In order to avoid this embarrassing move, Zhang Tianhai's wandering soul had to return, and then silently recited in his heart: Amitabha, Amitabha... sin, sin...

This may be the most impious believer in Buddhism. It's too good for others to burn incense, isn't it?Fortunately, he was just a fake believer and a fake monk who played a guest role.

Before Zhang Tianhai's "atonement" was finished, he heard the beautiful woman in front of him softly say in that very gentle voice: "Zhang Yulin, let's date..."

Zhang Tianhai waited for a long time, but he didn't expect that what he waited for was this confession. This was the first time in two lifetimes that he was confessed by such a beautiful woman, which made him suddenly at a loss.

At that moment, many clips flashed through Zhang Tianhai's mind, about the fall of Nanjing, and the scenes of brothers sacrificed one by one on the Shanghai battlefield.

The Huns are not destroyed, why are they home?
But if it was Zhang Tianhai, the Japanese invaders had not been expelled, and his brothers died tragically under the guns of the Japanese army one by one. Can he settle down and fall in love?More importantly, tomorrow is still uncertain, can he give her happiness?This is his worry, he is a man who is a little playful, but definitely not an irresponsible man.

After thinking for a long time, Zhang Tianhai finally opened his mouth slowly, and said in his slightly hoarse voice: "I... am I really qualified to give you happiness? The Japanese invaders have not been eliminated, why should I be at home... even my own I don’t know what will happen tomorrow... The Japanese army has overwhelmed the country and has swept towards me in Nanjing. I, Zhang Yulin, will die or live tomorrow. I don’t know yet, so how can I give you happiness?”

After saying these words, the big rock in Zhang Tianhai's heart seemed to fall heavily. This happiness came too heavy for him to give. If this was a peaceful era, he would definitely accept Zheng Man's confession without hesitation. , to communicate with it; but now is the war era, the times are different, and the situation is different.

He can't even guarantee his own tomorrow, how can he guarantee a woman's happiness?It is absolutely impossible to say that Zhang Yulin has no affection for Zheng Man at all, and he doesn't like him at all. I am afraid that even he himself will not be able to deceive himself.

Hearing the sound of sobbing in his ears, Zhang Tianhai felt a little bit reluctant and distressed. He gently put his arms around Zheng Man's small waist, and said softly: "I'm sorry, Zheng Man. It's not that I don't like you , This is not allowed by the current situation. I don't want to delay your life. A person's life is very long, and he may meet many people. Maybe I am not the most suitable person for you..."

Before Zhang Tianhai finished speaking, he was pushed away by Zheng Man, and she looked like an angry little leopard. Although there were still tears on her face, her beautiful eyes were dead. Staring at him deadly, she said: "Zhang Yulin, you are a bastard. If you don't want to be with me, you just don't want to. Why bother talking about everything? Let me tell you, I, Zheng Man, just recognize you. What about other people? I don’t know, but I only know that if I miss you, maybe we will never see each other again in this lifetime. The main forces of the four divisions of the Japanese army are rushing towards Nanjing, and fierce battles are inevitable. If you die for the country, I will die Just stay with you! Although I, Zheng Man, are a girl, how can I be that kind of person who is greedy for life and afraid of death?!"

The beauty is very kind, these four words may be unfamiliar at ordinary times, but at this time, it is the first time since Zhang Tianhai has been a human being for the second time that Zhang Tianhai feels an unprecedented reality-if there is a woman, she is willing to go through life and death with you, and stay with you , Even if it is death, you are not afraid. If you have a wife like this, what can a husband ask for?

A woman who is willing to endure hardships with you, and is not even afraid of death, Zhang Tianhai, what are you still afraid of?Are you a coward too?Not a battlefield coward, but an emotional coward?Zhang Tianhai tortured himself repeatedly in his heart.

Looking at Zheng Man's big eyes with tears welling in them, Zhang Tianhai knew that what she was telling was the truth, following him, even if he was not afraid of death, his eyes were full of tenderness at that moment, and he suddenly had a decision in his heart , I saw him hugging Zheng Man, and whispered softly in a voice that only two people could hear: "If you don't let me down, I will never let you down. In the battle of Nanjing, if I don't die, I will marry you." You are a wife."

Hearing this important promise, the corners of Zheng Man's mouth slightly curved into a beautiful arc, that smile was very beautiful.

She is also a woman, but she is not afraid of death. No one knows that under her weak appearance, there is a firm and powerful soul inside.

Under the starlight, in the ancient city of Nanjing, under the slightly dim light, two embracing shadows are dragged on the ground, and there are two embracing hearts, hot red lips and kisses...


PS: I never expected it, another day was updated on time.

(End of this chapter)

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