War of Resistance

Chapter 161 How to keep it?

Chapter 161 How to keep it?
The speed of progress with Zheng Man was beyond Zhang Tianhai's imagination. Originally, he only had some affection for a woman like Zheng Man, but he had little precautions besides his affection.

It's just that I never expected that the two of them are dating together now?Is this the deadly virtue of a smelly man?Although it is said that heroes love beauty, it has existed since ancient times, but it is too fast, right?

Regarding whether it is fast or slow, Zhang Tianhai is also torturing his heart, but he still can't get the answer, maybe this is a man!

But since we are together, Zhang Tianhai doesn't want to be that kind of heartless man, so let's go on boldly, a girl has already achieved this level, what do you want?Do you really want to learn from Xu Zhimo?If you don't try to go on, how will you know the result?
Thinking of this level, Zhang Tianhai smiled slightly. This is definitely the first smile from the heart after entering the Songhu battlefield until today.Looking at Zheng Man again, it's the same, she also has a sweet smile on her face, which is extremely beautiful on her pretty face, which is a disaster for the country and the people.

If this was in the peaceful 21st century, even without makeup, she would be a star-level beauty, and she was a very delicate military flower. The prestige of "God of War", but how can a small company commander like himself be worthy of her?

Thinking about it, Zhang Tianhai lightly clenched the soft and delicate hand in his hand, his face became more and more complacent, and he even forgot about offending an ace teacher with real power just now.Love, what a frighteningly blinding thing.

In fact, sometimes when Zhang Tianhai was alone, he would think that he had already come to this era, and he had traveled to this seventh-generation Huangpu student. Could this be considered a part of history?

However, after much deliberation, there was still no answer.

Maybe when I returned to the Republic of China, I was destined to accomplish something somewhere.But Zhang Tianhai didn't know what to accomplish. Maybe he would die after completing his mission like Huo Qubing.

Will the defense of Nanjing be his last battle?You know, in the defense of Nanjing, except for the 36th Division, which basically withdrew, most of the other troops did not withdraw. Even the 87th Division and the 88th Division, the two German ace elites, were wiped out in this battle. During the battle, it is really embarrassing.But will the regiment directly under my own theater have the same fate as the 87th and 88th divisions?
To be honest, Zhang Tianhai has no idea. The 87th Division and the 88th Division are so powerful that they cannot escape bad luck, let alone his newly established regiment directly under the theater?There are only four battalions in the area, and there are only more than [-] combat soldiers. What can they do?To put it bluntly, it's not enough to put a devil's teeth, and this is still when the whole regiment is full of staff!

The camera switches to a week ago, time, 1937:11 am on November 16, [-]; location, Nanjing Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum, Chiang Kai-shek's residence.

At this time, Chiang Kai-shek hadn't built the presidential palace. After all, when the Central Army fought everywhere and used money everywhere, he would not waste money on his place of residence.

Chiang Kai-shek's residence is no different from other small western-style buildings in this era. They are all two stories high, but they occupy a relatively large area.

At this time, Chiang Kai-shek was walking in the aisle of the office with a sad face. The troops in Shanghai had only been evacuated for two or three days, and the troops were already retreating, desperately marching westward, and most of them lost contact.

"Dajun, the battle situation on the front line is chaotic now. I would like to hear your opinion on the defense of Nanjing." Chiang Kai-shek asked Qian Dajun, the director of the attendant room beside him.

Qian Dajun sorted out his language, and then said: "Committee, I can't explain this humble position clearly, but looking around at the princes and middle-level senior generals, there are probably three voices, that is, the question of whether Nanjing can be defended or not, and the other is the question of whether to defend Nanjing." For Nanjing, you should stick to it, and it’s still a symbolic voice.”

"Damn Xipi, there are still so many weak voices!" Chiang Kai-shek gritted his teeth and scolded, "By the way, who are those who advocate not defending Nanjing?"

"It's the faction dominated by Mr. Wang Zhaoming (Wang Jingwei)." Qian Dajun replied truthfully. When he was in his position, he would have all the glory and wealth, and the only thing he had to do was to be loyal.

After hearing that it was Wang Jingwei's faction who voluntarily abandoned Nanjing, Chiang Kai-shek felt relieved, and then asked, "Then most people agree to defend Nanjing?"

Qian Dajun replied: "Yes, basically most of the senior generals advocate defending Nanjing, that is, there is a lot of controversy between staunch defense and symbolic defense."

"Okay, immediately inform He Yingqin (Minister of Military and Political Affairs), Bai Chongxi (Deputy Chief of Staff of the Military Commission), Liu Fei (Director of the Operations Department of the Military Command), Tang Shengzhi (Director of the Executive Department of the Military Commission), Gu Zhenglun (Nanjing Garrison Commander) and Zhang At ten o'clock, I must see their people present!" Chiang Kai-shek ordered the second meeting of senior staff, but Wang Jingwei was excluded and he was not notified to come to the meeting.

"Yes!" Qian Dajun replied, and then went to carry out Jiang's order.

In the ensuing meeting, these senior officials basically agreed to symbolically defend Nanjing. They believed that although Japan’s military equipment is strong, it has a small population, insufficient soldiers, small land, and lack of resources. In terms of gains and losses, in terms of military strength, [-] to [-] regiments should make appropriate resistance and then retreat actively to preserve their strength for the next stage of the campaign.As for the troops responsible for defending Nanjing, the two divisions of the Liuxiang Department of the Sichuan Army can be used as the main force for defense.

At the meeting, Tang Shengzhi, the director of the Executive Department of the Military Commission, was the only one present at the meeting who advocated that Nanjing must be firmly defended. He believed that Nanjing is the capital of our country, it is the place for international observation, and it is also the place where Premier Sun’s mausoleum is located. If Nanjing is abandoned, how will we face it? Prime Minister Sun is in the spirit of heaven?Because Nanjing must stick to it.

At this meeting, all the people present were members of the main combat faction, but apart from Tang Shengzhi, no one supported the decision to stick to it.Facing the two factions with clear opinions, Chiang Kai-shek did not make a decision immediately, but only said: "Meng Xiao (Tang Shengzhi's name)'s opinion is very correct and worth considering. Let's study it further!"

After Chiang Kai-shek finished this sentence, he announced the adjournment of the meeting.

Another night later, that is, on the night of November 1937, 11, Chiang Kai-shek convened the third senior staff meeting. At the meeting, Tang Shengzhi was still the only one who insisted on sticking to Nanjing.

At the meeting, Chiang Kai-shek asked: "Who is responsible for defending Nanjing?"

At this time, none of the senior generals at the meeting made a sound. Finally, Tang Shengzhi stood up and broke the momentary silence. He said firmly, "Chairman, if no one else is responsible, I am willing." Reluctantly, I will resolutely stick to it and live and die with Nanjing City!"


PS: Another update. Although this is just a novel, Xiongying still wants to present the real side of the War of Resistance to everyone. The creation of historical themes must be based on respect for history.

(End of this chapter)

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