Chapter 162
"Very good. Let Meng Xiao take charge." Chiang Kai-shek agreed and expressed his appreciation. Then he looked at He Yingqin and said, "That's it. If there is anything to prepare, do it right away. Let Meng Xiao take care of the matter first, and order immediately." published."

"Yes!" He Yingqin and Tang Shengzhi stood up at the same time.

After Chiang Kai-shek decided to stick to Nanjing, he decided to move the capital to Chongqing. At this time, the Japanese army had carried out three air raids on Nanjing, and all the central government agencies had moved to Wuhan one after another. Only a few staff members of the agencies stayed in Nanjing.

After the meeting, in order to avoid the bombing of enemy planes, Chiang Kai-shek moved to live in a small building in the shade of the woods outside the Zhongshan Gate. He ate, received guests, and worked in this small building.

However, Wang Jingwei did not move out of the Zhongshan Mausoleum, and continued to live in his villa, and he did not know what he was busy with.

On November 1937, 11, Tang Shengzhi first arrived at his post as the commander of the Nanjing Garrison, and then immediately organized the Chief Department of the Nanjing Garrison Commander. The address of the Chief Department was set up in the Ministry of Railways that had already moved away.

After the formation of the Nanjing Garrison Commander-in-Chief, Tang Shengzhi first requested that Song Xilian's No. 70 Eighth Army, which was in the preparatory sequence of the third war zone, be transferred to the garrison sequence and be under the command of the garrison. At the same time, Ye Zhao's 66th Army and Deng Longguang's The 83rd Army (these two armies came from Guangdong) participated in the defense of Nanjing. In addition, the teaching corps and the gendarmerie regiment, which were originally in Nanjing, participated in the defense. Even the Xu Yuanquan Second Army in Wuhan also participated in the defense. It is being transported to Nanjing.

It can be said that after Chiang Kai-shek decided to stick to Nanjing, he basically captured all the troops that could be captured on the eastern battlefield. Almost nearly 10 people.Not only that, but there are other troops that continue to march towards Nanjing, such as Yu Jishi's 74th Army and so on.

As for the formation of new troops on the spot like Zhang Tianhai, it is actually not uncommon. After all, in Nanjing now, there is only one theme, you need soldiers, guns and food, and then stick to Nanjing!
After Tang Shengzhi was busy with these tasks, he immediately inspected the various troops in Nanjing. Most of the middle and lower-level officers had no hope of defending Nanjing. If it weren't for the guns of the law enforcement team, the supervisory team, and the gendarmerie, there might have been deserters already. It can be seen that people are panicking at this time, and Sun Yuanliang is just a representative of it - anyway, he is going to die tomorrow, so why not have a good time first?Even if you die, you have to be a cool ghost.

The camera returns to Zhang Tianhai, time, 1937:11 pm on November 22, 9; location, on the street opposite Fuli Winery in Nanjing City.

After confirming the relationship, the atmosphere between the two seemed to have changed a lot suddenly, so Zhang Tianhai took Zheng Man's hand and walked towards the jeep going forward.

"Zheng Man, let me send you back first! I am the new head of the regiment, and there are still many affairs that have not been dealt with. If the direct subordinate regiment cannot be established in three days, I am afraid that I will only be the head of the regiment for three days. It is." Zhang Tianhai took the initiative to say, after all, the current situation is tight and it is not a good time to fall in love.

"Okay, I know you are busy with military affairs, I can go back by myself." Zheng Man replied gently, but a cunning flashed in those beautiful eyes inadvertently.

"No, Nanjing today is different from the past. I don't feel relieved if I don't send you back." Zhang Tianhai said resolutely, and just after he finished speaking, he heard a bustling sound at the entrance of Fuli Winery.

Zhang Tianhai turned his head and took a closer look. He saw that Sun Yuanliang, who was drunk, was helped out by the guards, and then got into the jeep off-road vehicle. The guard company behind him quickly stood in two rows, waiting for the order from the commander. .

"Go...go to Yuhua Lane..." Sun Yuanliang ordered with a tongue-in-cheek tone.

"Master, shall we not go back to the division headquarters?" asked the commander of the guard company beside Sun Yuanliang.

"Go wherever you are told, don't be so wordy, is it reasonable to go back to the division headquarters drunk? Let's go!" Sun Yuanliang said with a displeased face. He really didn't like the battle of defending Nanjing. According to the order from above, the troops have been moved into the Yuhuatai and Zhonghuamen frontline positions, what else can he do?If there is something to do, let Zhang Boting, chief of staff of the division, handle it. (Note: At this time, Feng Shengfa, the deputy division commander, has been transferred to the 74th Division of the 58th Army as the division commander.)
Seeing the very displeased expression of the division seat, the guard company commander immediately said "yes", and then asked the guard company to run behind the division seat's car.

"Let's go, don't look at it." Zheng Man patted Zhang Tianhai, who was thinking, and signaled him to get in the car and leave.

After a long time, Zhang Tianhai sighed softly, and then got into the car, but he was still thinking in his mind: Could it be that if he is not optimistic about the Nanjing battlefield, he will be so perfunctory?Officers like Sun Yuanliang, how can they be worthy of the brothers who shed their blood on the front line?

Thinking about it again, it was still fruitless.

"Deputy head, where are we going now?" Liu Houming, the driver and guard, asked.

Before Zhang Tianhai could speak, Zheng Man picked up the conversation: "Go to the communications office next to the Military and Political Department!"

The scene of the two kissing just now was seen by Liu Houming, so the guy didn't bother, and started the car directly and drove towards the third archway.

It was just a coincidence that they and Sun Yuanliang were on the way. Sun Yuanliang led his guard company forward, while Zhang Tianhai and others could only follow behind their car.

When passing through Yuhua Lane, Sun Yuanliang and the members of the 88th Division stopped, and then the guard company commander helped him into a two-story building, where a young and slightly seductive woman held him Helped him in.

Zhang Tianhai and the others in the car saw this scene clearly. If they guessed correctly, that woman should be Sun Yuanliang's lover.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Tianhai just shook his head lightly. He didn't want to cause trouble. After the road got out of the way, he sent Zheng Man back to the office building. Tonight, he had to raise the airs of the regiment directly under him, so that he could recruit troops tomorrow.

To be precise, Zhang Tianhai's "recruitment" does not count as recruitment in the traditional sense, what he wants to do is containment!

That's right, it's containment. From the very beginning, Zhang Tianhai didn't plan to use the method of arresting strong men. The strong men captured basically don't know anything, and they don't have a strong will to fight. Only those defeated soldiers who came down from the battlefield are his last Good source of troops!
Most of these defeated soldiers have fought on the battlefield. Although their morale may be a little low, as long as they are handled properly, they are definitely a group of elites who can scream, and they are also good soldiers who can throw their heads and blood for the country.


PS: Another chapter.The historical materials in the first half of the chapter are all real historical materials, not fabricated ones.

(End of this chapter)

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