Chapter 163
The full name of the Communications Department that Zheng Man mentioned should be the Communications Department of the Chief of the Nanjing Garrison Commander's Department. That's right, it is the department directly under the command of Chief Tang Shengzhi.

Like other left-behind military and political departments, the communication office is located in an inconspicuous building. It is not known whether the establishment of the Garrison Commander's Headquarters was too hasty or because of other urgent military affairs. Tang Shengzhi did not order the communication office to Immediately relocate to the office building of the Ministry of Railways where the Minister's Ministry is located.

"Zhang Yulin, I'm leaving." At the door of the communication office, Zheng Man held Zhang Tianhai's hand and said reluctantly.

I saw Zhang Tianhai nodded slightly, and said: "Let's go! Remember, if the situation is unfavorable, you can follow the people from the officer's department. As for where I am and where my troops are in the future, I will send people to follow me." Say it."

All human beings will have selfish thoughts, and Zhang Tianhai is not exempt, he is also an individual, a living person.Zheng Man was his target. He knew that the Nanjing Massacre was about to start, and since he couldn't stop it, he could only do his best to make arrangements to protect the people around him.

The defense of Nanjing was a battle of tens of thousands of people——10+ elite Japanese troops were rushing westward all the way, and hundreds of thousands of soldiers of the national army were defending Nanjing. In this battle of hundreds of thousands of troops, Zhang Tianhai is like a As small as an ant.

"I know you care about me, but you don't have to risk being dismissed for violating military discipline to contact me." Zheng Man smiled and said, his smile was very sweet.

Zhang Tianhai shook his head with a very serious face, and said: "I am afraid that Nanjing's tomorrow will not be optimistic, so I must inform you of the movement of my troops. If something happens, you can just go in the direction of my troops. "

Zhang Tianhai's tone was very serious, and no one could refuse. From his limited memory, he learned that during the defense of Nanjing, the people from the chief's department ran away first, and then the 36th Division was the only one that completely withdrew from the battlefield. As for the others, he is not too clear.

Since the 36th Division was the only unit that had completely withdrawn from the Nanjing battlefield, Zhang Tianhai's regiment was temporarily returned to Song Xilian's 78th Army, so logically speaking, it would not be too miserable.As for where the 36th Division retreated from, he couldn't remember clearly, so he had to ask Zheng Man to follow his troops.

30 Chinese died in the Nanjing Massacre. These 30 people are too many. Zhang Tianhai is helpless. He is not a god. He cannot save too many people. All he can do is protect those around him.

Seeing Zhang Tianhai's tense and serious appearance, Zheng Man was both sweet and touched, so she nodded and said, "Well, I promise you."

Seeing the back of Zheng Man entering the office building, Zhang Tianhai sighed softly, then turned and got into the car: "Let's go, go back to the division headquarters!"


Half an hour later, Zhang Tianhai returned to the headquarters of the 36th Division. At this time, Song Xilian had not fallen asleep, and he was still discussing with the chief of staff about the reorganization of the troops.

After seeing Zhang Tianhai coming, Song Xilian told Zhang Tianhai to wait for a while, and then sent someone to the regiment headquarters of the [-]th regiment to call the regiment leader Hu Jiaji and regiment staff Guo Qiliang.

About 15 minutes later, Hu Jiaji and Guo Qiliang arrived at the headquarters of the 36th Division.

After the two arrived at the division headquarters, Song Xilian read out the order of the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs in front of everyone, dividing the first battalion of the [-]th regiment independently, and forming the third theater directly under the first regiment on the basis of the first battalion.Then he explained the matter of Guo Qiliang's transfer to the newly-built directly subordinate regiment as chief of staff.

"Yes! Master seat!" Hu Jiaji and Guo Qiliang responded.

Song Xilian nodded, looked at Hu Jiaji and said, "Well, Commander Hu, you don't have to worry about your first battalion. I have already sent someone to the Central Military Academy to transfer Ouyang Wu back. Let him be the commander of your first battalion. , As for the soldiers, the two supplementary regiments from Wuhu this time will give priority to replenishing your department, and now the division staff is also transferring cadres from other regiments to the first battalion of your regiment."

"Yes, I obey your orders!" Hu Jiaji stood at attention and saluted.

As soon as Hu Jiaji finished speaking, Song Xilian said to Zhang Tianhai: "Zhang Yulin, the first regiment directly under your command is still under the command of our 78th Army. Make Zhiyituan look good, if there is any problem with Zhiyituan, you are the only one I can ask."

"Yes, I obey orders! As long as the division is ordered, the officers and soldiers of the whole regiment will not frown!" Zhang Tianhai stood at attention and saluted, and promised firmly.

In fact, Zhang Tianhai knew in his heart that what Song Xilian said was also true. His unit number was the first regiment directly under the third theater, but where is it?This is Nanjing, the Nanjing Garrison, which is under the jurisdiction of the Chief of the Nanjing Garrison, and logically speaking, his First Regiment directly under the Third Theater should be under the direct jurisdiction of the Chief of the Third Theater.

Now it is said that it is temporarily under the jurisdiction of the 78th Army. It doesn't matter which day it will be merged into the 78th Army as soon as the designation changes. After all, the 78th Army now only has one division, the 36th Division, which is indeed a bit shabby.

Well, that's right, it's just shabby. Although Wang Jingjiu's 71st Army only has one division under the 87th Division, his 87th Division has a proper organization of three brigades and six regiments... can it be the same?Therefore, Zhang Tianhai could still understand the implication of Song Xilian's words.

In addition to issuing these orders, Song Xilian also personally confessed to Hu Jiaji, asking him to go to the first battalion to read the order of the Military and Political Department.

Not long after walking out of the division headquarters, Hu Jiaji said to Zhang Tianhai: "Congratulations, Zhang Yulin, you can be young and ambitious..."

Hearing the exclamation in Hu Jiaji's tone, Zhang Tianhai shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "Tuan Zuo, don't laugh at me. If it weren't for Tuan Zuo's support, Yulin wouldn't be where it is today. What is Yulin's level? Tuan Zuo, don't you know?" Don’t you know? Apart from not being afraid of death, what can you compare to a group seat?”

When you are successful, don't make it public, after all, this is the time when you are most likely to stumble, especially this is on the battlefield!It will not be easy to offend the commander of the friendly army. Although they are all from the same army, the necessary low-key is still necessary. If you are not convinced, you can refer to Zhang Lingfu and Li Tianxia later.

Hearing Zhang Tianhai's tone full of politeness, Hu Jiaji frowned and said: "Okay, I know you, Zhang Yulin, are modest. Among the students in the seventh phase of Whampoa, your speed is considered fast. Most of your classmates at the same time Most of the time, it’s just being a battalion commander. Young people understand that modesty is a good thing, but it can’t completely erase the arrogance that young people should have, otherwise how can you lead your straight group?”

Hu Jiaji is also one of those violent-tempered people who fights fiercely without fear of death, so when he saw that the subordinates he brought out were so stable, he was a little dissatisfied. Young people should have the arrogance of young people.

"You have been taught, old sir." Zhang Tianhai smiled, "Don't worry, I, Zhang Yulin, will not disgrace our 36th Division."


PS: I thought it was blocked before, so I didn’t update it on time. Try to adjust the time back to 10:25 for the update tomorrow and the day after tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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