Chapter 164

When serving as a subordinate, the most important thing to do is to obey the order. After all, a subordinate who obeys orders will go much smoother no matter what he does, and a subordinate who is too assertive often brings many uncertain factors.

But it’s different when you become a military officer. At this time, you need more character and assertiveness. After all, a military officer without character and assertiveness will often ruin this army, just like "Bright Sword" Li Yunlong in ", his personal character is very distinct, he belongs to the kind of man who is not afraid of death, so the independent group he brought out is able to fight tough battles and is not afraid of death.

Obviously, Hu Jiaji's personality is somewhat similar to Li Yunlong's, they are both fearless and brave, but one is a real historical figure and the other is a fictitious character in a novel.

Therefore, when Zhang Tianhai said these modest and reserved words, Hu Jiaji was very dissatisfied. Apparently he thought that if Zhang Tianhai continued like this, Zhi Yi Tuan might not be a particularly aggressive army.

After arriving at the base of the first battalion, Zhang Tianhai ordered people to gather all the rest of the battalion, saying that there was an important announcement. Compared with going to attack the Japanese positions, even Li Chunfei, who had been following Zhang Tianhai, was no exception.

"Brothers of the First Battalion, we are gathering everyone here now. There is an important announcement. Now I, Hu Jiaji, will come and announce this order personally on behalf of the teacher." Standing on a high point, Hu Jiaji looked serious. Said loudly.

The surrounding area was quiet, and the officers and soldiers were all waiting for the text of the group seat. After all, they all came down from the battlefield, and this awareness of obeying orders is a must.

Looking around, Hu Jiaji continued: "Now, the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs ordered that the first battalion of the [-]th Regiment be separated independently, and the first battalion of the third theater be established on the basis of the first battalion. Your battalion commander Zhang Tianhai , to serve as the head of the colonel directly under the first regiment, everyone applauds and welcomes the head of the regiment!"

As soon as Hu Jiaji's words came out, there was an uproar at the scene. Obviously, the officers and soldiers were shocked by the sudden news. The battalion was expanded into a regiment, and it was directly under the third theater. Can you not be shocked?

It was people like Xu Sangou and Li Chunfei who woke up and immediately took the lead in applauding-this Zhiyi regiment was expanded based on the first battalion. Can they, who have been following the battalion commander's footsteps, not be promoted?
"Everyone be quiet for a while. Next, I have a series of important announcements to make. Please listen patiently." These were Zhang Tianhai's first words after taking office.

Hearing that it was Zhang Tianhai, the new head of the regiment, everyone fell silent. After all, the next thing to be announced was related to their future and lives.

"First of all, I would like to announce that the post of chief of staff of the lieutenant colonel regiment of our directly subordinate regiment will be assumed by Guo Qiliang, the former staff officer of the 800 regiment headquarters. Then there is the issue of the establishment of our directly subordinate regiment. Our directly subordinate regiment belongs to the third It is directly under the jurisdiction of the war zone, and its establishment is to strengthen the regiment, that is, one regiment has four battalions, plus the regiment's guard platoon, special agent platoon, military police law enforcement team, etc. The full number of people is about 900 to [-]. " Zhang Tianhai spoke very clearly, announcing the matters one by one.

All the officers present looked at each other. Including Hu Jiaji, they only expected the expansion of the first battalion into a regiment, but what they never expected was that the expanded regiment of the first battalion was actually a reinforced regiment. But it is even stronger than Hu Jiaji, the old head of the regiment...

How many people are there in the 3000th Regiment, the full number is only more than [-] people, and the full number of this directly affiliated regiment is nearly [-] people... With this speed of promotion, it still makes people die...

Three months ago, he was a deputy company commander. Even if he became an acting company commander, he was only in charge of 74 people. Now he has transformed into a powerful head of a reinforced regiment?Think about it, there are so many situations like this, it's no wonder that some people are dissatisfied, just like Li Tianxia and Zhang Lingfu later, Li Tianxia was originally the deputy commander of the 74th Army, and according to his qualifications, he was the commander of the 58th Army It's natural, but let Zhang Lingfu, the commander of the [-]th Division, be appointed later, and it will inevitably make people jealous...

Hu Jiaji's mentality at this time is probably the same. He promoted Zhang Tianhai single-handedly, but now it seems that Zhang Tianhai's real power is greater than him. In the 36th Division, he seems to have nothing but the title of ace army .

"Congratulations, Guo Qiliang. To be precise, it is Chief of Staff Guo." Hu Jiaji smiled and turned around with his right hand and said to Guo Qiliang beside him.

Guo Qiliang held Hu Jiaji's right hand with both hands and said, "Tuan Zuo, don't laugh at me. If it weren't for your cultivation, Qiliang wouldn't be where he is today."

"Okay, from now on, you and Zhang Yulin should unite sincerely with Zhang Yulin on matters directly under the regiment! I don't care about that much. I'll go back to the regiment headquarters first. Once your direct subordinate regiment was established, you almost didn't leave me alone." This little bit of money in his hometown has been wiped out. When Ouyang Wu comes back, I’m afraid he can only give some cadres to him first. As for the replenishment, we have to wait for the replenishment team to come from Wuhu.” Hu Jiaji said with a wry smile , suddenly lost a main battalion, and it is still the most capable battalion. It is impossible to say that it is not distressing.

After speaking, Hu Jiaji turned around and left.

"Now all company and platoon-level cadres are concentrated in the camp to discuss the expansion! All disbanded!" Zhang Tianhai announced the final order. Tonight, he probably won't be able to sleep again. There is no way. Lack of guns and lack of cadres, he had to confirm the status of the regiment directly under him.

The lights in the battalion were still dim. This is a private house in Nanjing City. The common people have moved out long ago, leaving only some furniture and utensils that are inconvenient to take away.

"First company commander Li Chunfei, second company commander Lu Shaojie, third company commander Wang Ziqing!" At the battalion headquarters, Zhang Tianhai called the names of these three people.

That's right, these three people are all graduates of the Central Military Academy (formerly known as the Whampoa Military Academy), and they all graduated from the ninth batch of the Central Military Academy. In terms of seniority, they are only two semesters younger than Zhang Tianhai.

After all, the 36th Division is the main force of the trump card composed mainly of officers from the Whampoa Department. Even the company commander after the army was disabled is a student of the ninth batch of the Central Military Academy.

"Humble position!" Li Chunfei, Lu Shaojie, and Wang Ziqing stood at attention and saluted. This is a serious occasion. If there is no miscalculation at this moment, now is the glorious moment for them to be promoted to battalion commander.

"Now, as the head of the first regiment directly under the third theater, I appoint you as the acting battalion commanders of the first battalion, second battalion, and third battalion. After the army is full of recruits, I will officially become the battalion commander. Do you have any objections? !" Zhang Tianhai shouted and asked, after all, this is rebuilding an army, and he must make this army into an "awowing" army, an army that can fight the Japanese army head-on!


PS: Another update.Thank you Qidian book friend 20190521041213196 for the reward of 100 points.

(End of this chapter)

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