War of Resistance

Chapter 165 Cadre Appointment

Chapter 165 Cadre Appointment
"Reporting to the group, there is no objection from the humble position!" Li Chunfei, Lu Shaojie, Wang Ziqing and the three responded at the same time, full of confidence.

"That's fine. I, Zhang Yulin, will put the ugly words first. If anyone brings the army down, I will shoot him. This is the battlefield of the Anti-Japanese War. We are directly under the first regiment, and we will never allow deserters or cowards!" When he reached this sentence, Zhang Tianhai could be said to be stern, and this was his most basic requirement and bottom line.

"Yes!" Li Chunfei and the three new acting battalion commanders responded firmly. If you don't have the guts, how can you be a soldier?

Seeing that the three were full of confidence, Zhang Tianhai nodded with satisfaction, and then slowly said: "About the appointment of the Fourth Battalion Commander, I would like to hear if any of your platoon-level cadres can recommend themselves. If so, I will I want to hear the reasons why you dare to stand up and serve as the battalion commander."

As he said that, Zhang Tianhai looked at the nine platoon leaders behind Li Chunfei, Lu Shaojie, Wang Ziqing and the others, with some amusement in his eyes.

I saw a sturdy captain wearing a blue-gray military uniform slowly stood up. He looked about 31 years old, and he was not tall, about 1.7 meters 1.8, compared with Zhang Tianhai's [-] meters [-]. Shuo is really not tall.

"Reporting to the head of the regiment, I am willing to take up this position because I am humble and not talented." I saw that the platoon leader spoke very steadily, and said without being humble or arrogant, and the accent sounded like it was in the Rehe area.

Zhang Tianhai narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with great interest, "Oh? Then please introduce yourself, and briefly explain why you can be the commander of the Fourth Battalion."

"Head, maybe you are not familiar with the humble position. The humble position is called Wang Yongcheng, who was assigned from the Northeast Army. He used to study in the Northeast Lecture Hall No. 11." Wang Yongcheng still looked neither humble nor overbearing.

"Oh? It turns out that you are officers from the Northeast Military Academy. Logically speaking, you should be in the 49th Army, the 59th Army, or the 69th Army. How did you appear in the supplementary sequence of the 36th Division?" Zhang Tianhai Asked, he was indeed a little curious, after all, these three armies were the only Northeast Army participating in the Battle of Songhu.

Wang Yongcheng smiled wryly and said, "Regimental Commander, it's a long story. I was originally the captain and deputy battalion commander of the 49st Battalion of the 10th Regiment of the [-]th Division of the [-]th Army in the Northeast Army. Withdrew to South China, fought fiercely with the [-]th Regiment of the [-]th Division of the Japanese Army in Cang County (now CZ City) and Jinghai (now Jinghai District, TJ City) in Hebei Province. At that time, we received an order to go to the Songhu battlefield to stop the Japanese invaders... Later, at the end of October, our [-]th Regiment fought fiercely with the Japanese invaders in the area of ​​Jiebei Bridge and Xujiaqiao. The brethren are almost all dead...that's a whole battalion of brethren..."

As he spoke, Wang Yongcheng's voice became choked up, and tears welled up in the corners of his eyes.Indeed, the army broke up, the old chief died, and almost all the brothers who lived with him day and night died. Zhang Tianhai can understand this kind of suffering, because he also came here like this!
For the rest, you don't need to guess. The troops broke up, and they must have been temporarily contained. I don't know if it was because this guy graduated from the Northeast Martial Arts Hall that he was temporarily added to the 36th Division.

I saw Zhang Tianhai walked up to Wang Yongcheng, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Okay, everyone is a Chinese soldier, and they all have blood feuds with Little Japan. If you are willing to stay with us and continue to fight against Japan, I welcome you with both hands, and if you want to go back to the Northeast Army, I will never stop you."

As soon as this remark came out, it didn't mean that Zhang Tianhai wanted to issue an expulsion order and discriminate against non-Whampoa officers, but that he had to take this person into his heart before he could entrust him with important tasks. Well, just let him go back to the Northeast Army, just such a man with strong bones will definitely not be a traitor.

In other words, to put it bluntly, there can only be one head of the first regiment directly under it, and that is Zhang Tianhai, head of the regiment!If you can't command an army like your arm, you will suffer big losses in the future.

This sentence is a test for Wang Yongcheng.

"Reporting to the head of the regiment, I want to stay in the first regiment directly under it!" Amid tears, Wang Yongcheng replied very firmly.

"Oh? Tell me your reason!" Zhang Tianhai said this sentence again. After all, Wang Yongcheng is different from the other three. He has seen the combat command ability of the other three, but Wang Yongcheng is not. Still very strange.

"Reporting to the regiment, I have been in the first battalion since October 24th. I have fought a few battles with the regiment leader, not for anything else, but to fight with the regiment. I am happy to win the battle!" Wang Yongcheng made no secret of it The reason why I want to follow Zhang Tianhai to stay in the Zhiyi Regiment is not difficult to understand. Most of the Northeast Army has become "vagrants" who have left their homes since the September [-]th Incident. Many of them have national relations with the Japanese. Qiu Jiahen, following behind the Northeast Army, although it is not certain to lose the battle, but also suffered a lot from the little devil.

Zhang Tianhai thought for a while and said, "That's fine. Then I'll put my ugly words in front of me. I hope you can use your true skills to manage the Fourth Battalion well, and don't lose face to your Northeast Martial Arts Hall. If the battlefield , there are deserters and counselors in the fourth battalion, which makes Zhi Yituan feel ashamed, then I will only ask you."

This sentence is the second time Zhang Tianhai has emphasized since he took office tonight. It can be seen that he is very disgusted with deserters and cowards. If this happens, don't blame him for the bullets of Commander Zhang Do not recognize people.

"Yes, the humble job must live up to the expectations of the group members!" Wang Yongcheng hurriedly stood at attention and saluted. He also knew that today would be a major turning point in his life. He could enter the direct line of the Central Army as a graduate of the Northeast Academy Li is the battalion commander, and this unit is still the direct line of the direct line, which is quite good. It must be known that the Northeast Army now is no better than the Northeast Army before September [-]th.

The Northeast Army before September [-] was the best armed force in the country, but what about the current one?The armament is not bad, but the equipment, combat effectiveness and other aspects are not as good as the Central Army...

After all, if the Northeast Army lost the Shenyang Arsenal, it would mean that the tiger had its teeth pulled out and could no longer be fierce...

It took less than 10 minutes for Zhang Tianhai to basically determine the general framework of the cadres directly under the First Regiment, including Li Chunfei, the commander of the first battalion, Lu Shaojie, the commander of the second battalion, Wang Ziqing, the commander of the third battalion, Wang Yongcheng, the commander of the fourth battalion, and the guards. Platoon leader Xu Sangou, lieutenant adjutant Liu Houming...


PS: Thank you Qidian book friend 20180105203038373 for the reward of 500 points!

(End of this chapter)

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