Chapter 166

For Zhang Tianhai, a unit that can be commanded like an arm is really important. The appointment of company-level cadres is basically directly promoted from the original platoon-level cadres, but obviously there are still not enough cadres. For example, Wang Yongcheng's Fourth Battalion, With a little effort, three company commanders came together, only one company commander was from the [-]th batch of the Central Military Academy, and the other two were officers with little education.

Obviously, Zhang Tianhai was not satisfied with this result.Directly under the regiment, don't expect a lineup of officers like the 36th Division, at least you must have a basic education. A unit that can recruit and fight well usually has a relatively low illiteracy rate.

As for the platoon leader, an experienced veteran squad leader is directly promoted to serve as the squad leader. As for the squad leader, the veteran squad leader is still in charge.

The emergence of this situation is also helpless. After all, the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs has not given anything other than a designation and position so far. The most important thing is the cadres. In the army, the quality of officers is particularly important.

After issuing these appointments and orders, Zhang Tianhai did a very bold thing again, that is, let these squad leaders become bachelor squad leaders, and formed all the remaining soldiers into a company directly under the temporary regiment headquarters, although there were only more than 140 people, and It's not enough, but it's still better than a branch of armed forces that hasn't been built yet.

After the order to form a company directly under the temporary regiment was issued, it was already two o'clock in the morning. Zhang Tianhai asked all the officers to disband and told them to gather at eight o'clock the next morning for important matters to be announced.

Not long after lying down on the recliner at the regiment headquarters, Zhang Tianhai fell into a deep sleep. There were too many things to do the next day.

According to the usual practice, the cooking started at [-]:[-] in the morning, and everyone was already full at [-]:[-]. After walking around the station, Zhang Tianhai asked the sentry to blow the assembly whistle in advance.

Looking at the two distinct groups in front of him, Zhang Tianhai breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing these people under his own arrangement and initially forming the airs of the directly subordinate group, he still had a sense of accomplishment in his heart.

The officers and soldiers standing in the left row are the battalion commanders, company commanders, platoon leaders and squad leaders appointed by Zhang Tianhai last night. To put it bluntly, they are the backbone of the regiment directly under Zhang Tianhai. These people are gone. Then the waist of the regiment directly under it will be broken and unable to carry it.

Standing on the right is a team composed entirely of big soldiers. Their phalanx is smaller than that of cadres. After all, there are only 310 people left in the old battalion, including Zhang Tianhai and Xu Sangou. , A total of 160 people were transferred to serve as cadres, how could there be many?

If one had to use one sentence to describe the regiment directly under it at this time, it would be a bit like a grass-roots regiment with more officials than soldiers.

Regarding the position of company commander directly under the temporary regiment headquarters, Zhang Tianhai also generously handed over this position to Xu Sangou, who will soon be the commander of the regiment's security platoon.

Today's task is also very simple, in general, there is only one sentence, that is to steal people!

That's right, it is to steal people. For such a reinforced regiment that is extremely short of soldiers, soldiers are undoubtedly very important. If you have people, you have everything.

Regarding the military discipline of the regiment directly under him, Zhang Tianhai is still very relieved. After all, he is the old army brought over by himself. Although the team has been reshuffled once, the military discipline must not be changed.

According to the battle report from the front line, the Japanese army had reached the area of ​​Jurong and Changshu, and a large number of troops had rushed towards Nanjing out of control, and there must be soldiers in these shelters.

"Brothers, this time I divided everyone into two teams, not to create the so-called confrontation between officers and soldiers, but to have another task today. Our direct regiment was established, but the Ministry of the Chiefs did not give us soldiers. This is We need to find a way by ourselves, so I can only do this. I, Zhang Yulin, would like to ask you here, do we really have to rely on these 310 six people to go to the battlefield? You really want others to take our direct Do you think the group is flat?!" Zhang Tianhai asked.

"I don't want to!" All the officers and soldiers present gave the same answer. No matter whether they are officials or soldiers, only when the regiment directly under them grows stronger can they win battles. Hundreds of people, what else can they do besides die?
Here, their positions are the same, and their interests are also the same - they are not afraid of death, but they are not willing to die in vain.

"So, the purpose of setting up the temporary direct company now is to have a team that can be fiercer than the opponent when we go to snatch people. After we snatch people back, this temporary direct company will be disbanded. Now add back to each squad as the basic strength of our directly affiliated regiment, everyone. This violation of military discipline is really a helpless act. I, Zhang Yulin, can't lead us all to die, right? The tomorrow of the directly affiliated regiment depends on everyone." After finishing speaking , Zhang Tianhai gave a first-class military salute, and the officers and soldiers below also returned the salute one after another.


PS: Here is a short chapter, let’s make it up in the next chapter!
(End of this chapter)

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