Chapter 167

Regarding the matter of recruiting soldiers, Zhang Tianhai didn't even think about taking the regular route. Just imagine, the defense of Nanjing was about to start, and if he couldn't recruit soldiers, he had to explain everything here.

As for whether to violate military discipline or not, that's a matter for the future. For this matter, he, a disciple of the Son of Heaven who is very young and young, should be shot?It doesn’t exist, like Sun Yuanliang ran away during the Northern Expedition, but was not shot. Xuezang was promoted after a period of time. There is no reason to say that he, the head of the regiment who had just made a contribution to the Songhu battlefield, would be shot...

In fact, for Chiang Kai-shek, the Whampoa faction is the only faction in the army under his command that has no problem with loyalty. He will not easily shoot every capable subordinate in the Whampoa faction. .

Therefore, on the point of whether he will be shot, Zhang Tianhai can see clearly - since he will not be shot, at most he will be punished, and then he will be done.

Ever since, after dividing the company directly under the temporary regiment headquarters into two platoons, the newly appointed regiment leader Zhang Da waved his hand, and led more than [-] veterans of the regiment directly to the shelter.

Of course, Zhang Tianhai wouldn't be so stupid as to go to the shelter in Nanjing to rob people. If he robs people in Nanjing, isn't he afraid that the three fires of Tang Shengzhi's new official appointment will not burn him?This kind of situation is purely something that Longevity would only do when he hanged himself.

Therefore, Zhang Tianhai had an idea, and took people directly to the train station outside Nanjing city. After all, the train station is also one of the places where the asylum is located.

An hour later, the railway station outside Nanjing was still full of people coming and going. Among these people were soldiers and ordinary people, but they were mainly soldiers, and most of the ordinary people were people who knew people in the army. The people who left when the train left Nanjing.

This was a troubled time, and despite Chairman Chiang's repeated strict orders that "except for military trains, civilian trains are all suspended, and except for military supplies and soldiers, other supplies and people are not allowed to occupy train resources", there will always be some people who dare A person who collects money and then "eliminates disasters" for others.

At the train station, except for some troops maintaining military discipline and those in charge of transportation, the other soldiers are almost all people who have lost contact with the troops and are waiting here to be taken in. Even the uniforms of the troops are varied. There are blue-gray, grass-green, and other colors of local troops. They are bustling, and there are 800 people without thousands of children.

Seeing these people, Zhang Tianhai was overjoyed. He didn't expect that there were still some soldiers here who could be "recruited" for him.

"Blow the whistle, let all the people in front stand up and assemble! Don't let them miss one." Zhang Tianhai ordered Liu Houming, the adjutant beside him.

Liu Houming could also understand what the officer meant, so he took out his whistle and said to the troops behind him: "All the regiments under the direct command have surrounded the stragglers in front."

After saying this, Liu Houming blew the assembly whistle, and the officers and soldiers directly under the regiment divided into two groups to surround the people in the small square in front of the train station.

"Brothers in front, please stand up immediately and gather all!!!" Liu Houming opened his throat and shouted while blowing the whistle.

Obviously, the actions of the directly subordinate regiment are very obvious. All the officers and soldiers on the square have noticed this. They all came down from the battlefield, and they are all people who recovered a life from the line of fire. This point of vigilance There were still some, so after the officers and soldiers of Zhang Tianhai's direct regiment surrounded the people in the small square, they all stood up and clenched their guns tightly.

Seeing this, Zhang Tianhai quickly put on a simple loudspeaker, stood on the front of the jeep, and said loudly: "Listen, brothers, I am Zhang Tianhai, the commander of the first regiment directly under the third war zone, please calm down!" !"

The small square was still noisy, and only the officers and soldiers near Zhang Tianhai noticed the existence of the young officer, and were already waiting for him to speak.

Zhang Tianhai, who waited for about a minute, saw that the crowd was still like this, so he took out a pistol from his waist and shot it into the sky.


After the gunshots sounded, everyone was quiet, which is undoubtedly an excellent way, which can quickly act as a deterrent.

"Okay, it's all quiet now. Brothers, listen carefully. I am the head of the first regiment directly under the third war zone. My name is Zhang Tianhai. I came here today for a very simple purpose, which is to recruit troops! The brothers are all good guys, they were all withdrawn from the Songhu battlefield, and they are all heroes!" Zhang Tianhai, who was already tall, stood on the front of the car, holding a Browning pistol, and suddenly became a the focus of the crowd.

"Like you, I, Zhang Tianhai, also withdrew from the Songhu battlefield. To tell you the truth, our direct regiment was only established yesterday. Before that, our designation was the First Battalion, 36th Regiment, [-]th Division of the Army. It is the battalion commander. Our troops have fought on the Songhu battlefield for three full months. We are worthy of the motherland and the people. Now our direct regiment has been established and we are recruiting troops. I can assure you that as long as you enter our third theater Group, as long as I, Zhang Tianhai, have enough to eat, I won’t starve you all. As long as the retreat order has not been issued, I will live and die with everyone. If you want to retreat, I will definitely not run alone! , will also die on the battlefield. If the luck is not good, I will live and die with everyone, and I will never take a step back!"

Zhang Tianhai's words are very straightforward and sincere. From the perspective of these veterans who escaped from the battlefield, it is time for the country to perish. As long as the officers are not afraid of death, they are also not afraid of death. They are not afraid Death, the fear is only to die for no reason!

I saw Zhang Tianhai breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "Everyone came up from the rear to support the front. I belonged to the second batch of troops that came to Shanghai. The first batch was the 87th and 88th divisions. In the past three months, countless comrades-in-arms and brothers have died beside me. Death is no longer a terrible thing for me. The meaning of my life now is to avenge the brothers who died on the front line and fight against Japan. Kou, get rid of the Japanese invaders, if we retreat today, then our parents, brothers and sisters will die! We will take our guns and fight the Japanese invaders to the end!!”

Zhang Tianhai's words came from the bottom of his heart. After he came to this era, he spent almost every day between life and death. On this point, he has the right to speak.


PS: Another chapter, it will be on the shelves tomorrow.After it was put on the shelves, the old man started three times, and every time the reward exceeds 1000 points, a new chapter will be added.The deadline is only tomorrow (July 2019, 7), please do your best to support! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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