Chapter 168

There is a word called empathy. Only when we have experienced these things together can we feel the pain and anger caused by these things.

Sure enough, when Zhang Tianhai said these words, many officers and soldiers present were red-eyed. Yes, they have all experienced these things, the death of comrades and brothers around them, the indiscriminate bombing of the Japanese army, and the Japanese army's charge. The flashing bayonet left an indelible impression on the hearts of the officers and soldiers present.

"Sir, it's not that we don't want to go with you, but the officers of the camp told us just now that we want to make the same arrangement, we have to send back to the original army or follow their arrangement, and replenish the troops that have entered Nanjing nearby. If we go with you Yes, we are afraid..." A lieutenant officer who looked 26 or [-] years old responded, seeing that he was wearing a blue-gray military uniform and speaking with a Northeast accent, if nothing unexpected, the Northeast Army was broken up The officers and soldiers are gone.

Zhang Tianhai glanced at them, and these officers and soldiers were silent, but their eyes had already betrayed them—they were eager to pick up their guns and fight, and they wanted to join the regiment directly under them.

So, Zhang Tianhai gritted his teeth, and said loudly: "You don't have to worry about these things. You are members of my direct subordinate group, and you are my Zhang Tianhai's people. You don't need to worry about these things. What you have to do is to get back together and follow me. Let's fight the little devil together!"

"Okay, since the commander can say this, our brothers in the Northeast Army are not cowards, sir, I will give you more than 100 catties of meat!" The lieutenant of the Northeast Army said loudly, with a very firm expression.

After the Northeast Army officer spoke out, more than [-] Northeast Army soldiers around him also stood up and said, "Sir, we are also willing to follow the company commander and go with you."

There is an effect called the domino effect, which means that in an interconnected system, a small initial energy may produce a series of chain reactions. People call this phenomenon the "domino effect" or "domino effect". .

After someone first decided to follow Zhang Tianhai, most of the officers and soldiers present chose to follow Zhang Tianhai, and wanted to join the regiment directly under the theater, but some people were also very smart, and they still chose to wait and see - they shot here, That will definitely attract the attention of the shelter. If this officer Zhang is stronger than the people in the shelter, then nothing will happen. The most fearful thing is that this officer Zhang is not strong enough, and he will be held accountable at that time.

In fact, these people's ideas are superfluous. Can an officer who can serve as the head of the regiment directly under the theater not write the background?You must know that the superior unit directly under the regiment is the third theater commander's department...

However, the shooting in front of the train station has always alarmed the people at the train station and the shelter, and they must come and take a look at it no matter what.

I saw about a company of officers and soldiers running from the east of the train station. From their yellow-green clothes, we could tell that they belonged to the Central Army.

There are several independent two-story office buildings to the east of the train station. In addition to the office at the station, there is also a temporary storage station office and an armed supplies office set up by the Ministry of Military Affairs here.

I saw that the officers and soldiers of this company were quite menacing. Everyone was armed with live ammunition. It seemed that they most likely belonged to the gendarmerie of the Nanjing Garrison Commander's Headquarters.

"What are you doing?! Why are you shooting here!" When Ben walked near Zhang Tianhai and the others, the leading company commander asked loudly, and the soldiers behind him also pointed their guns at Zhang Tianhai and the others. people.

The company commander looked about 23 or [-] years old, but he was quite handsome, he looked a bit like a young man, maybe he was a young man from a high school in Nanjing, and he became a company commander after studying in a military academy.

After all, these days, those who can afford to read books are really those with wealthy families. If you don’t believe me, how many of the top students who graduated from the Whampoa Military Academy did not come from wealthy families?Otherwise, it is a teacher, like Hu Zongnan and Huang Wei, before they were admitted to Whampoa, they were also teachers.People like Dai Li who were born as a gangster, and then got money to get into the exam after receiving funding, are very rare.

Seeing his chief being pointed at with a gun, the officers and soldiers of the regiment directly under him also pointed their guns at the troops who came out of the containment station. The scene was full of gunpowder.

"What are you here for?" Standing on the roof of the car, Zhang Tianhai asked knowingly.

Seeing that he was an officer with the rank of colonel, he seemed to belong to the Central Army, so the company commander gave a military salute and said, "Hello, sir, we are the military police unit responsible for maintaining order at the train station. May I ask which unit you are, sir?" Yes, why did you shoot just now?"

Zhang Tianhai jumped out of the car, looked at the company commander squarely, and said, "Is this how you talk to the commander? Point your gun at your own compatriots, your comrades-in-arms!"

The smell of gunpowder was still on the scene, neither of the two sides was good at fault, and they both seized the other's mistakes at the first time to question.

Hearing Zhang Tianhai's questioning method, the company commander's eyelids twitched slightly, and he knew that the other party was probably the kind of unreasonable person. If he continued to point the gun at this guy, if something happened, he would It was hard to explain, so he waved his hand and said, "Put the gun down!"

After hearing the company commander's order, the gendarmes put down their guns one after another, but Zhang Tianhai was different. He saw the gendarmes put down their guns, so he ordered the troops to put down their guns and not point at his friendly troops.

"Sir, we have put down our guns, you have to give me an explanation, otherwise it will be difficult for me to do business here." The military police company commander said neither humble nor overbearing.

Zhang Tianhai is not the kind of person who is really unreasonable, and he also knows that what he does is unethical, so he said: "I am Zhang Tianhai, the head of the first regiment directly under the third war zone, and I am here on the order of the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs." Take over the troops."

"An order from the Military and Political Department? Sir, do you have a letter from the Military and Political Department?" The gendarmerie company commander seemed a little unconvinced. After all, for things like taking over the troops, the chief who took over the troops usually came to meet him with a letter from the Military and Political Department. .

In fact, Zhang Tianhai took advantage of He Yingqin's words and asked me to recruit people?It will be full within three days, that's no problem, and you're not saying that you may come to the shelter to take over the broken soldiers on the front line...

"Are you the person in charge here? If not, I don't need to explain too much to you." Zhang Tianhai said coldly. Although he was just promoted to the head of the regiment, you don't use bean buns as dry food, do you?Is it true that the head of the regiment is not a cadre?
"Okay, sir, wait here for a while, I'll ask our station master for instructions." After finishing speaking, the gendarmerie company commander turned his head and went back to the shelter office to ask the station chief for instructions.

Looking at the back of the military police company commander leaving, Zhang Tianhai waved his hand and ordered: "Except for the company directly under it, the others should organize the containment troops immediately!"

"Yes, group seat!" Everyone in the backbone team responded.

That's right, Zhang Tianhai divided the army into two parts in the morning to deal with such emergencies. After all, robbing people should be as clean and tidy as fighting a war. One part "fights to block the attack" and the other part is responsible for completing the task.


PS: It's on the shelves, it's on the shelves!This is the first update!
(End of this chapter)

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