War of Resistance

Chapter 169 Life is like a play

Chapter 169 Life is like a play
According to the plan formulated in advance, the cadre team will first continue to count the soldiers, and then organize the divisions, with 20 people in a row, and pull them back to the station...

That’s right, it’s pulling back. Since the direct subordinate regiment was announced last night, many things have not been handed over to the [-]th regiment. Of course, it also includes military off-road vehicles and trucks. When they came to the shelter, they just drove the truck here.

As for borrowing trucks and supplies from the 36th Regiment, Zhang Tianhai is determined. Besides, the supplementary troops of the [-]th Division have not returned yet, and even the cadres who have been supplemented to the [-]st Battalion are still being selected. You want these things What are you doing?
Not to mention the trucks, even the firearms, he didn't plan to return them to the [-]th Regiment, unless the Military and Political Department immediately issued their weapons and equipment - just kidding, don't take the weapons first, why don't you go to the cooking class to get them How many kitchen knives to fight with the enemy?
"Don't look, there's nothing you can do if you look at you again, honestly wait for your chief to come back!" Zhang Tianhai calmly said to the gendarmes looking at each other in front of him, if he had to use one word to describe Zhang Tianhai's appearance at this time , in addition to rogue, there is also a trace of arrogance.

That's right, it's arrogance.

Now that you have decided to do bad things, you must do bad things to the end. How can there be a villain with a serious face, um, except for anti-corruption films...

Within a few minutes, an officer wearing the uniform of the Central Army walked over quickly under the leadership of the company commander. Zhang Tianhai had good eyes, and he saw the officer when he was nearly 20 meters away. It was a lieutenant colonel.

After the lieutenant colonel approached Zhang Tianhai, he gave a military salute and said: "Hello, Commander Zhang, I am Chen Yuling, the station master of the Nanjing Railway Station's reception station. I also heard from Company Commander Yu just now that you are Those who came to take over the army, I would like to ask Commander Zhang, did you bring the letter from the Military and Political Department?"

Compared to the young Company Commander Yu, the seasoned Station Master Chen is much more tactful in handling things. After all, he is also in his 40s and [-]s, so he still has some life experience, and when to do what.

Zhang Tianhai is not the kind of person who doesn't know what's good and who is bullying others, so after returning a military salute, he said in a half-true and half-serious manner: "This is a temporary urgent order from Minister He of the Military and Political Department, so I say , He ordered me to come to the containment station to contain the troops first, and then send people to come to make up the formalities.”

That's right, it's sternness. When you lie, you must be calm, otherwise it will be easy for people to see the flaws.

"Since Minister He personally issued the order, I should cooperate with the order, but this batch of containment troops is sent to the 74th Army from above." Station Master Chen said with a look of embarrassment on his face. He is not outstanding in appearance, but But it has a simple appearance, which makes people look very friendly.

Hearing this, Zhang Tianhai frowned and said, "The 74th Army? Isn't the 74th Army still in the area between Shangfang Town and Chunhua Town? Are you going to transport troops from Nanjing?"

"I don't know about this lowly position. I have to ask the superiors to know their intentions." Chen Yuling still looked honest and honest.

If Zhang Tianhai were younger, he might not have the heart to embarrass Chen Yuling, but if he wanted to ask his superiors for instructions, he would have to ask the people in his shelter anyway. Doesn't this mean he should ask himself?Isn't this the same as going to the relevant troops later?

It's just a trick to kick the ball, but Zhang Tianhai thinks it clearly, the 74th Army is also the direct descendant of Lao Jiang, not to mention the commander Yu Jishi is still a relative of Jiang, so Chen Yuling is very likely to use the name of the 74th Army to scare Zhang Tianhai Yes, so that he can get out of trouble.

How can someone who can become an official in troubled times do not have much money?
But Zhang Tianhai is really the kind of person who allows others to frighten and fool him?Not at all, I don't know if I will die at the gunpoint of the Japanese army tomorrow, and I am afraid of the 74th Army?People who are not afraid of death, will be afraid of the 74th Army?Besides, whoever asked Minister He to let him find a way to recruit soldiers, the sky fell, and there was a high ceiling.

Just thinking about it, Zhang Tianhai calmed down, and he said to Chen Yuling, who seemed loyal and honest, "Station Master Chen, it's up to you to figure out a solution for this matter. I came to receive the troops on the order of Minister He. If you have anything to do, you can go to Minister He of the Military and Political Department."

While the two were negotiating and arguing, the adjutant Liu Houming ran to Zhang Tianhai's side and reported: "Reporting to the regiment, a total of 730 soldiers have been received!"

After getting this result, Zhang Tianhai nodded in satisfaction and said, "Let's go back to the regiment headquarters!"

Just when Zhang Tianhai was about to leave, Chen Yuling stopped Zhang Tianhai and said, "Teacher Zhang, can you wait a moment, wait for the humble officer to call his superior before speaking?"

Qi material Zhang Tianhai shook his head and said: "The military affairs of the direct subordinate regiment are urgent. If the matter is delayed, I am afraid that even the station master Chen will not be able to bear it. I am leaving now. If you have any questions, you can ask the military and political department. I will tell you , don’t try to keep me with a gun, you won’t be able to keep me. If you shoot the leader of the friendly army, I’m afraid you will be shot too. I am a graduate of the seventh batch of Whampoa. Commander, don't even try to trouble me."

The warning in Zhang Tianhai's words is full of meaning, even the names of the Whampoa Department and the 36th Division have been mentioned. After all, he is very guilty at the moment. If the station master Chen finishes his call, he will be real. I can't eat and walk around, so I have to cook the raw rice first, and then how to deal with it later is a matter of later.

Arrogance and domineering are just the protective color of his head Zhang. If he doesn't play this role, then Chen Yuling and others will absolutely not let him go with more than 700 people. , in order to reasonably explain what he wants to do.

Life is like a play, it all depends on acting skills...

Seeing Zhang Tianhai dragging away more than 700 people in this small square, Chen Yuling's heart twitched: How will this work next?If the chief pursues it, it will be very troublesome. This is wartime, and if something happens, it is not worth being shot...

"Hey... this little bastard is really not a thing. What kind of prestige can you put on me as a little shelter leader, the head is amazing? Ah bah!" Chen Yuling looked at the off-road vehicle that Zhang Tianhai left in a hurry , cursed in a low voice.

"The station master, what should we do now?" The commander Yu of the gendarmerie company asked Chen Yuling.

The corner of Chen Yuling's mouth twitched slightly, and cursed: "What else can I do? I'm so fucking stupid. Immediately ask my superiors if there is such a thing. If there is such a thing, I will not pursue it. If it is fake, I will immediately ask Report it to Chief Tang of the Commander-in-Chief of the Garrison in person! I can't cure you little bastard, you bastard..."

The consequences of stationmaster Chen getting angry are very serious, don't take the stationmaster as a cadre...


PS: The second update on the shelves, hehehe.The third update in an hour!
Thank you for the 509-point reward from the starting point book friend Yuanwai 100. Today, the cumulative reward is 100 points. Every time the accumulated reward exceeds 1000 points, there will be an update. There is no way to deceive people.

(End of this chapter)

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