War of Resistance

Chapter 170 The Worst Chief of Staff?

Chapter 170 The Worst Chief of Staff?

If you do something wrong, you must admit it, if you are beaten, you must stand up straight.

Zhang Tianhai never thought about how popular he would be for doing such a very unethical and unruly thing. It's good that he didn't get scolded in person this time.Try it without a gun?
The truth is always within the range of the cannon... well, there is no cannon, and a rifle will do.

On the way back, Zhang Tianhai frowned all the time. This was the most outrageous thing he had done in his two lifetimes. If he didn't handle it properly, he might burn himself. This is what Tianhai absolutely didn't want to see.

After thinking for about ten minutes, Zhang Tianhai said to the adjutant Liu Houming who was driving, "Stop."

Following Zhang Tianhai's order, Liu Houming immediately stopped the car, and then the former got out of the car, signaling the troops to stop advancing with gestures.

After finishing these things, Zhang Tianhai returned to the car and said to Liu Houming: "Liu Houming, you go back with the backbone team and the newly recruited soldiers. We have made arrangements. As for how to divide the troops, we will talk about it when I come back, and now I will take the temporary direct company of the regiment headquarters to the storage station in the north of the city!"

"Yes!" Liu Houming responded, and then asked Zhang Tianhai in a low voice: "Tuan Zuo, are you going to the Chengbei Detention Station to snatch people again?"

Zhang Tianhai didn't make a sound, just nodded slightly, and then said with a serious face: "Hurry up and get out of the car, you go back by truck, remember to assist Chief of Staff Guo to make arrangements for our new comrades-in-arms. If it is not completed, I will Only you are asking!"

"Yes!" In addition to being able to fight, Liu Houming has another advantage, that is, he does things cleanly. After getting out of the car, he immediately blew the assembly whistle, and then shouted: "The regiment directly under the company , all gather immediately!!!”

I saw the more than 140 officers and soldiers of the temporary company immediately got out of the car, and then ran to Zhang Tianhai to gather. Those who were also sitting in the big truck are currently only those of their temporary company who can enjoy this kind of treatment. As for the backbone team, except for the battalion All the cadres at the top level had to run back with these newly received troops.

In Zhang Tianhai's words, the backbone team is the future of the Zhiyi Regiment and the core of the Zhiyi Regiment. It is necessary to strengthen the collective sense of honor and deepen the collective relationship with the new brothers who joined the army.

It is not easy to complete the construction of the Zhiyi Regiment within such a limited time. If you want to quickly form combat effectiveness, you have to use some unconventional methods.

As for the matter of going to the North City Detention Station to continue robbing people, Zhang Tianhai is going to do it all the time. Since he wants to do it, he must do it to the end. Quite a few, it is certain to be scolded, and it is not less than a few words of scolding.


Today is Guo Qiliang's first day as the chief of staff of the Zhiyi Regiment. What makes him feel very depressed is that his old classmate and new partner went out with all the troops early in the morning, and told him mysteriously, let He waited, he was going to recruit soldiers back.Chief of Staff Guo didn't even leave a guard for him, and he was the only chief of staff left in the entire regiment headquarters.

Maybe he is the worst chief of staff?Look at other troops. Once the troops are formed, they have everything. If you want soldiers, you have soldiers. If you want guns, you have guns. Cold bench...

Not only the big guys think he is miserable, but even Guo Qiliang himself feels miserable.

Guo Qiliang and Zhang Tianhai are about the same age, but he is a year older than Zhang Tianhai. Unlike Zhang Tianhai, who is full of masculine soldiers, Guo Qiliang belongs to the kind of gentleman, and I don’t know if he is the chief of staff. A polite look is...

Of course, chiefs of staff like Zhang Damiao of the independent regiment in "Bright Sword" are rare in the Central Army. A gentle military officer like Guo Qiliang is suitable to be an aide.

Guo Qiliang is about 1.7 meters tall, shorter than Zhang Tianhai, and his temperament is quite like Fang Ren's, but he is not short-sighted, so he doesn't wear glasses, and his appearance is not as handsome as Fang Ren's, It can only be said that it looks mediocre!

Just as Guo Qiliang was still thinking about how to train the troops to form combat effectiveness after recruiting people, he heard the sound of cars outside the door, and soon there was a commotion of people.

Guo Qiliang took a closer look, and saw Liu Houming, who hadn't put on his military uniform, striding up to Guo Qiliang, and then said: "Chief of Staff, the regiment has an order, and he asked you to arrange the newly received officers and soldiers properly. As for The matter of incorporating the newly recruited brothers into the army will be discussed after he returns."

"Oh? Where are you going to receive the returned troops? How many people are there?" Guo Qiliang is not such a careless person. Thinking of Zhang Yulin's mysterious appearance in the morning, he suddenly became suspicious, so he asked Liu Houming .

"There are 730 No. 700 troops in the reception station at the train station, so the team leader asked the humble staff to come back and help you arrange the [-]-odd troops properly." Liu Houming said honestly, after all, Guo Qiliang is Chief of Staff, these things cannot be covered with paper anyway, and you will know sooner or later.

"Well, that's no problem. Is there anyone else coming back besides you?" Guo Qiliang asked again.

"Except for the regiment seat and the temporary company directly under it, all the other brothers have returned, including the four battalion commanders," Liu Houming said.

Guo Qiliang stood there thinking for a while, and then said: "Okay! You let the four battalion commanders gather at the regiment headquarters for a meeting immediately."

"Yes!" Liu Houming replied, then turned around and left. Just as he was about to leave, he was stopped by Guo Qiliang again.

"Tell me honestly, tell me exactly what happened when you followed the group seat to the shelter." Guo Qiliang said very seriously, not because he didn't trust Zhang Tianhai, an old classmate, but if Guo Qiliang didn't know where Zhang Tianhai got so many soldiers all the time, so he always felt uneasy. Zhang Tianhai is a good fighter and very capable in war, but his thinking jumps are indeed quite powerful.What if there is a catastrophe?
If the chief military officer goes out to handle errands, if something serious happens, Guo Qiliang will not be able to escape the responsibility—you are an imposing chief of staff, and you don’t even know about such important incidents in the regiment, what do you do for food?Needless to say, you know it's a rice bucket, right?
Even if we want to shoulder the responsibility together, we have to be willing to shoulder it, right?You, Zhang Tianhai, can't cause trouble by yourself, but you have to drag Guo Qiliang with you when you are in the middle of the thunder. This thing doesn't make sense...

But what Guo Qiliang never expected was that his guess was completely correct. Zhang Yulin went out without telling him, the chief of staff, just because he was going to cause trouble...


PS: It's the third update, hehehe.Today's guarantee task is completed, and the remaining chapters will be updated, depending on everyone's will.hey-hey.

From the [-]st of next month, we will start double-updates every day, and we will never break our promise, unless there are special circumstances.

(End of this chapter)

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