War of Resistance

Chapter 171 Take a step back, the more you think, the more you lose

Chapter 171

When Liu Houming told Guo Qiliang what had happened in detail, Guo Qiliang's face suddenly became serious—he knew the nature of these things, and Zhang Yulin had never told him about the supplementary soldiers. When asked during the meeting, it was also vague, just saying that the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs asked us to find a way by ourselves.

"Good Zhang Yulin, you don't even tell me about such a big thing. Do you really think I'm a stupid scholar who doesn't understand anything?" Without ambiguity, "Quickly, let the battalion commanders gather at the regiment headquarters immediately!"

"Yes!" Liu Houming replied, and then ran out quickly. Looking at the chief of staff's face, he knew that things were not easy.

Soon, the four battalion commanders Li Chunfei, Lu Shaojie, Wang Ziqing, and Wang Yongcheng gathered at the regiment headquarters.

Zhang Tianhai's Zhiyi Regiment Headquarters was set up in a private house compound in the second entrance courtyard. The house was already empty, and the owner probably left Nanjing long ago to escape the war.

The interior decoration of the regiment headquarters is still very simple, except for tables, chairs, maps and other things, but there is almost nothing. After all, this is borrowing the common people's houses as the regiment headquarters.

Looking around at the four battalion commanders in front of him, Guo Qiliang stopped talking nonsense, and said straight to the point: "Comrades, I believe everyone has seen me. I am Guo Qiliang, chief of staff of the regiment. Now the regiment headquarters has an urgent task. Notice that, except for the Fourth Battalion, each battalion and each company should register their names immediately, and arrange the officers and soldiers of these containment units separately. This task must be completed before noon. Also, the fourth battalion commander, you take your All the backbones of some will follow me to the military supply department of the division headquarters!"

"Yes!" The four battalion commanders stood up and saluted. They also probably knew why the chief of staff temporarily gathered everyone in the regiment headquarters to announce this urgent mission. After the digestion is complete, it must be completed before Tuan Zuo returns.

Why do you have to complete this task before the leader returns in the afternoon?It's very simple. When the regiment leader came back in the afternoon, he probably wanted to immediately distribute the more than [-] people to each battalion and company, and digest this group of soldiers before the board hit their heads!

As for going to the military supply department, it must be to get food. Suddenly there are more than 700 people, and the military supply must also keep up. This regiment has just been established, and even the staff of Chief of Staff Guo It's still an empty shell, let alone the Military Supplies Section, and there is no one for the section chief yet!

The more important issue is the designation. The Third Theater is directly under the First Regiment. This designation sounds very prestigious, but in fact it has not received the support of the chief of the Third Theater. If it is still the 36th Division or the 78th Army If you don’t have an internal number, then they don’t need to think about these problems at all. The division will naturally find a way to help you solve it, including soldiers, cadres, and a series of problems including the replenishment of firearms and ammunition.

It's a pity that Zhang Tianhai is still on his way to the shelter in the north of the city to grab people. If he were here, he would definitely sigh: "What a fucking trouble, why is it so difficult to start a business?"

The camera turns again to the shelter office at Nanjing Railway Station.

It is impossible to say that Chen Yuling is in a good mood at this time, this clay bodhisattva is still a little bit angry, let alone the lieutenant colonel who is usually quite powerful.

It is said that forbearance is calm for a while, but if you take a step back, the more you think about it, the worse it will be.

Now Chen Yuling is in a state where the more he thinks about it, the worse he loses. Let alone the person who snatched their shelter, and even show him face, what kind of situation is this?It's like a living bastard.

The point is that the behavior of the head of the regiment is not right. No matter how busy the Military and Political Department is, there must be time to type out a letter.

Thinking about it, Chen Yuling picked up the landline phone, dialed it and said: "Hello, I am the Nanjing Railway Station Shelter Station. I am Chen Yuling, the head of the Shelter Station. Please pick me up at the Shelter Office of the Commander-in-Chief of the Garrison."

Soon, the phone was connected, and the voice of the Director of Containment Tan Siyuan came from the other end of the phone: "Hello, I am Tan Siyuan."

"Hey, Director Tan, I'm Chen Yuling. The soldiers who were going to the 74th Army to be replenished at our shelter in the morning were snatched away." Chen Yuling reported straight to the point.

"What? Stolen?" On the other end of the phone, Director Tan was obviously very surprised. It was the first time he had encountered such a fucking thing in the army for so long. It was normal to suspect that he had heard it wrong.

After all, I have seen people robbing weapons and equipment, food, and even military uniforms, but this is the first time that people robbed soldiers.

"Yes, it was stolen." Chen Yuling said with certainty and affirmation.

I just listened to the other end of the phone for a while, and then said: "I tell you Chen Yuling, shit can be eaten indiscriminately, and words can't be said indiscriminately. You can report this matter to me in detail. I will make a conclusion after I investigate clearly. .”

"Yes." Chen Yuling responded, and then reported to Tan Siyuan what happened in the morning in detail.

After listening to Chen Yuling's report, Tan Siyuan's first feeling was that something was wrong, so he asked, "Which army did it?"

"It's the first regiment directly under the third war zone. The regiment leader is Zhang Tianhai, an officer who graduated from the seventh phase of Whampoa." Chen Yuling reported truthfully. After all, it involves officers from the Whampoa department. Let's report truthfully, otherwise the officer will be cheated by then. Not to mention, it is possible to provoke yourself into a show.

"Okay, I'll call right now and ask the chief of the Military and Political Department if this is really the case. I'll answer your call later." Tan Siyuan said.

After hanging up the phone, Tan Siyuan was thinking about how to deal with this matter when the phone rang again.

"Hello, I'm Tan Siyuan." Tan Siyuan subconsciously picked up the phone and answered it.

"Hello, is this Officer Tan? I'm Sun Cheng from Chengbei Detention Station..." There was such an anxious voice on the other end of the phone, which made Tan Siyuan's heart suddenly clouded, which was an ominous premonition .

"Speak directly if you have something to say." Tan Siyuan said bluntly, this matter is urgent, if you don't deal with it, you may be in trouble.

"Mr. Tan, we have taken in more than 74 soldiers who are about to go to the 300th Army and have been taken away..." The voice of Lieutenant Colonel Sun Cheng, the station chief of Chengbei Containment Station, was even more urgent than Chen Yuling's. ...

Hearing this, I knew without saying anything that it must be done by the same group of people. At this time, Tan Siyuan's heart was already full of blood: Zhang Tianhai, who is so straight, is so fucking outrageous. There are not many hairs left in the past, and you are still trying to pull it in one place?How should I explain to the people of the 74th Army now?Zhang Tianhai, this little bastard is also true, is there really no one in the shelter?How can I say that I am also a major general and division chief?

Is it true that a major general is not a general?So Tan Siyuan decided to immediately call the Military and Political Department to inquire about the situation.

"Don't be in a hurry and pick things up. The number of the opposing army is the first regiment directly under the third war zone?" Even if it is a complaint, it has to be clear about the situation.

"Yes, this is the first regiment directly under it. The regimental leader's surname is Zhang, who seems to be called Zhang Tianhai." Sun Cheng replied.

"Okay, wait for my call!" After finishing speaking, Tan Siyuan hung up the phone, his fair and chubby face was full of anger, it was really unbearable for my uncle...

After hanging up the phone, Tan Siyuan immediately picked up the phone: "Hello, this is the storage area of ​​the Garrison Command. I am Tan Siyuan, the director of the storage area. Please connect me to the Second Office of the Military and Political Department."


PS: It's a bit embarrassing, I thought I had to work overtime to catch up on the draft.

Thanks to Qidian book friend Empire Datong for the reward of 500 points, and thanks to Qidian book friend 20190726132232897 for the reward of 100 points.

Thank you Qiqi book friends for stealing tomato cats, angw12, and wage earner Huang Ge for a monthly pass, and thank QQ reading book friends Chen Lishun and Tian. . . . . . . .A monthly pass!
Today, the cumulative reward is 700 coins, plus five monthly tickets. It’s not interesting without adding a chapter, and it’s over.hey-hey.

(End of this chapter)

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