War of Resistance

Chapter 172 Peel the skin?

Chapter 172 Peel the skin?

The third archway, the office of the Minister of Military and Political Affairs.

He Yingqin had just returned from Chiang Kai-shek's residence. At this time, he was slumped on the leather sofa in the office with a tired face. The war has been fought until now, and these senior generals have hardly had any rest.

At this time, the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs, as an important department in charge of troop numbers and weapons and equipment, was under enormous pressure.

After the successful landing of the Tenth Japanese Army in Hangzhou Bay, the Japanese army in Songhu immediately launched a joint westward advance. Although the Japanese base camp issued a strategic limit line from Suzhou to Jiaxing, they stopped attacking behind here, but General Matsui Iwane, the commander of the Japanese Central China Dispatch Army, did not intend to obey the orders of the Japanese base camp. With a wave of his hand, hundreds of thousands of Japanese troops began to advance along the front lines of Zhapu, Pingwang, Jiaxing, Suzhou, and Fushan. From Fushan to Zhapu, Haikou in Hangzhou Bay, this area has become the main area for fighting the Japanese army.

It's just that the Japanese army came aggressively, coupled with excellent soldiers, under the cover of aircraft and artillery, they marched forward triumphantly.

On November [-]th, the Japanese army that landed in Hangzhou Bay split into two groups, formed a powerful pincer-shaped offensive, and headed straight for Jiashan. The national army voluntarily abandoned Jiashan, and Jiashan fell; Dianshan Lake swooped down on Pingwang, Dianjiang and Wangjiangjing in Wujiang in the southern section of Sujia Road.

On the same day, the Japanese army dispatched elite troops disguised as refugees, crossed Xingdun Lake to attack Zhenze Town under the jurisdiction of Wujiang, and Zhenze Town fell.

Pingwang fell on the [-]th, and Wangjiangjing fell on the [-]th.So far, the entire Jiaxing has been in a state of turmoil.

On November [-], after several days of fierce fighting between the Ninth Division and other troops, Jiaxing fell.

After the fall of Jiaxing, the Japanese army immediately marched westward in an attempt to roundabout attack the Wufu line (that is, the Suzhou-Fushan line, Wu refers to Suzhou). After that, they immediately launched a fierce attack on Fushan, and the Wufu line was shaken, and the crisis had already emerged.

Seeing that it was difficult to hold on to the Wu-Fu Line, the National Army Command decided to abandon the Wu-Fu Line and withdraw to defend the Xi-Cheng Line (Xi means Wuxi; Cheng refers to Jiangyin).

Today, the national army is fighting fiercely with the Japanese army in Wuxi. No one knows how long Wuxi can hold on. If Wuxi falls, the Jiangyin Fortress will be opened at the back, and the Japanese army will most likely move all the way to the Jiangyin Fortress along Xicheng Road. Forward, so that its fleet in the Yangtze River has no worries.

In addition to the [-]rd Division and [-]th Division on land, the troops responsible for guarding the Jiangyin Fortress also include the main forces of the National Army and Navy on the river, under the unified command of the commander-in-chief of the Jiangyin Army, Liu Xing. I have to say, In terms of geographical location, the Jiangyin Fortress has always been a steel knife on the back of the Japanese navy fleet. If the Jiangyin Fortress is not taken down, it is impossible for them to fully draw their strength to attack Nanjing.

In a sense, Wuxi is also one of the inner gates of Nanjing. After all, Shanghai is regarded as the outer gate, and Wuxi can barely be regarded as the inner gate.

He Yingqin, as the second-in-command after Lao Jiang, naturally knew the situation of the frontline troops. The frontline troops were retreating steadily, and the people in Nanjing were panic-stricken. Thinking about these problems, I felt a headache.

Just as He Yingqin was lying on a chair and thinking about how to solve the front-line problems, a lieutenant colonel at the door knocked on the door: "Mr. He, just now Tan Siyuan, the director of the storage department of the Garrison Command, called and asked about the situation of our military and political department. Is there an order for the first regiment directly under the third theater to receive the train station containment station and the city north containment station to contain the troops?"

"What order to receive the containment force?" He Yingqin's thoughts were disrupted, and he couldn't think of letting Zhang Tianhai figure out a way for himself.

Seeing Officer He's exhausted appearance, the lieutenant colonel's staff repeated it: "It's like this, Director Tan Siyuan of the Garrison Command's storage office called to ask if the Military and Political Department had ordered the third theater to be directly under the first The troops of the regiment went to take over the containment troops, because the head of the first regiment directly under the third theater took away the containment troops at the railway station storage station and the north city reception station without showing the letter from the military and political department."

"The third theater is directly under the first regiment? Go and take away the containment troops at the containment station?" He Yingqin couldn't believe his ears. He didn't expect that such an honest and smart guy last night would dare to do such a thing. Waiting for things?Isn't this a fake military order?

"Yes." The lieutenant colonel's staff replied in the affirmative.

He Yingqin tapped on the sofa with great interest when he heard that it was confirmed. He suddenly understood something. After thinking for a while, he stood up and said to the lieutenant colonel, "Call Commander Song Xilian of the 78th Army immediately. , let him inform Zhang Tianhai, the head of the first regiment directly under the third war zone, and tell that kid to roll over to me immediately, and I will peel off his skin if he is too late!"

"Yes, sir!" The staff officer responded.

Just as the lieutenant colonel's staff officer was about to go out, He Yingqin called to him: "Come back. Just tell me what you said just now. As for Director Tan of the shelter, just say that I issued the order, but I didn't." Go out, if you still need a letter, just send someone to make up for Director Tan."

"Yes!" The lieutenant colonel responded and went back to take Minister He's order, but he was a little curious about Zhang Tianhai, the head of the regiment. He was obviously not a relative or student of Chief He, so why did he take the blame for him? ?Clearly Minister He did not issue this order...


Lieutenant General Song Xilian, the commander of the 78th Army and the commander of the 36th Division, has just returned from a meeting. The content of the meeting is nothing more than to convey the spirit of Chairman Jiang’s instructions—the War of Resistance is glorious, and we must stick to the capital. The enemy is not invincible. Such content.

"Master, the deputy chief of the Military and Political Department called to convey the order of Minister He of the Military and Political Department." A staff officer on duty reported to Song Xilian, with a strange expression on his face.

"Tell me, what is the order?" Song Xilian felt a little strange. Normally, there would be a formal telegram. This time, it was a call from the Adjutant's Office of the Military and Political Department. What's the matter?
"The chief of the adjutant office wants to convey to you Minister He's order that you should inform Zhang Tianhai, the head of the first regiment directly under the third war zone, to go to the military and political department immediately. If it is too late, Minister He said that he will have his skin peeled off." .” After conveying the order, the staff officer on duty still had that unexplainable weirdness on his face.

Of course, after the order was conveyed, it wasn't just the staff officer on duty who had a strange expression, but also Song Xilian: "Are you sure this is really the original words of the chief of the adjutant office of the Military and Political Department?"

"The lowly position will never dare to report military information indiscriminately." The staff officer on duty swore.

This time Song Xilian figured it out, it must be Zhang Tianhai who got into trouble, and just became the head of the regiment and then drifted away?You know, this is Zhang Tianhai's first day as head of the regiment.

On the first day he took office, he was able to alarm Minister He of the Military and Political Department, which only shows that this guy's ability to cause trouble is really not small...

"Come on, follow me to the regiment headquarters of the Zhiyi Regiment!" Obviously, Commander Song's mood is very unstable. Zhang Tianhai walked out of his 36th Division, and now the Zhiyi Regiment is temporarily under his command by Song Xilian. If a catastrophe really happened, he, Song Xilian, would not be able to escape the responsibility.


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Thanks to the starting point book friend 20190726132232897 for the 900 point reward, and thanks to the starting point book friend for the 13 years of reading books silently for the 500 point reward.

Thanks to Qidian book friend Kind Ren for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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