War of Resistance

Chapter 173 Dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water?

Chapter 173 Dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water?

When Mr. Song Xilian and Mr. Song were attacking aggressively, Comrade Zhang Yulin was on his way back in his military off-road vehicle that was about to renege on his debts.

Of course, Zhang Tianhai did another robbery at the North City Detention Station, so naturally he would not return empty-handed. No, the officers and soldiers in the two rows behind his car followed along and ran forward.

If one had to use one word to describe Zhang Tianhai at this time, it would be twitching, with a feeling of "the spring breeze is proud of the horseshoe disease, and I can see all the flowers in Chang'an in one day".If one had to use the above more accurate words to describe Zhang Tianhai, it would be that a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.

Yes, that's right, dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water.

This poem that Meng Jiao wrote after he was admitted to Jinshi clearly expressed his complacent mood at that time, and this guy was obviously fearless.

The camera turned to Zhi Tuantuan again.

There was a distance between the regiment headquarters of the Zhiyi Regiment and the division headquarters of the 36th Division, so Song Xilian drove there with his adjutants and staff officers, and at the same time there was a guard platoon officer behind him.

When Song Xilian's military off-road jeep stopped in front of the Zhiyi Tuantuan Department, he was shocked by the scene in front of him - he saw that the street was quite crowded, full of soldiers, and these soldiers were led by the leader officer. Next, the name and household registration are registered. Obviously, this is not an isolated incident. It is very likely that these nearby streets are the same!
"This Zhang Tianhai is quite capable. I don't know where this kid got so many soldiers, and he's still some veterans." Song Xilian's eyes were very sharp, judging from the clothes on these soldiers and the look in their eyes. Light, obviously these are all veterans who have fought in the war, and it is very likely that they are all veterans who were withdrawn from the Songhu battlefield!

Don't say whether these soldiers won or lost battles, as long as they have been on the battlefield and touched guns, they are more than twice as strong as recruits who have never even touched guns.

"Master, in your opinion, where did you get this Tianhai soldier?" Adjutant Yang asked.

It’s okay not to mention this, just a word to wake up the dreamer... Song Xilian has roughly guessed how these soldiers got here, it is nothing more than "unconventional means"...

"Where is your regiment commander?" Song Xilian grabbed the soldier in the regiment headquarters who was wearing the uniform of the Central Army and asked.

"Report sir... I don't know..." The soldier said submissively, apparently they were newly recruited from other places, not the soldiers from the old battalion. Let me ask the soldiers from the old battalion, which one is not Know the seat of the teacher?
At this moment, an officer with the rank of second lieutenant ran over, stood at attention and saluted and reported: "Report to the division commander, the regiment commander has not returned yet, and now the chief of staff and the battalion commander are staying at the regiment headquarters."

"Well, very good." Song Xilian nodded, "You take us there."

"Yes!" The second lieutenant responded.

For the teacher's sudden visit, to be honest, Guo Qiliang was really surprised. Could it be that the teacher's seat received the news just after the accident?
"Master seat!" Seeing Song Xilian enter the regiment headquarters, everyone in the regiment stood at attention and saluted.

"Well, where is your regiment leader Zhang? When will you be back?" This was the first sentence Song Xilian asked after entering the Zhiyi regiment headquarters, which was quite inspiring.

"Reporter, I don't know about the humble position, but it should be soon." Guo Qiliang said very seriously, as if Zhang Tianhai's going out to do things is to do business, um, the right thing.

"Well, fine. I'll wait for him here now, come on, bring a chair over here. I'd like to see what our regimental commander Zhang has done. Even Chief He of the Military and Political Department was alarmed." It's time." Song Xilian's words were not joking, he was serious, he really wanted to wait here until Zhang Tianhai came back.

Adjutant Yang also knew that Minister He meant that the division seat went to the head of the first regiment, so he hurriedly moved a chair over and let the division seat sit.

On the other hand, Guo Qiliang hurriedly winked at Liu Houming, signaling him to go to Zhang Tianhai and tell him what happened here, so that Zhang Tianhai could be prepared.

When Zhang Tianhai returned to the regiment headquarters, it was already half an hour later.

I saw that Zhang Yulin, the head of the regiment, whistled all the way into the regiment headquarters. He already knew that the teacher came to ask questions. It was Liu Houming who stopped his car in front of the regiment headquarters and told him, dead pig Not afraid of boiling water is like his situation.

"Master! It's too late for me to go out for my humble job, please forgive me!" After entering the regiment headquarters, Zhang Tianhai immediately gave a military salute and reported.

"Okay, you stand still! I want to know, what mission are you going out to perform now?" Song Xilian said, staring at Zhang Tianhai.

I saw Zhang Tianhai straightened his waist and said: "Reporting to the seat of the master, the humble job is to go out to recruit soldiers under the order of Chief He of the Military and Political Department!"

Hearing Zhang Tianhai's words, Song Xilian was overjoyed. I hadn't noticed it before. Zhang Yulin seemed honest and honest at the time, but he was full of nonsense when it came to the critical moment. It would not be an exaggeration to say that he was prudish.

If Song Xilian hadn't known that Zhang Tianhai had caused trouble before he came, maybe he would have been fooled by this kid.

Song Xilian narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at Zhang Yulin, staring at Zhang Yulin, making the latter uncomfortable: "Oh? Is it true? Don't try to fool me. I'm coming here. Minister He's adjutant asked me to inform you that Minister He asked me to You go to the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs, and your skin will be peeled if you are late. These are the original words of Minister He. After you come back, I want to listen to your explanation!"

"Yes!" Zhang Tianhai's heart shuddered, and he immediately responded.

After finishing speaking, Zhang Tianhai immediately walked out of the regiment headquarters and asked Liu Houming to follow. The more than 300 people he brought back from the North City Detention Station were fully responsible for the arrangements by Guo Qiliang. As for the distribution to the battalions and companies , I have to wait for him to come back.

When he walked out of the regiment headquarters, Zhang Tianhai's expression became serious: Minister He didn't say he would be punished, but just asked him to report to the Military and Political Department. If nothing unexpected happened, he was asked to give a reasonable explanation. Without a reasonable explanation, it may not be as simple as dismissing his position as regimental commander, or he may have to go to a military court.

It is said that dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water, but when deciding whether to stab them with a knife, they must be treated with caution. Small animals have a strong desire to survive, let alone humans?

Zhang Tianhai called Liu Houming out to go to the Military and Political Department with him, just because he wanted to find some high-sounding reasons to convince Minister He on the way.

The military off-road vehicle pushed forward on the bluestone road, making tire noises. Zhang Tianhai, who was sitting on the co-pilot, looked at the sky, as if he was asking the sky whether what he was doing was correct or not. Every time I get the answer in my heart: I am ashamed of the military law, and I am not ashamed of myself.

Familiar with history, but unable to change the pain of history, I am afraid that only Zhang Tianhai knows it himself. As a Chinese soldier, he is powerless against the imminent massacre. The only thing he can do is to form a team that he can A well-commanded armed force can do things worthy of itself and the people at the right time.


PS: Today's first update, there will be another update around ten o'clock in the evening.

Thanks to Qidian book friend Kind Ren for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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