War of Resistance

Chapter 174 Debate

Chapter 174 Debate

The small building of the Military and Political Department of Sanpailou is still so inconspicuous. If it weren't for the blue sky and white sun badge hanging at the door, and the heavily guarded guards, most people would not think that this is the most powerful military and political department in China at this time.

Although the small building where the Military and Political Department is located is not conspicuous, in Zhang Tianhai's view, it is still full of solemnity, which may be caused by preconceived impressions.

Zhang Tianhai's off-road vehicle was on the side of the road not far from the Military and Political Department, Liu Houming was waiting in the car, Zhang Tianhai took a deep breath, and then walked into the small building of the Military and Political Department.

When he came to He Yingqin's office, He Yingqin's secretary told Zhang Tianhai that Minister He had gone to a meeting and hadn't come back yet, so he told him to wait a while.

Since it was an order from the chief, he could only wait here, so Zhang Tianhai found a chair in the corridor and sat down to wait patiently.

About half an hour later, after the door of the conference room on the first floor opened, He Yingqin brought his adjutant and entourage up to the office on the second floor.

"Hello, Chief He!" After seeing Minister He, Zhang Tianhai took the initiative to stand at attention and salute.

When He Yingqin saw Zhang Tianhai, he just nodded slightly, and then signaled him to wait outside for a while.

Minister He is busy with military affairs, and the frontline battlefield has already become a mess. It is only a very normal thing for him to wait.

About ten or twenty minutes later, the adjutants and attendants in Minister He's office went out, and Zhang Tianhai knocked on the door of He Yingqin's office.

"Come in." He Yingqin is still full of energy. For him, no matter how tired he is at the moment, he must cheer up. If he loses the battle on the front line because of his mistakes, then he will be the eternal sinner of the Chinese nation Yes, so no matter what, you have to keep your spirits up.

"Report to Mr. He, Zhang Tianhai, head of the first regiment directly under the third war zone, has been ordered to report!" Zhang Tianhai reported loudly, no matter how he is dealt with for a while, it will be fine, this field cannot be lost, um, in other words Say that is, you can kill me, but I refuse to accept it.

"Come in!" He Yingqin said with his back to Zhang Tianhai in front of the huge military map in the office.

Walking to He Yingqin's side, Zhang Tianhai stood very straight, and he didn't dare to make a sound, and he didn't know whether he was afraid of disturbing Chief He's thoughts or of causing bad luck.

"Zhang Yulin, you're here." These were the first words He Yingqin said to Zhang Tianhai after he entered the office.

"Yes, sir. I'm here." Zhang Tianhai didn't dare to take the initiative to bring up his trouble, he was waiting for Officer He to speak.

He Yingqin turned around and said to Zhang Tianhai: "Look at the military map in front of you. The map drawn on it is the current battle situation between our army and the Japanese army. If you were the commander of the Japanese army, how would you fight?"

"Ah?" Zhang Tianhai froze for a moment, he really didn't expect He Yingqin to ask him this question, he thought why the minister called him here to train him.

He Yingqin didn't answer him, but continued to look at the military map in front of him.

Zhang Tianhai looked at the military map in front of him very seriously, and saw that the three red arrows on the map symbolized that the Japanese army was attacking Nanjing in three ways.

"Minister He, if I were the commander of the Japanese army, the next step would be to remove the Jiangyin Fortress and other outlying positions, then encircle Nanjing, then attack Nanjing, and finally achieve the strategic goal of conquering the capital of our country." Zhang Tianhai said solemnly, Regarding the purpose of the Japanese army to capture Nanjing, when I was in the military academy, the teacher explained the purpose of the Japanese army in detail - capturing Nanjing has many benefits, whether in terms of politics or strategy, or destroying the Chinese economy.

It may be that Zhang Tianhai's answer satisfied him, so He Yingqin nodded, and then continued: "Well, yes, the Japanese army vowed to win Nanjing, while our army is sticking to Nanjing. What do you think about this? "

"First of all, Nanjing is the capital of our country. From a purely strategic point of view, Nanjing is very difficult to defend. Nanjing is the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties. During the war, the Japanese navy was so powerful that it would inevitably make a fuss on the river; but from a political point of view, it must be impossible to defend. If Nanjing does not fight and abandons it, it will be detrimental to our country’s future protracted war of resistance. First of all, In terms of public opinion, the capital abandoned without fighting, and the determination of the whole country to resist the war will inevitably be shaken. The students only see it this way, please give instructions from the superintendent of education!" Zhang Tianhai is a little clever because he said What the dean of education said was equivalent to discussing it from the perspective of the teacher-student relationship. As we all know, He Yingqin is the dean of education of the Whampoa Military Academy.

He Yingqin nodded, and then his expression changed from amiable to serious: "Very good, your analysis is in place, it seems that you are not a fool, and your strategic vision is very good in all aspects. You are worthy of being a student from my Whampoa Military Academy. But I just want to I know, why did you go to the shelter to snatch people, do you know that it is a supplementary force ordered to the friendly army?"

Speaking of this, Zhang Tianhai is a little embarrassed. After all, this matter is a serious violation of military discipline from any aspect, but there is nothing to do now. He said seriously: "Report to the superintendent, students I know, but the students have no choice. The student's direct regiment only has 300 to [-] people, and they will definitely not be able to recruit soldiers with conventional methods. At that time, if the devils come, the direct subordinate regiment may not be able to resist, so the students can only resort to this trick .”

"Oh?" He Yingqin turned around and stared at Zhang Tianhai closely, even if the latter told a lie, he could clearly see it.

Zhang Tianhai gritted his teeth and said, "Yes. The student made a mistake. How should I deal with it? The student admits it. But the student has no other choice but to make such a bad move. Please forgive me, the head of education!"

He Yingqin could see Zhang Tianhai's expression very clearly, and there was indeed no suspicion of fraud, so he nodded and said with a very serious expression: "In normal times, I would definitely send you to a military court, but now it's time to employ someone On this occasion, this time I will help you take the blame for the false military order. The Military and Political Department has issued a reissue order to Director Tan of the Containment Office. If there is a next time, I will definitely send you to a military court , and then deal with it with military law!"

Zhang Tianhai knew very well what the method of military law disposal was. It was nothing more than shooting him to death.

"Students understand! Absolutely no exception, if there is any violation, the students will be dealt with by the military law!" Zhang Tianhai promised very seriously.

After seeing that the effect had been achieved, He Yingqin waved his hand and said, "Okay, you're not the kind of person who waits for me to read the book, and you know how to take advantage of the loopholes in my words when performing tasks. Indeed, three days It is really difficult for you to recruit a reinforcement regiment within a short period of time. It seems that there is no other way except to grab the troops in the shelter. This time, I will let you go. I think you are also a talent, Just now you also mentioned the word Protracted War of Resistance, so I made an exception today and want to hear your thoughts on the future of the War of Resistance. Let’s talk about it!”

He Yingqin also looked at Zhang Tianhai with a hint of encouragement in his eyes, indicating that he can speak up with confidence and boldly.


PS: Another chapter is here, today's update will be like this first.

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(End of this chapter)

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