War of Resistance

Chapter 175 Debate

Chapter 175 Debate

War is an art, but it is not painted by painters or artists, but by soldiers and politicians.

A person like He Yingqin belongs to a collection of soldiers and politicians. He has a deep research on war. Judging from the position of superintendent of education, his military talent is by no means bad. (Note: The chief education officer is the chief instructor, one meaning)
Zhang Tianhai picked up the baton and pointed to the location of Japan on the map, and then said: "Compared with Japan, although Japan has excellent military equipment and strong combat capabilities, its weakness is that its land is small, its resources are scarce, and its population is small. The inside cannot be changed, so we exchange space for time, mainly to consume the vital strength of the enemy army, and persist in a protracted war of resistance is our only choice. Just like the Songhu battle we fought before and the Nanjing defense battle we are going to fight now, In the previous stage, it was necessary to insist on focusing on the battles of large groups and large corps to consume the vital strength of the enemy. After the battle line is stretched, then dispatch elite troops to infiltrate the enemy's rear to harass the enemy's logistics supplies and other aspects, and then cooperate with the front line to attack. It greatly consumes the vitality of the enemy army. If there is a chance, the elite troops that penetrate the enemy's rear can also be beheaded!"

He Yingqin nodded, and he agreed with Zhang Tianhai's opinion, "Yes, the current situation where the enemy is strong and we are weak cannot be changed in a short period of time. As you said, it is correct to launch a campaign that mainly consumes the vital strength of the enemy. But I want to hear what you mean by this beheading operation?"

Zhang Tianhai paused for a while, sorted out his thoughts, and then said: "The decapitation operation, as the name suggests, is a military operation with the ultimate goal of taking the head of the enemy general. When the enemy and our army conduct large-scale military operations, It is very likely that the headquarters will be exposed, and the elite troops can take the opportunity to carry out precise strikes against the enemy's headquarters in order to achieve the goal of paralyzing the enemy's combat command system. Counterattack on a large scale and attack the enemy individually."

"Then according to your understanding, what size should be the size of this elite force that penetrates into the enemy's rear?" He Yingqin asked rhetorically.

"The strength of a regiment or so is appropriate. If there are too many targets, the target is too large to make the enemy aware. If the number is small, it will not be able to form effective lethality to the target. Instead, it will scare the enemy and cause the operation to fail." Zhang Tianhai said with certainty.

After hearing Zhang Tianhai's words, He Yingqin stood in front of the map and pondered for a long time. After about 3 minutes, he asked: "If your regiment is to serve as the elite force that harasses the enemy's rear, if you are the commander What kind of support do you need?"

Anyway, it is unlikely that this method of combat can be realized at this time, so it is good to just treat it as bragging, so Zhang Tianhai let it go: "First, to ensure the smooth communication and information on the battlefield, can you Reasonable and timely capture of fighters has a great relationship with smooth communication and timely update of battlefield information; second, excellent equipment is required to ensure that the battle can be resolved in the shortest time and strategic goals can be achieved; the third is the cooperation of friendly forces , without the cooperation of friendly forces, the chances of success are slim with a small force like yourself. In short, there are three words, 'fast, ruthless, and accurate'!"

He Yingqin had heard of this kind of combat concept before, but he didn't delve into it. After all, the Chinese army is still too weak in this era. Quantitative changes can cause qualitative changes. There is not even quantity. How can we contact qualitative changes?So he didn't delve into this concept at the time.

"If the target of your troops is exposed and the enemy finds your troops and encircles your troops, what will you do?" He Yingqin asked again.

"First of all, we need to break out with the camera. It would be great if we can break through the encirclement with the camera and jump out of the encirclement. If you can't break through, there are two results. Report to the command headquarters to see if we can form a bigger encirclement circle against the enemies encircling our troops, and then the center will blossom; the second result is that our troops feel inferior to their ranks, and the whole regiment below the humble ranks will die for the country!" Zhang Tianhai said at the end His tone was already very serious. If there was such a day, he would definitely sacrifice his life to serve his family and country with his death.

After listening to Zhang Tianhai's words, He Yingqin didn't make a sound, just thinking quietly, as if making some difficult decisions.Like a cadre at his level, no matter what decision he makes, he must think twice before making a decision. After all, his decision is not made by him alone. One of his decisions may determine several regiments or even several divisions. people's future and destiny.

After a long time, He Yingqin finally spoke out: "The Ordnance Department has the last batch of German equipment, which should be able to arm your regiment. Basically, your regiment is veterans who have been on the battlefield. As long as they are properly trained, their combat effectiveness should be Not weak. You are a smart man, and you are a very thoughtful young officer. I hope that by handing over the German Armor Reinforcement Regiment directly under you, you can show a good look. Don’t embarrass me, He Jingzhi!"

"Yes! The students will definitely live up to the high expectations of the head of education, and lead the direct subordinate group into an elite group that dares to fight hard and can fight tough battles!" Zhang Tianhai stood at attention very excitedly and saluted. He thought that he would not die if he came here. I also had to shed a layer of skin, but I didn't expect it to be a blessing in disguise.

A full-style German armored regiment?Isn't this the same treatment as the teaching corps and the 36th, 87th, and 88th divisions?A newly established reinforcement regiment with nothing turned into a German weapon reinforcement regiment?That combat power is not a little bit worse...

"Don't be too happy too early, you have such a temper, you have to pay more attention in the future. Like this time you went to rob other people's camp to rob the defeated troops, if I hadn't helped you with this matter, you boy would have You have offended the 74th Army. The more than 700 routs you have taken back from the army were originally intended to be supplied to the 74th Army, which was also withdrawn from the front line. Now I have to go to the fifth theater. Allocated a supplementary regiment to the 74th Army. If there is such an outrageous behavior again, you will know the consequences yourself." He Yingqin warned Zhang Tianhai again, he was afraid that this kid was too young to do anything, and he would be ruined sooner or later Own.

"Thank you to the superintendent for your concern. The students understand. There will never be a next time!" Zhang Tianhai's thanks came from the heart. He offended the 74th Army. It is only the heart of talent, but it is also the heart of others after all.

"Well, let's do this at noon tomorrow. I'll send people to transport weapons and equipment and serve them to your regiment. By then, your troops should have absorbed all the routs, right?" He Yingqin asked.

"Report to the dean of education, the students will definitely absorb this group of rout soldiers before noon tomorrow, and will never cause trouble to the dean of education!" Zhang Tianhai vowed that when it is time to stand up, you must stand up. Never be cowardly when it is hard.


PS: Another day's update, there will be another update at [-]:[-] pm, please wait patiently.

Thanks to Qiqidian book friends angw12 and sis540 for one monthly ticket each, again asking for recommendation tickets, monthly tickets and other supports!

(End of this chapter)

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