War of Resistance

Chapter 176 The German Armament Reinforcement Group?

Chapter 176 The German Armament Reinforcement Group?
"For the defense of Nanjing, your department is still under the command of No. 70 Eighth Army Commander Song Xilian temporarily." He Yingqin said, "Take time to rest and train, the frontline battle is very tight."

"Yes. The students would like to ask the dean of education boldly, how tight is the front-line war?" Zhang Tianhai is also very concerned about the front-line war. He has seen the combat effectiveness of the Japanese army before. Under the cover of aircraft and artillery , The fighting power is not generally ferocious.

He Yingqin did not intentionally conceal the bad news about the front-line war, but he said very frankly: "At present, the Japanese invaders are fighting to the death with our army in Wuxi, and the battle in Nanjing is also very tight. Yu Jishi's No. 70 Fourth Army They have all entered Niushou Mountain and Chunhua Town, and dispatched advance troops to Moling Pass and Hushu Town; Ye Zhao No.60 Sixth Army Division has also entered the vicinity of Chunhua Town and Funiu Mountain, and dispatched troops to the vicinity of Jurong Advance the troops before you are strong. Yulin, the frontline battle is very tense, and your 78th Army has at most one week to rest and reorganize. After one week, I want to see obvious changes in your department!"

"Yes! The students promise to complete the task!" Zhang Tianhai stood at attention and saluted.

"By the way, I will send someone to solve the problem of your communication station and communication personnel at that time, and I will arrange it for you within two days." He Yingqin added.

"Yes! The students thank the head of education on behalf of Zhiyituan!" Zhang Tianhai said.


When he walked out of the gate of the Military and Political Department, Zhang Tianhai's back was covered in sweat. Although it was already the season of biting cold wind, his back was covered in cold sweat, and he didn't know whether he was nervous or frightened. of……

"Tuan Zuo, how's the situation?" After Zhang Tianhai got into the car, Liu Houming immediately asked anxiously.

"It's okay, let's go back to the regiment headquarters!" Zhang Tianhai waved his hand, looking very tired.

The car started to leave the Military and Political Department, leaving only some unknown and never-before-experienced fatigue.


When Zhang Tianhai returned to the Zhiyi Regiment Headquarters, it was already evening, Song Xilian and others had already left, and only Guo Qiliang was dozing inside the regiment headquarters waiting for news.

"Old Guo, I'm back." After entering the gate of the regiment headquarters, Zhang Tianhai directly woke up Guo Qiliang.

"Zhang Yulin, you are back." Guo Qiliang opened his sleepy eyes, stood up and said.

"How's the team going?" It can't be said that Zhang Tianhai is a workaholic, and he immediately asked about the team's situation as soon as he returned to the regiment headquarters, but the pressure on his shoulders was too great...

I saw Guo Qiliang nodded and said: "According to your instructions, all the officers in the rout team have been selected, a total of 22 people, one major, six captains, eight lieutenants, and seven second lieutenants. The list is complete. Here it is. This time, a total of 790 officers and soldiers of the defeated troops were taken in."

Zhang Tianhai nodded in approval: "Okay. Let the major let him be the director of the logistics department. Now that the army is newly established, the logistics department is under a lot of pressure. Let me see the other officers before making a decision! If there are suitable candidates, transfer them to your staff headquarters to serve as staff officers. In short, this group of officers must fill the vacancies of officers in the regiment headquarters!"

"Then what do you plan to do with this group of soldiers?" Guo Qiliang was quick to enter the role. The chief of staff's duty is to assist the military commander of the unit in command, while the staff of the staff department are in charge of specific operations. The formulation of the plan and all the specific arrangements for personnel, logistics, materials, etc., but in many cases, the formulation of the specific combat plan is discussed and determined by the military chief officer.

Obviously, Guo Qiliang is undoubtedly very qualified in assisting the military chief officer of the army to carry out command work. In a sense, he is now almost taking over the work of a staff department by himself, and he has completed it very well. outstanding……

It is no wonder that there is a saying in the German army: a smart and lazy person is suitable to be a commander; a smart and hardworking person is suitable to be a chief of staff; A lazy person can only tell him to fuck off.

Zhang Tianhai took off his hat and put it on the table, then tapped the table with his index finger, and said: "First of all, the temporary company directly under the regiment headquarters will be disbanded, and all these veterans will be assigned to each squad as deputy squad leader. Veterans go in, and the rest of the veterans will stay in the gendarmerie and guard platoons. You can figure out how to allocate them. After the veterans are divided, the new recruits will be scattered and assigned to Go to each battalion and wait for these battalion commanders to distribute them! We are busy, so we can't let these guys take it easy."

If someone who is a bit of a military officer knows what Zhang Tianhai did, he has to admit that Zhang Tianhai's move is very clever. The officers and soldiers are organized into the army separately. This will not only alleviate the plight of the lack of officers in the regiment, but also solve the problem of the formation of the army. In Zhang Tianhai's opinion, there can only be one group in the first regiment, and that is "the first regiment directly under it"!
"Okay, no problem. It seems that we will have to fight all night again tonight." Guo Qiliang said with a wry smile. The official has been promoted, but the responsibility is also heavier.

"It's okay, I'll fight with you too! The troops will be sorted out before noon tomorrow." Zhang Tianhai also said with a wry smile. He didn't have enough rest this day, even an iron man would be tired.

It wasn't until this moment that Guo Qiliang remembered to ask about Zhang Tianhai's situation: "By the way, how about going to the Military and Political Department this time? Minister He didn't pick your skin, did he?"

Zhang Tianhai glared at Guo Qiliang, and scolded: "Fart, if the head of the regiment is skinned in the military and political department, you kid can still accept the command of the head of the regiment here? It's against you."

Seeing Zhang Tianhai's angry eyes wide open, Guo Qiliang had no choice but to wave his hands submissively and said, "Okay, okay, you're the head of the regiment, you're an idiot, tell me, did you get any punishment when you went to the Military and Political Department?"

"I didn't have other things, so I was scolded. By the way, at noon tomorrow, the Military and Political Department will send people to deliver weapons and equipment and be served. Let's go straight to the regiment. By the way, the weapons and equipment are full-style German equipment. Even the regiment headquarters The radio station can also be completed within these two days." Zhang Tianhai reminded Guo Qiliang.

How could Zhang Tianhai think that Guo Qiliang's eyes widened as soon as he finished speaking, and the latter widened his eyes and said, "Zhang Yulin, you are the nephew of Minister He, right? Said, after being scolded, the first regiment directly under us was called the German Weapon Enhanced Regiment? Fuck, can you go to the Military and Political Department to get scolded a few more times, so that our regiment can be expanded into the 36th Division and the 88th Division These troops are the same size, they can become bigger and stronger..."

"..." Guo Qiliang's words choked Zhang Tianhai, who would say that?What does it mean that you go to the Military and Political Department to be scolded more times?Can you lose some more?

So, after a long time, the word "Get out" popped out of Zhang Tianhai's mouth...

"I'm serious, Lao Zhang, I can really give it a try, so that I can hope to become the chief of staff of the division soon..."

"Get lost, believe it or not, I've pulled all your teeth out?"


PS: Update as soon as you say update, that's how capricious it is.Ask for monthly ticket recommendation tickets and other tickets~~~
Thank you for the monthly ticket of the military god of the starting point, and thank you for the two monthly tickets of the starting point book friend 20170523224156877!
(End of this chapter)

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