Chapter 177

Just kidding, we still have to do work, Zhang Tianhai is not kidding when he said that he will work with Guo Qiliang until dawn.

No, after dinner, Zhang Tianhai ordered the troops to gather in a nearby school that had already moved out, announcing the disbandment of the temporary company directly under the regiment headquarters and the reorganization of supplementary soldiers into the battalions.

Of course, before the reinforcements entered the camp, Zhang Tianhai asked Xu Sangou to pick more than [-] soldiers from the reinforcement camp to supplement the troops directly under the regiment headquarters.

In addition to supplementing the guard platoon and the gendarmerie company, the more than [-] newly recruited officers and soldiers were included in the logistics and military supply department for emergency needs.

Originally, Zhang Tianhai's regiment directly under him was full, and the logistics troops were at most 700 people, but now Zhang Tianhai's army has almost 3000 combat soldiers, plus the regiment directly under the headquarters. The army is a proper group of [-] people.

For Zhang Tianhai, raising [-] more people was nothing at all. Who told this to be a time of war?Wars are always fought by people, so in this era, soldiers are the most precious, especially veterans who have been on the battlefield!

After the distribution order was issued, Zhang Tianhai gathered the 22 officers selected from the battalion containment unit in the compound of the regiment headquarters. He wanted to go back and issue the distribution order, and stood next to him to issue the distribution order of the officers together. It was Guo Qiliang, Chief of Staff.

The period of the Republic of China was very strange. Some people had names and characters, and even numbers, like representatives of Tang Shengzhi, Hu Zongnan, Luo Zhuoying, etc.; of course, there were only names but no characters and no numbers. Yes, such as Sun Yuanliang and others.

Guo Qiliang's category also belongs to those who only have a name, but no words and numbers.

"Brothers, you have just joined my regiment, and you may not have heard of my name Zhang Tianhai and Zhang Yulin. It's normal if you haven't heard of me. After all, in the national army, officers of my level don't There are so many things to say, and there are so many things to say. Today, I will officially let everyone know me." Zhang Tianhai stood on the stone steps, his hands with white command gloves attached to his back, looking quite Has the demeanor of a leader.

The 22 officers standing in front of Zhang Tianhai were arranged in three rows according to their ranks, with the captain and major in one row, the lieutenant in one row, and the second lieutenant in another row.

"My name is Zhang Tianhai, the sky of the blue sky, the sea of ​​the sea, the word Yulin, the Yulin of Yuzhong Qilin. I am the colonel head of the first regiment directly under the third war zone. I graduated from the seventh phase of the Whampoa Military Academy. Like many brothers, I I am also an officer promoted by FireWire. Three months ago, I was a small acting company commander, and I became the acting company commander because the company commander died."

"The fight in Songhu was terrible. Our 36th Division entered the battlefield on August 36th and fought for three full months. The brothers around me changed from batch to batch. At the beginning of September, I was promoted to Major Battalion Commander of the 36st Battalion of the [-]th Regiment of the [-]th Division. Maybe I am still very young, but I have a lot of experience. To be honest, the [-]st Regiment directly under the [-]rd Theater of ours was only yesterday afternoon from the [-]nd Battalion of the [-]th Division. The [-]th Regiment and [-] Battalion were divided, and I don’t have many requirements for the officers of our [-]st Regiment. They are dedicated to their duties and worthy of the party and the country.”

"I, Zhang Yulin, have been able to grow from being a small deputy company commander before the war to being the head of a reinforced regiment today. It is because of my fearlessness. Today, I will also say a word here , that is when fighting, even if the enemy comes before my eyes, I will not take a step back, and live and die with the motherland and my brothers! If anyone dares to be a deserter, I will kill him first, even if If he is the nephew of an officer in the war zone, that is no exception!"

"We are Chinese soldiers. Behind us is our homeland, our brothers, sisters and parents. My head may be broken, but my ambition will not be lacking. As long as I am still standing on the anti-Japanese front, then he will always be my Zhang Brother Yulin, if anyone dares to run away or join the enemy, don't blame me, Zhang Yulin, for not recognizing anyone with his bullets!"

Zhang Tianhai's words were very excited and full of passion, but everyone could hear the resoluteness in his tone. If anyone really defected to the enemy or became a deserter, then Captain Zhang would definitely be the first to kill him. up.

"Reporting sir, I am a member of the Northeast Army and a graduate of the No.11 Northeast Lecture Hall. I am willing to follow in the footsteps of the head of the regiment to expel the Japanese invaders, and will never take a step back!" The person who spoke was a body A lieutenant in a gray-blue uniform, he stepped forward and said loudly.

Zhang Tianhai took a closer look, isn't this the lieutenant of the Northeast Army who was at the train station shelter in the morning?

"What's your name?" Zhang Tianhai walked down the steps to the lieutenant.

I saw that this lieutenant was a little shorter than Zhang Tianhai, about 1.8 meters tall, quite young, about 26 years old, with an imposing appearance between his brows.

I saw the lieutenant of the Northeast Army standing at attention and saluting Zhang Tianhai in front of him: "Reporting regiment leader, his humble name is Xu Xun. He is a company commander of the No. 60 Seventh Army. He is from Jilin. He was from Songjiang County before he was taken into custody. fled back."

"From the 67th Army?" Zhang Tianhai was obviously not very familiar with this number of troops.

"Yes, I fled back from Songjiang County. Most of the 67th Army were good. We fought in Songjiang City for three days and three nights, and many people died. Even our army commander Wu Keren died. But there are also some scum..." Speaking of the Songjiang Battle, tears welled up in the corners of Xu Xun's eyes, and his eyes turned red. He will never forget the shameless actions of his battalion commander.

That day was November 1937, 11. The Japanese Kunisaki Detachment broke through Matsue Castle, and Matsue fell. The main force of the No.12 Seventh Army was defeated by the Japanese. There were also many formed units that surrendered to the Japanese.Unfortunately, Xu Xun's unit was one of the units that surrendered under the Cheng system. He ran away with the remaining 60 people from that company. He didn't want to be a traitor.

According to the log of the Japanese army's Kunizaki detachment, on November 11, a battalion commander named Song Huimin of the 12th Army led his troops to surrender to the Japanese army, and also handed over a flattering "letter of surrender" to the Japanese army. It is a letter of surrender, rather than a letter of surrender. Due to the limited space, the author does not put the content of this letter of surrender here.

In that war-torn era, in addition to the emergence of many epic heroes, there were also many traitors. Some dared to die, while others were afraid of death.

Xu Xun wiped the tears welling up to the corners of his eyes with the edge of his sleeve, and said firmly, "But please rest assured, the regiment commander, as long as the humble official is still alive, even if he dies, he will never be a traitor or a deserter. As long as the commander still needs Xu Xun Charge into the battle, Xu Xun will never frown, and will never embarrass the leader!"

As soon as the words "some scum appeared" came out, Zhang Tianhai understood what it meant. It was nothing more than the commander leading the troops to surrender, or to become a traitor.

Zhang Tianhai can also understand the situation of someone surrendering or becoming a traitor. After all, some people are afraid of death, and some people are not. If you eat this bowl of rice, you should have the awareness to sacrifice your life for the country at any time!
As an officer, you shouldn't be afraid of death and war.

"To be honest, if you can escape from there and return to the camp of our national army, it proves that you are a Chinese with backbone and an upright Chinese soldier. As long as I, Zhang Tianhai, are still in this regiment for a day, It is absolutely impossible to surrender to the Japanese army if it is directly under the first regiment. It is better to fight to the death than to be a subjugated slave!" Zhang Tianhai patted Xu Xun on the shoulder and said, the last sentence was very important.

I would rather be a dead ghost than a slave to a subjugated country!

PS: Another beautiful day, good morning everyone.There is another chapter tonight.

Thank you Qidian book friend 20170723234524713 for the reward of 100 points, and thank you book city book friend for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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