Chapter 178

I would rather be a dead ghost than a slave to a subjugated country.

This sentence is easy to say, and it looks simple, but it is very difficult to do it. It takes a lot of blood to do it. The victory of the War of Resistance was finally achieved by countless Chinese soldiers who insisted on their beliefs and beliefs. .

Zhang Tianhai's words are very contagious, especially Xu Xun, whose hot tears kept flowing out: If most officers of the Northeast Army had such beliefs at the time of the September [-]th Incident, how could they have lost the Northeast, causing hundreds of thousands of people to die? The Northeast Army is homeless in the pass?
"Yes!" The 22 officers present all responded in unison. They were all defeated frontline troops. Almost everyone present had experienced the pain of Paozawa's tragic death at the hands of the Japanese army in the past.

It is precisely because they hate the war that they want to end the war; precisely because they all hate the Japanese army and are bloody men, they chose to fight side by side with steel guns in hand, vowing to drive the Japanese army back to their hometown.

The pain of the War of Resistance Against Japan is not only as high as that recorded in the history books, it is a heroic tragedy written with fresh lives!

Looking at the 22 officers in front of him, Zhang Tianhai nodded and said: "Brothers are all good. We came to the front from the rear battlefield, isn't it just to kill the little Japan? Now let's feel sorry for the brothers present. First take up various positions in the regiment headquarters of our Zhiyi regiment. The regiment has just been established, and now there is no shortage of soldiers, but cadres, and I don’t know much about you yet, so I will let you take up positions in our regiment headquarters first. Let’s talk about various jobs.”

"Yes!" All the officers responded, and they had already been mentally prepared for the result of taking up positions in the regiment headquarters-this is the difference between the direct line and the non-direct line, and they will definitely not let them go unless it is a last resort. People who are not direct descendants and do not understand go to the military power.

"Zhu Shaohong, from today onwards, you will be the director of the logistics department of the regiment. In order to share the logistics tasks in this special period, the regiment headquarters will temporarily allocate a company in the logistics department, and this company will be temporarily under your command!" Zhang Tianhai walked back to the team. He said loudly in front that this is the second regiment cadre he has appointed since he took office as regiment commander. The first is Guo Qiliang, the chief of staff.

"Yes! Please rest assured, I will definitely fulfill my duties and live up to my expectations!" The major took a step forward, and then stood upright to Zhang Tianhai.

This major is Zhu Shaohong. He used to be the major and battalion commander of the first regiment of the Shanghai Security Corps. He ran to Nanjing after the frontline troops were retreated by Rijin at the end of October. He originally wanted to be detained in Wuxi. Others said that the remnants of the Shanghai Security Corps had already headed for Nanjing, so he ran to Nanjing with dozens of officers and soldiers, but he never thought it was a rumor...

"Xu Xun, serve as the lieutenant staff officer of the regiment!" Immediately afterwards, Zhang Tianhai announced the appointment of the third regiment cadre. In his opinion, Xu Xun graduated from the Northeast Martial Arts Hall. Logically speaking, the basic skills of drawing, surveying and mapping must be Yes, so he was arranged at the regiment headquarters.

"Liao Lizhi, captain and commander of the military police company of the regiment headquarters..."

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Tianhai personally appointed the remaining cadres to official positions. Seeing that the regiment headquarters was full and finally had cadres, Zhang Tianhai finally breathed a sigh of relief—the airs of the regiment had finally been officially set up.

After the appointment meeting announced the dissolution, Zhang Tianhai retained Zhu Shaohong, the new Chief of Military Supply and Logistics, and Liao Lizhi, the new Chief of Military Police Company, as well as the three newly assigned staff officers and Chief of Staff Guo Qiliang.

After motioning everyone to sit at the temporary meeting table in the regiment headquarters, Zhang Tianhai didn't talk nonsense, and said straight to the point: "Chief of Staff Guo, Director Zhu, Company Commander Liao, and the three comrades who are new to the regiment headquarters as staff officers. This time , I will keep everyone here, but there is actually an urgent task. At noon tomorrow, the Military and Political Department will send people to our regiment to deliver quilts, weapons and equipment. This task is very difficult, and it is directly related to the key to our regiment's future combat effectiveness Everyone must cooperate sincerely and follow the arrangements of Chief of Staff Guo."

"Yes!" The five new officers present sat on their chairs and straightened their waists, responding.

"The one sitting next to me is Chief of Staff Guo. I believe you all know him. He is also a graduate of the seventh batch of Whampoa like me. I believe everyone has seen it in terms of ability." Zhang Tianhai He patted Guo Qiliang on the shoulder, and then continued: "The weapons and equipment supplied to our department at noon tomorrow are full-style German equipment. If there is no accident, they should be treated the same as the three divisions from the Teaching Corps and the National Guard. Yes. So everyone must put up all their energy to handle this matter well!"

"Yes! Guaranteed to complete the task!" Except for Guo Qiliang, the others are undoubtedly very excited. They thought that the troops who insisted on arresting people would not get any good treatment. They just got the name of the regiment directly under the theater. In addition to bluffing, the other estimates are that they belong to the kind of beggar army that raises their own food and wages, otherwise how could they arrest people in person.

For the officers who have just returned from other rout units, it is undoubtedly another village. For the officers of the Central Army, they feel that they have come to a unit that is not as good as the original unit. Let’s stay for now. , to see how the situation is; and for the officers who were originally in the motley army, being transferred to the Central Army is nothing more than that, and it is even more boring than the old army.

But now this so-called "no-name troop" has suddenly become a direct line unit of the Central Army, and it is still a direct line of the direct line. How many German weapon strengthening regiments can there be?How could this make these officers who didn't have much hope not excited?

"Let's send someone to vacate the other rooms in the other courtyard where the regiment headquarters is located tonight. They will be used to store weapons, equipment, quilts and other supplies at noon tomorrow." Zhang Tianhai looked at Zhu Shaohong.

"Yes, I will lead the logistics company of the regiment headquarters tonight to complete the task assigned by the regiment!" Zhu Shaohong stood up and assured him, obviously full of fighting spirit.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Tianhai couldn't find out where he was. If an army has no fighting spirit even as an official, how can you let the troops below go into battle with you to fight against the Japanese with passion?
Afterwards, Zhang Tianhai looked at Liao Lizhi, who was on the side, and said, "Commander Liao, your gendarmerie company must be sorted out as soon as possible. The gendarmerie, as a unit to picket the discipline of an army, must be formed first. You should work overtime tonight. The gendarmerie company has figured it out. At least the framework will be sorted out tonight. Tomorrow, the gendarmerie company and the guard platoon will be equipped first. Therefore, you must give me an overall look in the shortest possible time. If not, Don't be this company commander anymore."

Zhang Tianhai's words were very serious, and there was no room for him to refuse. It can be seen from his appointment of Liao Lizhi, who is relatively senior among the captains, as the commander of the military police company. Zhang Yulin has strict requirements on the military discipline of the troops Not generally strict!
In Zhang Tianhai's opinion, if a unit has poor military discipline, it will definitely be ruined—so, the first regiment directly under him must be a team with strong military discipline, daring to fight tough battles, and able to win battles!

This rest, in Zhang Tianhai's plan, is the moment to infuse the soul of the army!

PS: It's another chapter, try to update every day at 10:25 am and 17:00 pm, try your best!
Thanks to the starting point book friend 20180323160420453, book friend, don’t guess, I must have a very handsome monthly ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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