Chapter 179

The so-called military soul is the soul of an army.Whether this army can fight or not is closely related to the military spirit of this army.

At this time, the shaping of the military spirit is particularly important, and as the core of this army, Zhang Tianhai feels that his task is heavy and has a long way to go. In addition to the fierce cooperation of wolves, this army must also have Discipline as strict as a pack of wolves.

The military police company responsible for enforcing the military law is Zhang Tianhai's main focus. Take the company commander of the military police company as an example. He can obviously assign Liu Houming to be the company commander of the military police company, but he thinks about it again and again. Forget it—Liu Houming and the brothers under the battalions, no matter which one has a fateful friendship, if he is asked to carry out the task of picketing military discipline, it will inevitably be biased. Quite offending.

To sum up, Zhang Tianhai felt that the position of company commander of the military police company must be held by the new cadres directly under the regiment, and Liao Lizhi, a guy with a black seal, was targeted by Zhang Tianhai...

Cough, to be more precise, it was after Zhang Tianhai was targeted that his seal turned black...

"Beizhi understands that if he can't complete the task assigned by the group seat, he is willing to automatically apply for resignation and cook in the kitchen!" Liao Lizhi also stood up and responded, expressing his determination to complete the task.

"Does Chief of Staff Guo have anything else to say?" Zhang Tianhai asked Guo Qiliang. After all, he was in charge of both the Military Supplies and Logistics Department and the division of combat tasks for each unit.

Guo Qiliang thought for a while and said, "I have nothing to say, so I will get up on time tomorrow to train the troops."

"Yes!" Everyone responded.

Zhang Tianhai looked around the crowd, then stood up and said, "Okay, let's end here for tonight's meeting first! The meeting is adjourned!"

After everyone left, it was already 11:30 at night. Zhang Tianhai dragged his tired body to take a cold shower, and then went back to sleep in the small side room of the regiment headquarters.

This day was November 1937, 11, Zhang Tianhai's first day as head of the regiment, and it took only one day for Zhang Tianhai and Guo Qiliang to set up the airs directly under the first regiment. God knows their tacit understanding How high is the degree?
The next morning, at 1937:11 on November 24, 7, Zhang Tianhai woke up, brushed his teeth and washed his face.

After Zhang Tianhai finished brushing his teeth, he suddenly discovered that in the courtyard where the regiment headquarters was located, except for his and Guo Qiliang's room and the regiment headquarters office, other places had already been cleaned up. The newly appointed Director of Military Supplies and Logistics is still very satisfied.

But what Zhang Tianhai didn't know was that, thanks to his commander Zhang, the officers and soldiers of the logistics department and the military police department went back to sleep with these two big dark circles behind their eyes after breakfast. I greet some newly appointed officers in my heart.

"Liu Houming, call me the director of the logistics department and the company commander of the gendarmerie company." In the early morning, a certain regiment leader who had just slept and felt very refreshed began to find something for himself to do.

Perhaps it is because the Japanese army is concentrating its firepower on the two major fronts of Wuxi and the Beijing-Shanghai line to fight the main force of the national army, so there has not been a large-scale and clustered bombing of Nanjing by the Japanese bomber fleet.

The sky was gray, which seemed to indicate many difficulties in the frontline battle of the national army. Zhu Shaohong and Liao Lizhi, who had just slept for more than an hour, were called to the regiment headquarters.

Seeing that both of them had panda eyes on their faces, and that they came here with great energy, Zhang Tianhai knew that they must have gone all night to carry out his Commander Zhang's orders.

"I woke up the two of you early this morning. In fact, there is a mission. I am going to gather troops to go outside the city for training and training. When the ordnance and equipment arrive, you will be responsible for receiving and counting them! If there is no Unexpectedly, the chief of staff will count and receive the equipment with you." Zhang Tianhai put on his pair of white command gloves as he said, and it was time to get ready to work after eating porridge.

The job should be done, so Zhang Tianhai took two messengers and the adjutant Liu Houming. As for the regiment guard platoon, he didn't think about taking it. The duty of the guard platoon is to protect the regiment headquarters, and the regiment headquarters should also have a The appearance of the regiment headquarters, after all, this is no longer the battalion headquarters.

"All together! All together!!!"

The urgent whistle was heard in the camp area of ​​the first regiment directly under it, and many soldiers who had just been assigned to the squad company gathered one after another. Except for the officers and soldiers of the military police company, the logistics department, and the guard platoon who had already been ordered not to participate in the assembly, the directly subordinate regiment could not participate in the assembly. All the soldiers who were concentrated were also gathered, but the team was indeed a little scattered.

In this regard, Zhang Tianhai did not ask too much. After all, it was not a peaceful era, and he had so much time to train the formation and military posture of the troops. Now the only thing he wants these soldiers to do is two things: the first is First, these soldiers must be full of fighting spirit; second, they must be able to pull the trigger to kill the enemy.

"It's not easy to run just after breakfast," someone Zhang got into the military off-road vehicle that temporarily belonged to him, and then said to a messenger behind him: "The commander's military order, the target is Yijiangmen, all run forward!"

"Yes!" The messenger responded and went to convey Zhang Tianhai's order.

As for choosing Yijiangmen, the reasons are very simple. There are two reasons—first, there is an open space in front of Yijiangmen, which can accommodate his team of nearly 3000 people; The very limited memory is that Song Xilian of the 36th Division seems to be guarding the Yijiangmen area. Logically speaking, his Zhiyi regiment is also likely to be one of the troops that later guarded Yijiangmen.

Zhiyituan’s resident to Yijiangmen, it’s not far, it’s not close, it’s about 10 minutes’ running away.

After arriving at the open space in front of Yijiang Gate, Zhang Tianhai ordered his four battalions to quickly line up in units of battalion companies, but it still took nearly 15 minutes to complete the formation.

The time from establishment to full formation of the regiment is too short, not to mention that the soldiers don't know the generals, and there are still many cadres who don't know each other.

The purpose of bringing all the members of the Zhiyi regiment here is not only to let the squad leader and the soldiers know each other, but more importantly, to let the officers and soldiers of the whole regiment get to know him as the regiment leader formally. Some saliva to boost the morale of this group of rout soldiers who have just been incorporated into the regiment directly under them.

"Brothers, please be quiet!" Standing on the front of the off-road vehicle, Captain Zhang's already tall figure appeared even taller, and everyone turned their attention to the officer who "robbed" them back yesterday.

"I believe everyone met me yesterday, right? My name is Zhang Tianhai, I am from Hankou, Hubei, and I am also the commander of the first regiment directly under the third war zone where you are now." Zhang Tianhai picked up the one he used yesterday. The simple microphone shouted loudly, the place here is too empty, and the people below may not be able to hear you if you don’t shout.

After formally introducing himself, then, head Zhang began his "brainwashing gold medal lecturer mode" incessantly. The content of the words was nothing more than the glory of the War of Resistance, and when the battle came, he would share life with his brothers. death, and the need to avenge the brothers who died in Shanghai and so on.

But that being said, Zhang Tianhai's speech level was quite high, and the officers and soldiers below were so excited that they screamed, as if the Japanese army was coming tomorrow, and they were about to fight the Japanese army to the death.

Of course, this was the result Zhang Tianhai wanted. His soldiers died on the battlefield against the enemy, but they must not die under the guns of the law enforcement team. (The law enforcement team here refers to the law enforcement team that shot deserters on the battlefield)


PS: It's a new day, ahem.Continue to ask for tickets~~~
(End of this chapter)

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