War of Resistance

Chapter 180 The Master's Emergency Order

Chapter 180 The Master's Emergency Order
Zhang Tianhai, who was busy training the troops, didn't know that an unexpected visitor came to his regiment headquarters at this time.

Well, to be precise, it was the object of his relationship with him not long ago—the elf who exudes charm and danger.

Zheng Man didn't come here to Zhang Tianhai on purpose, she just got out of the car and came in when she passed by the regiment headquarters of the Zhiyi Regiment on the way back from the Communication Bureau.

"Sir, please show your ID!" Zheng Man was stopped by a group of soldiers standing guard at the door.

"I'm here to find Zhang Tianhai, your regiment commander. Is he at your regiment headquarters?" Zheng Man took out his military ID card while talking. These soldiers are just acting according to the rules, and she didn't intend to make things difficult for these people.

The soldier opened the ID card and glanced at it, only to see that Zheng Man's ID card was written as Chief of the Second Section of the Communication Department of the Commander of the Nanjing Garrison.

"Sir, please keep your documents. Our regiment leader has already taken the troops to Yijiangmen. If you need to find him, you can go directly to Yijiangmen." The soldier guarding the gate looked about eighteen or nineteen years old, and he handed over his documents It was given to Zheng Man, but he didn't dare to look at the latter. Maybe it's because Zheng Man is too beautiful and he is an officer!
"It's okay, I'll come in and take a look, it's okay to wait here for your regiment leader." With that said, Zheng Man walked in.

"Yes, but you can only wait in the living room, sir. Except for the regiment headquarters, you can go to other places. I will report to the chief of staff." The soldier followed Zheng Man and said, after all, this officer It was the first time he saw her, so there shouldn't be any omissions because of this. If something goes wrong, he will be responsible for a lot.

"All right!" Zheng Man nodded, "By the way, who is your chief of staff?"

"Our chief of staff is Guo Qiliang." The soldier replied, and then went to inform Guo Qiliang.

"Guo Qiliang?" Zheng Man thought for a while, as if she had never seen this person before, maybe she had seen this person and forgotten about it, after all, people come and go every day, and seeing so many people, it is normal to forget.

Since I don't remember it, then I don't remember it, so Zheng Man began to look at the situation around the regiment headquarters and wait.

Soon, a young soldier with a captain's rank badge came over under the leadership of the guard platoon soldiers just now.

When the young officer saw Zheng Man, he greeted him: "Hello, I am Guo Qiliang, Chief of Staff of the First Regiment."

After seeing Guo Qiliang, Zheng Man made a military salute: "Hi, Chief of Staff Guo, I am Zheng Man, a section chief of the Communications Department under the Commander-in-Chief of the Nanjing Garrison. Please don't be surprised if I disturb you a lot this time."

Seeing Zheng Man making a military salute, Guo Qiliang hurriedly returned a military salute. Although his collar badge hadn't been changed yet, they were equals after all, and this was a usual greeting to show respect for each other.

"No, no, this time, Section Chief Zheng is here to find our team leader?" Guo Qiliang always felt that Section Chief Zheng in front of him looked familiar, but he didn't remember where he met him, after all, he was as beautiful as Section Chief Zheng in front of him. And temperamental women are not common.

Speaking of this, Zheng Man's pretty face turned slightly red, and she said with some embarrassment: "That's right, I'm here to find your leader Zhang Tianhai. I'm his target."

Knowing that Section Chief Zheng in front of him is Zhang Tianhai's target, Guo Qiliang sighed in his heart that Zhang Yulin is a very lucky kid, and at the same time, naturally he would not neglect Zheng Man, who may be the future head's wife.

So, Guo Qiliang hurriedly said: "So it's my sister-in-law, come on, go sit and wait in the regiment headquarters."

"Okay, then I'd rather be respectful than obedient." Zheng Man originally wanted to drop by to see how Zhang Tianhai was doing, and when she heard Guo Qiliang's invitation, she naturally would not refuse.

Zheng Man entered the room and saw that Zhang Tianhai's regiment headquarters was very simple, except for some office supplies and a "meeting table" made up of a few tables, there was only the military map hanging on the wall.

The only thing worthy of praise is that the regiment headquarters is kept spotless, and the three new staff officers of the regiment headquarters are also busy with their work, and they don't know what they are doing.

"Section Chief Zheng, please sit down. This place is really rough. We have just established a regiment, and we have nothing. Even the soldiers were replenished yesterday." Guo Qiliang said generously, he thinks, This Section Chief Zheng is no longer an outsider, after all, he is the target of that kid Zhang Yulin, but why does he always feel that this Section Chief Zheng looks familiar.

Zheng Man graciously found Zhang Taishi chair and sat down, she nodded and said: "Well, I know this, Yulin also told me about this when he became the head of the regiment the day before yesterday. It's just that I didn't expect you to give up the work so quickly. Things are done, soldiers and staff officers, etc."

"There is no way, the pressure on us from the Military and Political Department is too great. We must fill up the number of troops within three days." Guo Qiliang said with a wry smile, "Hey, by the way, Chief Zheng, are we here? Where have you seen it? I always feel as if I've seen you before."

"Maybe it was on the Songhu battlefield. I was originally a reporter for the Central News Agency. Later, the Communications Department lacked staff, so I was transferred to the Nanjing Communications Department as the section chief. Now the Nanjing Communications Department has changed to the Communications Department of the Garrison Commander's Department. So I just changed." Zheng Man said frankly, after all, this is a normal job transfer, and there is nothing to hide.

"Oh, I remembered. It turned out to be Reporter Zheng. I remember that you seemed to have been to our [-]th regiment at that time. Now, you have changed so much that I almost couldn't recognize you." Guo Qiliang's words were not true. It's too exaggerated. After all, at that time, Zheng Man always appeared in a white and sexy cheongsam, coupled with a pair of high heels, and his hair was naturally let down, full of Yujie's style; but now, Zheng Man is wearing a military uniform and legs. Military boots, hair tied up and a military cap on, full of a sense of formality and seriousness, but that pretty face still has a touch of charm, but now it has a trace of innocence.

Now, the contrast from this coquettish Yujie to a serious and formal lieutenant colonel female officer is indeed a bit big. If Guo Qiliang is a modern person and an otaku, he will definitely sigh: No wonder so many people like it. Subdued, it feels really different...

However, based on the firm belief that brothers and wives cannot be bullied, Guo Qiliang doesn't have those dirty thoughts in his mind, and besides, he is not that kind of person.

At this moment, a messenger ran into the regiment headquarters of the Zhiyi Regiment and reported: "Is the officer directly under the First Regiment here? The division seat urgently ordered that all military officers at the regimental level and above be assembled in an hour." There is a divisional meeting at [-]:[-] in the morning, so be sure to be there on time, there are important instructions!"

"Yes, we received it. One hour later, Zhang Tianhai, the commander of the first regiment directly under him, will gather at the division headquarters on time!" Guo Qiliang stood up and answered the messenger. Replying to the messenger is actually equivalent to returning to the division seat.

"Yes! Sir!" After saying that, the orderly went back.

"Xu Xun, immediately send the messenger to inform the regiment to go back to the regiment headquarters, there is something urgent!" Guo Qiliang ordered Xu Xun who was drawing pictures on the sidelines.

"Yes!" Xu Xun was straightforward, immediately put down his pen and ruler and went out to find the messenger of the regiment headquarters.


PS: The day after tomorrow is August [-]st. Happy Army Day everyone in advance. From the day after tomorrow, there will be double updates for at least a month!

Thanks to QQ reading book friend There's no room for it for two monthly tickets!
Thank you for the two monthly tickets of Qidian Bookmate Dream Xiaoyaojian!

(End of this chapter)

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