War of Resistance

Chapter 181 Selfishness and Hope

Chapter 181 Selfishness and Hope

"Chief of Staff Guo, I won't block your work here, right? I just heard that Commander Song will have a meeting in an hour." Zheng Man said with some embarrassment, after all, she came here as an unexpected visitor , and did not agree with Zhang Tianhai beforehand.

"No, no, the meeting of the teacher's seat is at 10:[-], and it takes less than [-] minutes for us to go to the teacher's headquarters, so we have plenty of time. You are here to find Zhang Yulin, so we can't even let you meet Don’t you have enough time?” Guo Qiliang said with a smile, this guy also belongs to the kind of people who “have winks and come to things”.

"Then Zheng Man is here to thank Chief of Staff Guo first." Zheng Man is not that rude, on the contrary, her quality is very high-generally speaking, daughters from rich families at this time have quality. All aspects are very good, at least they are not those people with bad qualities.

Guo Qiliang waved his hand to signal that you are welcome, and said: "You are welcome, you have to wait for twenty minutes, Zhang Yulin must be back. It is not far from Yijiangmen by car, and the only one left in our regiment headquarters The horses are all used by the order squad."

Sure enough, after 10 minutes, Zhang Tianhai returned to the regiment headquarters.

After getting out of the car, Zhang Tianhai strode into the regiment headquarters, and saw him go straight to Guo Qiliang: "Guo Qiliang, you said that the division commander summoned the heads of our regiments to the division headquarters for a meeting at this time, could it be the front line?" The fighting situation has deteriorated again..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhang Tianhai discovered that there seemed to be an unexpected person in the regiment headquarters.

"Why are you here?" After seeing Zheng Man, Zhang Tianhai abandoned Guo Qiliang and walked to the former.

"What's the matter, you, Commander Zhang, are busy with military affairs, so you don't have time to come and see me, why don't you allow me to drop by to see you when I pass by?" Zheng Man stood up and looked at Zhang Tianhai, with a sweet smile, and there was still a smile in those beautiful eyes. It shines like a star.

If you have to use a popular sentence to describe it, it is that your eyes contain a sea of ​​stars, and every star belongs to me.

For this situation, Guo Qiliang also understood the meaning. He shook his head helplessly, then waved to the staff officers in the regiment headquarters, signaling to let them all go out, and then followed him out.

After everyone went out, Zheng Man immediately hugged Zhang Tianhai, leaned his head on his shoulder lightly, and seemed to be muttering something, but no sound was heard.

Although Zhang Tianhai is a bit straightforward, he is not the kind of person who is waiting for any romantic interest. He gently hugged Zheng Man, and then said softly: "Xiaoman, this is the regiment headquarters, hugging like this seems to affect Zheng Man." not too good……"

As soon as Zhang said this, Zheng Man blushed, and she said: "I don't care, this is your territory anyway..."

This can't help but make Zhang Tianhai feel emotional, women in love are really irrational, if Zheng Man is asked to do this in normal times, he will not believe it, even if his head is chopped off.

Zhang Tianhai, who was in the midst of tenderness and happiness, said helplessly: "This is the regiment headquarters after all, and it will be seen as a bad influence. Let's go into the house. My room is in the small side room next to the regiment headquarters."

After hearing this, Zheng Man opened Zhang Tianhai lightly, her pretty face was already flushed, and she responded softly with that thin voice like a mosquito's moan: "Mmm..."

Regarding Zhang Tianhai's room, Zheng Man didn't know if he didn't enter, but he was startled when he entered, the room was tidy and tidy, even the quilt was folded into tofu cubes...

"Zhang Yulin, your room..." Seeing the neat arrangement, Zheng Man didn't know how to describe it for a while.

"Maybe, this is what others call obsessive-compulsive disorder..." While speaking, Zhang Tianhai had already closed the gate, and the only thing left in the room was the audible breathing of the two of them.

"What is the symptom of obsessive-compulsive disorder?" Zheng Man sat beside Zhang Tianhai's bed and asked curiously.

"It's not important, right?" Zhang Tianhai sat next to Zheng Man and took her little hand, "The important thing is, we have to cherish the present time, right?"

"Tell me, it would be great if there was no war now..." Zheng Man's eyes showed a trace of confusion and hope. Like everyone else, she also hated this war. Several commanders died, and the battalion and company commanders were even more numerous.

She doesn't want her sweetheart to die on the battlefield, this is a woman's selfishness and expectation.

"I'm afraid this war won't end so quickly... This time the division seat called our military chiefs above the regiment level to the division headquarters for a meeting. Mostly because Wuxi was in danger and the battle was urgent, we were specially called for the meeting." Zhang said. Tianhai's eyes showed a trace of worry that is not common to outsiders. He gently hugged Zheng Man and said, "Promise me, if Nanjing City is destroyed, you must run and follow Tang Shengzhi and Chief Tang."

Because Zhang Tianhai knew that when the battle was approaching, that is, when the city of Nanjing was broken, Tang Shengzhi took the senior officials of the Garrison Commander's Department from the direction of Yijiangmen to Xiaguan and took the ferry to Pukou after giving instructions to break out.

Zheng Man leaned his head gently on Zhang Tianhai's shoulder, and asked softly, "What about you?"

"Yu Lin is the head of the Zhiyi Regiment, and even a soldier. My fate has long been beyond my control. If the commander ordered me to live and die with Nanjing, I, Zhang Yulin, would not take a step back." Zhang Tianhai sighed softly, he had already died once, at worst he would die again, but he felt that if he died in battle, the only one who would be sorry would be the beautiful people around him.

But how can there be the best of both worlds in this world?Since he has chosen a country and a nation, he will definitely stick to it, even if it means death.Even if he is asked to choose again, his choice is still the country and the nation, and the blood that flows on his body is the blood of the Chinese!

Zhang Tianhai's eyes were looking at the screen window, but he didn't notice that the lip of the beautiful woman beside him was biting tightly, as if he had made some decision.

Zheng Man broke free from the jade hand held by Zhang Tianhai, gently wrapped his arms around the latter's waist, and said, "Are you really so pessimistic about the situation in Nanjing? The chairman wants to mobilize hundreds of thousands of heavy troops to defend Nanjing, besides Oh, Tang Shengzhi, didn’t Chief Tang also say in our internal meeting that we want to live and die with Nanjing? He also ordered the Minister of Communications Yu Feipeng to withdraw the ferry from Xiaguan to Pukou, and the day before yesterday he ordered the First Army stationed in Pukou, Any troops or individual soldiers crossing the river from Nanjing to the north bank must be stopped immediately, and those who do not listen to the stop can be shot directly."

Regarding this, Zhang Tianhai just smiled wryly and shook his head: "People in Nanjing are panicking now, and the Japanese army is in a state of turmoil. Within a few days, they even smashed Jiaxing, Suzhou and other places. Chief Tang said that he wants to fight against the city. The little devil has paid a heavy price. But when the devil really breaks through Nanjing, it may not be so. People will always change..."

"People change, so will you too?" Zheng Man asked Zhang Tianhai.

Of course Zhang Tianhai knew what Zheng Man was asking. People in Nanjing were panic-stricken, no one knew what would happen to them tomorrow, so they compared their hearts to each other. Although Zheng Man was a lieutenant colonel, she was just a little woman after all, so there was no safety.

I only heard Zhang Tianhai say softly but firmly: "If you don't let me down, I will definitely not let you down!"

In the room, two lips were tightly pressed together, and at the same time, two hearts that were cuddling each other were slowly approaching each other...

Zhang Tianhai is also a person, and he is a living person. He also has emotions and desires, and he would be in pain. Zheng Man's appearance just touched the deepest tenderness in his heart.

Love needs time to accumulate. If you have to compare the two women who Zhang Tianhai came to this era with, Shen Wei is like a speeding train. Waiting for you at one stop; and Zheng Man is a hand warmer that can accompany you in the cold winter and always warm you with heart...


PS: Another day.

Thanks to Qidian book friend Xihe 33, book friend 220180206173045212, and the bookworm master for their monthly tickets.

(End of this chapter)

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