War of Resistance

Chapter 182 Wuxi Emergency

Chapter 182 Wuxi Emergency

After accompanying Zheng Man for about 78 minutes, Zhang Tianhai arrived at the headquarters of the 36th Army, that is, the division headquarters of the [-]th Division.

After arriving at the division headquarters, Zhang Tianhai discovered that most of the military officers had already arrived. Wu Guangzong, who is the head of Liu Ying, and Zhang Shaoxun, the new head of the [-]th Regiment, so far, only one head of the [-]th Regiment has not yet arrived.

Seeing that there were new faces and old faces among these cadres, Zhang Tianhai felt a little emotional. The adjustment of personnel was really fast. It didn't feel like it had been too long. The division seemed to have changed people—— —For example, the old brigade commander Peng Jiguang was transferred away, and Zhang Tianhai didn’t know where he went; and the old commander of the [-]th regiment, Hu Jiaji, was injured because of the attack on Huishan Wharf in August. , It is said that he was infected, and then he was sent to the rear for treatment; after Peng Jiguang was transferred, Liu Ying took over as the commander of the [-]th brigade, Wu Guangzong took over as the head of the [-]th regiment, and Zhang Shaoxun took over as the commander of the [-]th brigade. Head of regiment.

It's no wonder that Zhang Tianhai felt so emotional when the official positions of three people were changed all of a sudden.

Zhang Tianhai felt the most about Hu Jiaji being sent to the rear for medical treatment. Head Hu is a real man, and he doesn't know what's going on with him.But the only thing Zhang Tianhai can be sure of is that if it weren't for Hu Jiaji's injury, Liu Ying would definitely not be the brigade commander of the [-]th brigade.

But what Zhang Tianhai didn't know was that if it wasn't for his unexpected arrival, Captain Hu would have been shot five times when attacking Huishan Wharf and was immediately sent to the rear for treatment. After Hu Jiaji was injured, Zhang Shaoxun immediately took over as the second The head of the [-]th regiment just didn't expect that history's powerful self-adjustment ability would still bring back the few changes that occurred due to Zhang Tianhai's arrival.

"Master, the head of the [-]th Regiment needs to ask for leave due to the adjustment of the troops. Let me convey the details of the meeting!" As soon as he entered the division headquarters, Li Zhipeng asked the division commander Song Xilian to take a leave of absence for his subordinates.

"Okay! Then there is nothing else, let's start the meeting!" Song Xilian said, sitting on the main seat, and sitting next to him was Xiang Xianju, chief of staff of the division.

After hearing the teacher's instructions, everyone opened the notebook with the blue sky and white sun emblem printed on it, and took out a pen to record the content of the meeting.

I saw Song Xilian said: "Wuxi was in emergency again this morning. Fortunately, the reinforcements arrived in time and did not fall to the enemy. Colleagues, after the Japanese invaders occupied Wuxi, they will definitely continue to attack Nanjing. All the troops have exchanged fire with the Japanese army, and even the No.20 First Army Tang Shizun of the Sichuan Army stationed on the side of the Beijing-Wuhan Line has also exchanged fire with the Japanese army. Guangde Second County. According to the report of Guo Xunqi, the commander of the [-]th Division of the Sichuan Army, his troops have already exchanged fire with the enemy. It won't be long, so what do you have to say about it?"

"I don't have much to say about this. I just wait until the troops are replenished before fighting the Japanese army to the death!" Li Zhipeng, commander of the [-]th brigade, stood up first to express his opinion.

"The lowly ranks are also willing to fight the Japanese army to the death after the troops are replenished!" Everyone also stood up and voted for their determination to resist the Japanese, and Zhang Tianhai was no exception.

After Song Xilian saw it, he nodded in satisfaction, and then motioned everyone to sit down: "I am very satisfied to see that you are resolute in resisting Japan and determined to die. Soldiers should be treated as shrouded in horse leather, and serve their homeland with death. But I still want to hear Your strategic predictions for the future of the Nanjing Defense War."

Song Xilian looked around at the crowd, and finally locked his eyes on Zhang Tianhai, who had just taken office as the head of Zhiyi Regiment.

"Zhang Yulin, let's talk about it!" Song Xilian called Zhang Tianhai's name.

Zhang Tianhai also knows that in meetings like this, most of the division chiefs want to hear the military chiefs' predictions about the battle and make timely judgments. It doesn't hurt to hear more from them.

Well, yes, this kind of meeting is somewhat similar to the backbone exchange meeting of later generations.

Zhang Tianhai took a deep breath, stood up and said: "Master, I believe that the enemy army marched to Wuhu and invaded our two counties, Si'an and Guangde along the direction of Taihu Lake. In addition, the main force of the enemy army is attacking Wuxi at all costs. Its strategic purpose must be to encircle Nanjing! After encircling Nanjing, launch a final attack on Nanjing!"

What Zhang Tianhai said was not based on guesswork or imagination. When he was studying in a military academy in the 21st century in his previous life, the professors of the military academy explained the Japanese army's combat intentions in defending Nanjing during the war.

Although military academies in the 21st century mainly focus on learning information warfare, there is also a military history course that specializes in studying classic battle cases from modern times to World War II.

"Oh? Then, head Zhang, please continue to explain the basis of your prediction." Song Xilian asked Zhang Tianhai with great interest. Obviously, his assumption was close to Zhang Tianhai's.

"Wuxi City is the last gate on the periphery of Nanjing, and Wuxi's location is dangerous and the transportation is developed. If the Japanese army takes Wuxi, they will surely attack Nanjing in several ways, at least three. If they divide into three ways, they will go all the way along Shanghai Ning Road advances to attack Zhenjiang, and then advances to Nanjing; the first road goes along the direction of Yixing, Liyang, and Jurong, and directly invades Nanjing; the third road will inevitably go to Guangde first and attack Wuhu via Xuancheng, cutting off our Nanjing defenders Retreat, and try to annihilate my main force of tens of thousands of people under the city of Nanjing in one fell swoop!" Zhang Tianhai's thinking logic is very clear, because this is the Japanese army's battle plan for attacking Nanjing after taking Wuhu!

Listening to Zhang Tianhai's analysis, none of the military officers present can laugh. If the Japanese army really followed this plan and it went well, it would not be difficult to encircle Nanjing with 10,000+ troops under the city!
"According to your analysis just now, the Japanese army will divide its troops into at least three groups. If it is divided into two more groups, where do you think it will be deployed?" Song Xilian looked at Zhang Tianhai with appreciation in his eyes. This was the first time for him I feel that the chief above is very good at judging people, and he can still discover such talents in his 36th division.

"At most four routes, there can be no more. And the split route is definitely going to attack the Jiangyin fortress, so that their navy can run across the Yangtze River and block my Nanjing defenders from crossing the road to the north. Humble job I have finished what I have to say, if there is anything inappropriate, please correct me or criticize it." When Zhang Tianhai said that the fourth enemy army would go to attack Jiangyin Fortress, his tone was very certain.After all, familiarity with history is the greatest advantage of a traverser.

"Very good, I think Commander Zhang said it very well." Song Xilian praised from the bottom of his heart without any stinginess, "Brigade commanders and regiment commanders, do you have any other different opinions? You can bring them up." Just a moment. But it doesn't matter."


PS: It's another beautiful day, and the update always comes in such a timely manner, which the old man never expected.

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(End of this chapter)

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