War of Resistance

Chapter 183 Generous

Chapter 183 Generous

The people who received them also discussed the Japanese army's movements after the fall of Wuxi. The military officers present also made assumptions about the possible direction of the Japanese army's advance, but they never gave a more reliable answer than Zhang Tianhai's idea. .

After all, according to Zhang Tianhai's vision, the Japanese army can solve the problem of how to quickly take Nanjing.

This meeting with an exchange and learning nature lasted for about half an hour and ended. When Zhang Tianhai returned to the Zhiyi regiment headquarters, it was already twelve o'clock at noon, and all departments had basically entered the lunch state. Lunch at that time was very simple, basically green vegetables and rice, and occasionally a meal of meat for dinner, such a living situation, or the treatment based on the foundation of sticking to Nanjing.

To put it bluntly, even if you die, you have to be a full ghost.

After lunch, a large truck from the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs arrived, and it finally arrived as scheduled.

Zhang Tianhai asked people from the logistics department and the gendarmerie company to be responsible for carrying firearms, ammunition, clothing, etc. Afterwards, Chief of Staff Guo Qiliang and Director of Military Supply and Logistics Zhu Shaohong organized the inventory.

Fifteen trucks from the Military and Political Department arrived as soon as they arrived. I have to say that the battle was not bad, and there was also a lieutenant colonel and adjutant from the Military and Political Department.

"Hello, Commander Zhang, I am here to deliver the equipment under the order of Minister He of the Military and Political Department." After getting off the off-road vehicle, the adjutant went straight to Zhang Tianhai, who was the only colonel officer present, and did not forget to give a military salute.

Zhang Tianhai returned a military salute, and casually glanced at the adjutant's badge, and saw He Zheng, the adjutant of the Military and Political Department, was written on it.

"Adjutant He, thank you for your hard work." Zhang Tianhai was so enthusiastic, let alone his identity as Minister He's adjutant, he should be smiling all over his face if he came to do such a good thing as sending equipment.

I saw that Adjutant He Zheng was very young, he looked about the same age as Zhang Tianhai, and he was quite handsome, with a gentle temperament on his body. He said, "Commander Zhang, the military affairs are urgent, so I won't go with him." You have talked too much. Let's take a step to talk!"

"Yes." Zhang Tianhai nodded immediately. Adjutant He said that it was a military emergency, and then he had to take another step to speak, indicating that the chief probably asked him to help relay the words.

This adjutant He has been working for the adjutant of the Military and Political Department at a young age, and his surname is He, who knows if it is He Yingqin's He?This Adjutant He is very likely to be Minister He's nephew, even if not, it is definitely not far behind.

Walking to a quiet place in the house, Adjutant He glanced around and found no one before he said: "This time, a total of 1924 German-made 1600 rifles and 14 82mm mortars were handed over to you. Six guns, 6 heavy machine guns, 24 light machine guns, 120 Mauser pistols, some ammunition, and two radio stations will also be allocated to your department within these two days. Clothes will be delivered in the afternoon."

"Adjutant He, please tell Minister He for me, saying that the students are very grateful." Zhang Tianhai really wanted to say this, so much equipment, to be honest, it is quite a big deal, enough for his straight group in one fell swoop To become a first-class army, even if he is asked to fight a brigade, it is no problem, you know, this is in the Republic of China where equipment is scarce...

Adjutant He Zheng said with a serious face: "Well, I will naturally convey this. I asked you to come here. It was Minister He who wanted to say a few words to you, but he was busy with military affairs, so he ordered I conveyed it."

"Adjutant He, but it's okay. As long as I, Zhang Yulin, can do it, I will definitely do my best." Zhang Tianhai is not an idiot either. It's Minister He's meaning, he must understand the meaning.

"The last time you put forward the combat idea of ​​the elite troops in the office of the Military and Political Department, Commander He admired you very much, so he specially allocated this batch of German equipment that was finally delivered to your department. This batch of equipment was originally intended to be taught. For the general team, let the teaching general team supplement its supplementary regiment and become a main combat regiment."

The teaching corps is a full-staffed force of three brigades and six regiments, and it is a German establishment. The entire corps has more than 4 people. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a German weapon army. There are also three new corps in Changde, Hunan. Training, if the training comes back, it will be a proper third brigade and ninth regiment.

Adjutant He's words are very clear. He said that Minister He admired him very much. Generally speaking, can a word of appreciation be exchanged for so many weapons?Of course it's impossible, it can only mean that Minister He wants to train Zhang Tianhai, and wants to see how far Zhang Tianhai can go!
"Thank you to the superintendent for valuing me, Zhang Tianhai. I will definitely learn from the superintendent in the future, but if the superintendent has a command, I, Zhang Tianhai, will go through fire and water, and I will do whatever it takes." How unimportant the adjutant is, the most important thing is that adjutant He is the spokesperson of Minister He, and this is the most important thing.

He Yingqin and Chiang Kai-shek were originally close, but during the Xi'an Incident, there was an indelible rift between the two. During Chiang Kai-shek's detention, He Yingqin commanded 50 central troops to advance to Xi'an, and even Hu Zongnan's first division It has already exchanged fire with the Northeast Army.Among them, the 50 Central Army also included the 87th Division, the 88th Division, and the 36th Division. The ace troops of German weapons, even Gui Yongqing, the captain of the Teaching Corps, also flew back from the UK overnight, and led the Teaching Corps to go north to Xi'an to receive the training. He Yingqin directed.

So far, He Yingqin, the No. [-] figure in the Central Army, has almost controlled all the military power of the Central Army. The key is that the commanders and division commanders of the Central Army also listen to He Yingqin and almost fight wherever they are directed.

To put it bluntly, as long as Lao Jiang raised his head, He Yingqin would come to power.

It is said that other people are not allowed to sleep soundly on the side of the couch, especially a powerful figure like Lao Jiang, who has a thorn in his heart.Ever since, Chiang Kai-shek played down He Yingqin's influence intentionally or unintentionally in the ruling and opposition parties, and the "Eight King Kongs" who had close contacts with He before also began to gradually alienate.

If He Yingqin hadn't been suppressed intentionally or unintentionally and weakened his influence, how could he have been overwhelmed by Chen Cheng later on?
No matter what, Zhang Tianhai had to catch the olive branch quietly stretched out by Chief He. This was a thigh that was too thick to mend.

It is said that there are people in the DPRK who are easy to handle. This sentence is very reasonable. Just like in the War of Resistance, direct-line troops can often be replenished immediately after suffering heavy casualties in battle. The miscellaneous troops are different. If they are exhausted, the designation may be revoked .

Of course, things like revoking the designation were relatively rare in the early days of the War of Resistance. After all, the Japanese army showed its sharpness, and the whole country was unanimous in fighting against Japanese aggression. However, in the middle and late stages of the War of Resistance after the Japanese army showed weakness Happens from time to time.

"Okay, I will convey these words to Minister He. I also hope that you can be more motivated and work hard to fight against Japan, so as not to lose Minister He's face." He Zheng said meaningfully.

"Zhang Yulin is very clear about what he is doing. I am a soldier, and I will not fail the country, nor the people, nor the high expectations of the superintendent of education." Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice, He Yingqin was the dean of education before the ninth batch of Whampoa, and Zhang Tianhai graduated from the seventh batch of Whampoa, so it is understandable to call him the dean of education.

"Okay, since it's so good. There are many important matters in the military and political department, so I'll go back first." He Zheng smiled, then turned and left.

"Adjutant He, wait, I'll see you off." After speaking, Zhang Tianhai strode after him.

Before getting into the car and leaving, Adjutant He Zhenghe smiled at Zhang Tianhai and said, "The First Regiment under Commander Zhang can be said to be strong and strong. Here, He Zheng wishes Commander Zhang a victory on the battlefield."


PS: Another new month has begun, please continue to ask for recommendation tickets, monthly tickets and other tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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