War of Resistance

Chapter 184 The treatment of the direct line troops

Chapter 184 The treatment of the direct line troops

Looking at the back of He Zheng driving away, Zhang Tianhai didn't feel relaxed, but felt that the responsibility on his shoulders was heavier.

Getting closer to Minister He, for a person like him who has nothing but Huangpu background, having a thigh hug is indeed a very good choice, it can be said to be beneficial and harmless.

It is said to be beneficial, but it is a kind of pressure for Zhang Tianhai after all, and the feeling of being involuntarily in the arena is even stronger.

"Yu Lin, what did Adjutant He tell you just now?" As soon as Adjutant He left, Guo Qiliang approached and asked.

"It's nothing, just told me about these weapons and equipment, and conveyed the orders of the commander." Zhang Tianhai said casually, he didn't want Guo Qiliang to get involved in these things, after all, Zhang Tianhai was very concerned about these things. Lu was not interested, and he didn't want to bring such a good chief of staff into the ditch.

"Order? Has the superior officer issued another order?" Guo Qiliang grasped the most crucial word.

"It's nothing, it's about me personally. Let's go, let's go to the regiment headquarters and call a few staff officers from the regiment headquarters to have a brief meeting to discuss the weapon allocation plan. Let me tell you, this time, we can make a big deal." I'm rich." Zhang Tianhai didn't want to bring up this topic, so he changed the subject and talked directly about work.

Guo Qiliang's eyes really lit up when he heard the word making a fortune, and he asked: "The word making a fortune is not your style. How much equipment did you get this time? It depends on how happy you are." Son."

Zhang Tianhai lowered his voice and said mysteriously: "1600 Mauser rifles, 120 light machine guns, 24 heavy machine guns, 14 82mm mortars, 6 machine guns, and 100 Mao The pistol..."

"Fuck, there are so many, plus the guys in our hands, don't we have almost 1800 rifles? Plus these light and heavy machine guns, machine guns, and mortars distributed to us, let alone one Even if we come to a brigade, we can beat them down." Guo Qiliang said excitedly, um, yes, it's the feeling of a poor man becoming rich.

Originally, Guo Qiliang was pulled into this bandit ship by Zhang Tianhai from the ace elite of the 36th Division.Although the quality of the soldiers is not as good as that of the previous 36th Division, at least the equipment is not bad.

What the arrival of these things means, Guo Qiliang is very clear, at least there are machine gun companies, mortar companies, and machine gun companies from each battalion, plus these newly issued rifles?This equipment is not so good in the national army...

"Don't be too optimistic. The equipment is only auxiliary, and the key is the people who use it. Only when the quality of our soldiers improves, can we achieve a steady improvement in combat effectiveness." After Zhang Tianhai poured cold water on Guo Qiliang, he directly joined the regiment department.

Guo Qiliang didn't mind about this either, he just smiled.

"Gather all the staff and prepare for the meeting immediately!" After entering the regiment headquarters, Zhang Tianhai said directly to Xu Xun and the other three.

Xu Xun and the other three were quick in terms of their hands and feet, and they immediately packed up the drawing tools. After two days of observation and inquiry, they also learned that the newly appointed head of the regiment was not afraid of fighting. Another point is particularly obvious, that is, to act vigorously and resolutely, and not to see others procrastinating.

Soon there will be a group of people. After all, including Chief of Staff Guo Qiliang, there are only five people. In terms of officers, Zhiyituan is too short now.

"The meeting is now officially opened." Zhang Tianhai took off his hat and put it aside, and then officially announced the start of the meeting, "Now, the equipment given to us by the Military and Political Department has arrived. I believe you have all seen this. Now because the temporary plan has changed, so It must be that the organizational structure of each battalion, company, and even platoon needs to be re-established. As for the organization, let’s follow the 36th Division!"

"There is also the issue of the equipment of each department. You should take notes immediately. Each squad is allocated a light machine gun and distributed 15 rifles. Each squad is counted as [-] people; every three squads has a platoon, and the squad leader and above Officers, all are equipped with Mauser pistols." Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice, but this time there are more supplies, so these data must be counted.

After these staff officers finished taking notes, Zhang Tianhai continued: "In addition, the troops directly under the regiment headquarters, in addition to the guard platoon and the military police company, should set up a special agent company, a mortar company, and a small artillery company. The organization and weapons of the special agent company The equipment is the same as that of the combat company; the mortar company is organized according to six; the small artillery company is equipped with six 20mm caliber machine guns. After the radio station arrives, a communication company will be established, which will be directly under the jurisdiction of the Communication Department. The weapons and equipment of the communication company will wait until the equipment such as the radio station arrives."

"Each battalion infantry battalion has set up a unit directly under the battalion - a machine gun company. The size of the machine gun company is allocated according to the equipment of the German mechanic, six heavy machine guns plus two mortars!" Zhang Tianhai said The expansion of the military scale is not so fast. Who let people have an establishment now, and some people have guns and cannons?

Without that foundation, even claiming to be an army is useless!

According to a regular German weapon engineer like the 36th Division, there are eleven people in a squad, one light machine gun and ten rifles, but Zhang Tianhai is different, he is just taking advantage of the war. No one cares about the things he organizes, they are all his own affairs, so Zhang Tianhai just needs [-] people in each class, anyway, no one has time to manage their group.

Yes, that’s right, but no one has air traffic control. Even Song Xilian’s primary care target is the 36th Division’s own division. Zhang Tianhai’s regiment is only temporarily affiliated with their 78th Army. Pulled away?
After all, it is a unit directly under the theater, and Song Xilian is only commanding it for now.

With Zhang Tianhai's efforts, each battalion is fully staffed, and there are not too many combat soldiers. The four combat battalions add up to more than [-] people. It was full, the secret service company, the military police company, the security platoon, the logistics company under the jurisdiction of the logistics department, and more than [-] people reserved for the communication company.

If the implementation of this plan is completed, the reinforced regiment directly under the first regiment will be full in an instant. Except for the supply company, the communication company and the cooking squad, which have no combat effectiveness, if all the other people are pulled out, it will be as high as There are more than 800 combat troops.

If you add another thousand and 800 people, it will be a brigade directly.

"My dear boy, let's not talk about anything else if we want to finish distributing these equipments. Even a regiment of the regular Japanese army can fight them head-on. As for the Puppet Manchukuo troops, even a brigade will come to us Don’t be afraid.” The one who spoke was Xu Xun, who was from the Northeast Army. To be honest, he was really stunned by these equipments. He never thought that the head of the regiment was so valued. You know, these equipments are German weapons. The teacher's treatment, the German weapon master is the direct line of the direct line.

Not afraid of ignorance, but afraid of comparing goods. Is this the treatment of direct troops?
Guo Qiliang was fine. After all, he was also a German weapon master. He knew exactly what kind of equipment a German weapon master equipped. After all, he also started as a combat staff officer.

"Okay, don't say anything, let's work! Within two days, we must complete the distribution of weapons, quilts and other equipment. Since the first regiment directly under the third theater is an elite, there should be an elite What’s more, the little devil won’t give us too much time, so try to finish the training within a week and be ready to go into battle at any time!” Zhang Tianhai dared to say that the training would be completed within a week, not because of arrogance or arrogance. Arrogant, but he has the confidence.

These supplementary soldiers are basically veterans, and most of these supplementary soldiers came up from the rear to fight Little Japan. They are not afraid of death, and many of them are elite local troops!
Even if they used to be a miscellaneous army with poor combat effectiveness, they suffered from poor equipment and poor quality of officers. What Zhang Tianhai has to do now is to stimulate the combat effectiveness that these soldiers should have. A single army will not disperse, and it can also inspire a strong combat effectiveness!


PS: The second wave of updates will be sent today. This month, we will be full attendance. Continue to ask for various tickets!Duck! ! !
Thank you for the two monthly tickets for the book friends who have cried, laughed, and tired, and for the starting point book friends Ziye_Rising Sun Dongsheng, book friends 20170523224156877, and shxbiscmm for one monthly ticket each!
(End of this chapter)

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