War of Resistance

Chapter 185 Professional Dog Legs

Chapter 185 Professional Dog Legs
As He Zheng, adjutant of the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs, said, the uniforms issued by the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs arrived that afternoon. It must be said that the work efficiency was extremely high.

The quilts issued by the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs are all brand new autumn and winter clothes, perhaps because the Japanese invaders have already approached the city, and there are no troops to replenish.Anyone with a discerning eye can see that there is not much hope of winning by sticking to Nanjing, and these things are left on the shelf. Instead of becoming the enemy in the end, it is better to distribute them generously to Zhang Tianhai's Zhiyi group.

Putting on a brand-new military uniform, coupled with new German-style equipment, immediately gave the officers and soldiers of the Zhiyi Regiment a feeling of "changing shotguns for guns".

Zhang Tianhai left the position of commander of the secret service company to Wei He. For Zhang Tianhai now, what he needs is a unit that can absolutely obey the command. In terms of combat effectiveness, there is no rush. As long as the unit is obedient, what It's all easy to handle.

As for the backbone of the spy company, the veterans of the original [-]st Battalion are also used as the squad leader, deputy squad leader, and platoon leader. Now, the more than [-] veterans who followed Zhang Tianhai from the Songhu battlefield can be replaced. They have all become the skeleton of the first regiment directly under Zhang Tianhai, and it can be said that Zhang Tianhai has accumulated wealth for a long time.

Compared with Zhang Tianhai, the former battalion commander of the [-]th regiment, who is now comfortable, the new battalion commander Ouyang Wu is very sad. After he came to the first battalion, there were only cadres in this battalion, not a single soldier, let alone The gun is fired, looking at everything in this empty room, I can't help but think about the long distance between the world and the earth, and I feel sad and tearful...

"Let's go, go to the division hospital." After putting on the military cap at the regiment headquarters, Zhang Tianhai called the adjutant Liu Houming, and strode out of the regiment headquarters.

Before going to the division hospital, Zhang Tianhai was going to arrest a person, that is Wei He who was injured on the Shanghai battlefield and was hospitalized for treatment.

"Yes!" Liu Houming quickly followed Zhang Tianhai. He was very enthusiastic about arresting his old comrades and bringing them back to the army to fight.

"Student, why don't you take the guard platoon or draw a platoon from the gendarmerie company to scare this kid? This kid has been in the division hospital for a long time, and he molested the little nurse every day. I don't know if he remembers to come back It's in the regiment." This Liu Houming usually looks quite honest, and he is not bad when it should be bad.

Zhang Tianhai glared at Liu Houming, and said, "Are you crazy? Are you trying to lead soldiers to the division hospital? Don't you want your head?"

"Hey, I was just joking." Liu Houming scratched his head and said.

The division hospital is said to be a hospital, but it doesn't look like a hospital. After all, it is usually the division health team, and it was renamed a field hospital only during wars. The number of medical staff has not increased or decreased.

The division hospital is set up about a few hundred meters away from the division headquarters, which can be said to be the closest place to the division headquarters except for the division guard camp.

I saw that the division hospital was a place for people to come and go. The wounded soldiers left the division hospital after treating their wounds. After all, this simple hospital has limited space.

After entering the gate of the division hospital, he went straight to Wei He's bed. Wei He's bed was in the corridor, so he could see it at a glance.

Wei He was wounded in the battle defending the Suzhou Creek, and was transferred to the field hospital at that time. Later, the day before the big retreat, the field hospital was evacuated in advance and returned to Nanjing.

At this time Wei He was lying on the bed, staring blankly at the sky, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Wei He, the group seat is here. Get up quickly." Liu Houming quickly ran to Wei He's bed and called out to Wei He.

Wei He is in a state of fugue now, and he didn't notice that Liu Houming was wearing an officer's uniform at this time, and his collar badge had already been replaced with a lieutenant rank of two stars. He stood up reflexively, stood at attention and saluted: " Report to the regiment, Wei Hexiang, the orderly of the [-]st Battalion of the [-]th Regiment...you..."

When he saw that it was Zhang Tianhai and there were no other officers, Wei He stuttered, his first reaction was that Liu Houming had screwed him over, but when he saw the battalion commander's collar badge, it had been replaced by two The rank of colonel with three stars...

"What's the matter? We haven't seen each other for three weeks, so you don't know me anymore?" Zhang Tianhai asked Wei He jokingly.

"Sir... you... have you been promoted again?" Wei He's tone was still full of uncertainty. After all, the battalion commander was promoted really fast, how long did it take to be promoted to battalion commander?From the deputy company commander to the battalion commander, he has been promoted two levels in a row. This is another promotion. Isn't it a three-level promotion?

"Hurry up, call the group seat!" Liu Houming next to him hurriedly reminded Wei He, the bewildered bastard.

"What?" Wei He was a little dazed, but he came to his senses in an instant, and immediately put on a playful smile: "Hello, group seat!"

After Wei He finished asking, he immediately asked gossip again: "What, Battalion Commander, when did you get promoted to regiment commander again? Did Commander Hu become brigade commander?"

Hearing what Wei He asked, how could Zhang Tianhai not know that this kid must have thought that the regiment leader he assumed was the commander of the [-]th regiment.

I saw Zhang Tianhai nodded and said: "The commander who just took office a few days ago, by the way, now our first battalion has been divided independently. Based on the first battalion, a regiment will be established. The designation is the number one directly under the third theater. group."

"Then are you the head of the first regiment directly under the third war zone? Or are you still the head of our [-]th regiment?" Wei He still had a confused look on his face. After all, he didn't expect to be hospitalized after he was injured , so many things happened.

"Of course it's the head of the first regiment directly under the third war zone. Liu Houming and I came here specially to take you back to the army. Now that the army has expanded and there is an urgent shortage of officers, we will take you back this time. It is for you to be the company commander of the special agent company of the regiment headquarters. The premise is that you must lead the special agent company well, otherwise, I only ask you!" Zhang Tianhai still had a smile on his face, obviously, He is in a pretty good mood today, after all, he is not like he was on the battlefield, he has a sad face all day long.

"Yes! Thank you, Tuan Zuo!" Wei He gave a military salute with a playful smile. You must know that Zhang Tianhai has been promoted, and he has been promoted several ranks in succession. How can he be unhappy from sergeant to lieutenant?

"Okay, when you become a company commander in the future, you won't be allowed to be so playful and smiley. You must be a unit with a good style." Zhang Tianhai said with a smile. The pressure is much lighter in an instant, and now that I have another partner, it's hard to think about it.

"I know that our regiment leader will feel sorry for our old subordinates, regiment, I am not afraid to tell you that I have not been idle during the two or three weeks of hospitalization, but I have done a lot of things..." Seeing this, Wei He said mysteriously.

"Tell me, what did you do during the two or three weeks you were hospitalized here?" Looking at Wei He's appearance, Zhang Tianhai became curious. The competent chief of staff is watching over there, and nothing can go wrong, so let's just chat a few more words first.

I saw Wei He said excitedly: "Tuan Zuo, do you still remember Dr. Feng Nanfeng who operated on you last time? My hard work here is not in vain. She likes you now, but it's not easy Rub the ground and go straight up, with my pair of moves, I will definitely not miss you. If you are interested in the group seat, just hook your hand lightly, and this girl will definitely go with you..."

"Ouch. What are you kicking me for, Tuan Zuo?" Wei He hadn't finished speaking when he got kicked by Zhang Da Tuan Zhang on his ass. Obviously, the kick wasn't heavy but it wouldn't be light either.

I saw that Zhang Tianhai was so angry that his face was flushed. You said that Wei He didn't do anything for a day, but just did these nonsense things?Don't be angry, that's fake, let's not say that Feng Nan and Zheng Goblin are classmates at the moment, let's just say that what Wei He did, isn't this something that professional dog legs can do?


PS: Keep going to full attendance, another good day, Ness.

Thanks to Qidian book friends, don’t guess, I must be very handsome. Two monthly tickets, and thanks to Qidian book friends, member Wai 509, one monthly ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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