War of Resistance

Chapter 186 The Fall of Wuxi

Chapter 186 The Fall of Wuxi
For Zheng Man, Zhang Tianhai really treats Zheng Man sincerely. Although he is now the commander of the regiment, there are too many regiment commanders on the front line, and the current situation is that hundreds of thousands of Japanese troops are coming to Nanjing. The head of the regiment may die for the country at any time.

As far as the movements of the Japanese army and the national army are concerned, who can know better than Zheng Man?She is the chief of the Communications Department directly under the Commander's Department of the Garrison. Many first-hand information about the movements of the national army and the Japanese army can pass through her hands at the first time, and then handed over to the Minister's Department.

In such a situation, Zheng Man is still willing to be with him. In Zhang Tianhai's view, as long as the other party does not fail him, he will not fail her.

Love is a mutual thing, and it has to be paid together, but if one party is lazy, the other party will feel tired between the two.What's more, how long has Zhang Tianhai been with Zheng Man?Only in the morning was he touched by the feelings the other party gave, and now he went to pick up girls in the evening?
Zhang Tianhai thinks he is a playful person, but he is definitely not the kind of person who waits to die without a conscience - there is still a difference between romantic and dirty.

"What's the matter?" Wei He looked bewildered. In his opinion at the time, Zhang Tianhai, the battalion commander, was working so hard on the front line, not to mention his descendants, and he didn't even have a partner. Isn't it too hard?He himself is the same, he has a cheap life, and he will die when he dies. It is different like Zhang Tianhai and Commander Zhang. He is extremely outstanding at a young age. .

Seeing Wei He like this, how could Zhang Tianhai not know what was going on?He must have done something bad with good intentions, but how could he explain this kind of thing, so he could only pull away from the topic helplessly: "Okay, don't say anything, your injury should be healed, come back to the army tomorrow, Take office as the company commander of the secret service company. For the current situation of our army, Liu Houming, please tell Wei He, don’t worry. I’ll take a few puffs of cigarettes in the car outside and take a rest.”

"Yes!" Wei He and Liu Houming responded at the same time.

After finishing speaking, Zhang Tianhai turned around and left. He asked Liu Houming to stay here because he asked Liu Houming to tell Wei He why he was kicked by his head Zhang just now.

Sure enough, after Zhang Tianhai left, Wei He asked Liu Houming: "Hey, Monkey, why did Tuan Zuo kick me just now?"

Wei He is a very sober and flexible person. When he learned that the battalion commander has been promoted to regimental commander, why don't he change his words quickly?Besides, if Wei He is not smart, it is impossible for him to be able to do the job of an orderly and a servant.

"Why do you say? Your boy has caused a lot of trouble for the group..." Sure enough, Liu Houming exaggerated on the existing basis...


The camera turns to Zhang Tianhai again.

I saw Zhang Tianhai's expression was also gloomy: "What the hell is this old man messing with someone? Isn't it a mistake to be good and handsome?"

As soon as he walked out of the gate of the Xiangyuan, Zhang Tianhai met a person he least wanted to meet at this time——Feng Nan, a woman who claimed to be Zheng Man's classmate, but did not know how well she knew her.

If you really say Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be here, and I don't know if this girl is Cao Cao's reincarnation?Zhang Tianhai murmured in his heart, but there was nothing he could do if he met him. After all, he had undergone surgery on him, okay?

"Hello, Doctor Feng." In order to avoid embarrassment, Zhang Tianhai took the initiative to say hello.

"Hello, Captain Zhang." Feng Nan greeted Zhang Tianhai generously after seeing Zhang Tianhai.

To be honest, Zhang Tianhai was a little flattered to hear the title of "Tuan Zhang". He was still wondering if the news was from Feng Nan told by Zheng Man. If it was true, Zhang Tianhai couldn't imagine that it was a What kind of scene is it that the gods fight.

Hmm, the little cutie from surgery is fighting a fairy who has been immortal for a long time?The picture is too beautiful to imagine...

Seeing that Zhang Tianhai seemed to be in a daze, Feng Nan took the initiative to ask, "May I ask if Commander Zhang came to the division hospital to see the wounded soldiers?"

"Oh... that's right." Hearing Feng Nan's voice, Zhang Tianhai came back to his senses, so he said casually, "I'm sorry I was distracted just now, and I remembered the scene of my injury before. Oh, that's right , how do you know that I am the head of the regiment?"

"The promotion of regiment leader Zhang to the rank of regiment leader is not a trivial matter. I have heard from my colleagues that our 36th division has established another regiment, and you are the leader. I thought they liked it." Gossip, so it’s nonsense, but seeing you now, you’re a colonel, do you still have to run away? It must be true.” Feng Nan pursed her lips and smiled, her appearance was quite cute, a little Like the cute type of little loli, but she is a heightened version. Anyway, she is quite pure and cute in appearance, but her big eyes are still sharp and beautiful.

"It's because the chief favored Yulin that he took up this position. I came to the division hospital to see my poor orderly. He has been lying in bed for two or three weeks and hasn't returned to the army to report." Zhang Tian Hai said very seriously, as for Wei He's random rumor making, he will settle the score with that kid tomorrow.

"Okay, let's congratulate you here first. By the way, your orderly is called Wei He, right?" Feng Nan squinted his eyes and smiled. He looked cute. If he was in later generations, he would be an otaku goddess. .

I saw Zhang Tianhai nodded slightly, and then said: "Yes, yes, it is Wei He. I just went in to check on his situation, and I want him to return to the team as soon as possible. By the way, Dr. Feng, our new army has been established, and we will add more I am also busy with medical affairs when I come to your place, so I will not bother you for now, and Yulin will leave first."

That's right, after Zhang finished speaking, he ran away as if he was in a hurry, and didn't even have a chance to wait for Feng Nan to say goodbye.

"Am I really that ugly? I have to run so fast." Feng Nan glared in the direction where Zhang Tianhai was leaving. This was the first time Miss Feng questioned her appearance since she was born...

After going out, Zhang Tianhai got on the off-road vehicle directly.After smoking two cigarettes on the off-road vehicle, Liu Houming finally came out. The only task now is to go back to the regiment headquarters for dinner...


On the morning of the next day, that is, the morning of November 1937, 11, Zhang Tianhai, who had just returned from taking the troops out for training, received a sad news-Wuxi City fell to the enemy an hour ago.

The fall of Wuxi was very passive for the national army. The gate of Nanjing was opened, and the Japanese army could divide into several groups to contact the outer positions of Nanjing.

As Zhang Tianhai said, after the Japanese army occupied Wuxi, they immediately rushed to the outskirts of Nanjing in different ways, and one of the main forces rushed directly to seize the Jiangyin fortress.

"Brother Qiliang, the fall of Wuxi City proves that there is not much time left for us to stay together..." Zhang Tianhai sighed for a long time.

Guo Qiliang didn't speak, but nodded slightly, expressing his agreement with Zhang Tianhai's statement.

Even the elite of the elite of the teaching team has not left, let alone a mere straight group?The national government is very firm in its determination to stick to Nanjing. Don’t you see that the troops that stick to the core of Nanjing are all the elite of the Central Army?If it weren't for the need to save some strength to prevent failure, Lao Jiang might even put the first army in.

Even the peripheral troops are the elite of various ministries, like the Xu Yuanquan Second Army Corps, which was originally stationed in Hubei and is now transporting to Nanjing, this army was originally the elite of the Northeast Army.

How can there be any eggs in a full nest?
Zhang Tianhai and the others hadn't thought of running away, but the time left for them was really too little. If he was given another month or two, he would dare to lead a group of straight to confront the little devil's alliance head-on , but at this time, the time is not waiting for me.


PS: Today's update is over, hey, thank you for your support, Eagle will continue to work hard.Stand up!
Thanks to Qidian book friend 20190726132232897 for the reward of 500 points, and thanks to Qidian book friend member Wai 509 for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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