War of Resistance

Chapter 187 Emergencies

Chapter 187 Emergencies
After the Japanese army captured Wuxi, they immediately decided to attack Nanjing City in three ways.

Soon, the No.80 Army Headquarters stationed in the direction of the Ninghu Highway exchanged fire with the vanguard of the Japanese army, and the battle was quite fierce.

At this moment, for Zhang Tianhai, an unexpected thing happened.

For Zhang Yulin, who has been single for decades and suddenly has a girlfriend, this is indeed an unexpected situation—— Zheng Man is here.

Zheng Man came, she didn't come alone, she came with a letter of commission from the Military and Political Department, which is very difficult to deal with.

It was the afternoon of November 11. Zhang Tianhai, who had just prepared to take the troops out for training, was "blocked" by his partner at the door of his house. To be precise, he led a group of people to block him.

These people were all wearing military uniforms, a total of fifteen people, and they didn't carry guns. The lowest rank was lieutenant, and among them Zheng Man had the highest rank, lieutenant colonel.

"Regimental Commander Zhang, I am here to report to the first regiment directly under the order of Chief He of the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs!" I saw Zheng Man standing at attention with a playful smile on his face.

Looking at the playful and sweet smile on Zheng Man's face, Zhang Tianhai couldn't help but also laughed along with him. If someone can take a picture of this scene, it must be a very beautiful picture.

Soon, Zhang Tianhai remembered, why did Zheng Man bring these people here?Wait, no, it was Minister He's order to tell her to come and report to me?

"Are you coming to report to me?" Zhang Tianhai's eyes widened after he realized it. At first, he thought that Zheng Man must be following the chief's department, so why did he come to report to Zhiyituan?With fifteen officers behind him?What does it mean?Is it because Minister He didn't trust Zhang Yulin that he sent someone to infiltrate Zhiyi Tuan?

However, Zhang Tianhai calmed down after thinking about it: he and Minister He are neither close nor old. If he wanted to establish a relationship, he could only say that Minister He was barely his teacher, very reluctantly. Is it just because of this? Appreciation, will give him such a big support?

Seeing Zhang Tianhai's shocked expression, Zheng Man didn't explain much, but stuck out his tongue and said, "Yes, I'm here to report. Well... more precisely, the ten people behind me The five are the talents sent by the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs, and I applied for the transfer by myself."

Regarding this, Zhang Tianhai just nodded slightly, and then looked at the fifteen officers behind Zheng Man, and saw that the fifteen officers were neatly dressed and lined up in three rows. When Zhang Tianhai looked over, they Then they stood at attention in unison and saluted: "Hello, sir!"

"Well, advance to the regiment headquarters!" Zhang Tianhai nodded, and then said to Liu Houming beside him: "Order the troops to proceed according to the original plan!"

"Yes!" Liu Houming replied, and then hurried out.

"Everyone, please." Zhang Tianhai made a gesture of invitation, quite a bit like the ancients said that he was a corporal.

After entering the regiment headquarters, Zhang Tianhai pulled Guo Qiliang over, and asked Zheng Man to wait outside the regiment headquarters with these officers.

"Qiliang, let me tell you a piece of unfortunate news. Zheng Man is going to be transferred to our regiment as the director of the communications department." Zhang Tianhai said in a low voice. In this situation, no matter who it falls on, it will be uncomfortable. Yes, if the target really came to serve under him, he would not be able to be beaten or scolded, how would he establish his dignity?

"Yu Lin, let me tell you, this is a good thing, think about it, this director of communications will be your wife in the future, we are going to fight, you don't have to worry about what will happen if the battlefield is on her side, besides, Isn’t it better to be in your own unit than in other units?” Guo Qiliang is indeed a talent suitable for serving as a staff officer, and he can clearly analyze the pros and cons in a short while.

"Hmm... makes sense." Zhang Tianhai nodded in praise.

"Let's not talk about anything else, hurry up and see who the Military and Political Department has sent here so we can arrange the next step." Guo Qiliang reminded Zhang Tianhai.

"Okay." Zhang Tianhai agreed, and then went back to pick up these new officers into the regiment headquarters.

According to Zheng Man, among the officers sent by the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs, besides her, there are six people who followed her to establish the communication office. The combat staff officer, and the rest are engineering talents sent by the military and government, that is, engineers and soldiers.

That's right, Minister He is very particular about sending people. Three second lieutenants of engineers plus one lieutenant, isn't this the one who assigned him to build an engineer company?
However... Zhang Tianhai was wrong about one thing. The engineer battalion is the standard equipment for the German weapon division. It is reasonable to say that the regiment level unit does not have the establishment of the engineer company. However, He Yingqin feels that since he has strengthened the regiment The establishment of the German weapons and equipment was also given, and the others were not bad, so he ordered: "Except for the artillery that can't be given to him, the rest will be built for him according to the establishment of the German weapons division, like a secret service battalion." For one kind, let him connect with the secret agents. The German Weapon Strengthening Regiment, we need to talk about some face-to-face."

It's just that this sentence didn't reach Zhang Tianhai's ears, and Zheng Man also asked to be transferred to the straight team, and I don't know if it was because someone in her family knew Minister He.

Zhang Tianhai is not very clear about how Zheng Man was transferred to the Zhiyi Regiment. On the contrary, the seal on the appointment letter of the newly appointed chief of the political training section, He Jiye, is thought-provoking: on the signed seal, apart from the Ministry of Military Affairs, In addition to his official seal, Minister He's personal seal was also affixed.

Zhang Tianhai knew very well that this was an order issued by Minister He himself, and it was also a talisman for He Jiye to carry out his work in the Zhiyi Regiment.Well, it can be understood as a greeting, and it is a very strong greeting.

"What kind of gods are these gods who arranged this?" After arranging everyone's work, Zhang Tianhai was alone in his room, frowning.

He thought about it for a long time, that He Jiye looks young, he seems to be about the same age as Adjutant He Zhenghe who came the day before yesterday... Could it be that this guy is a relative of a high-ranking official like He Zheng, Gu Xinheng, and the others, and was sent here to make money? seniority?
The more Zhang Tianhai thought about it, the more he felt that it was possible. After all, isn't the political training department part of the military and political system?At that time, as long as the whole group has made military exploits, He Jiye can also get a little credit, right?
Zhang Tianhai also made a lot of small calculations. Generally speaking, he made a lot of money. A chief of the political training section can exchange for so many officers, which is a good thing for Zhiyituan.

As for the establishment of the engineering company, it is also simple. It is almost enough to draw a platoon from the logistics department and the gendarmerie company. The head of the regiment also has a bottom line: no matter how short the regiment headquarters is, the four battalions of the combat troops below cannot be used unless it is absolutely necessary. The combat effectiveness of the combat troops must be guaranteed.

As for the logistics supply company, at worst, you can just work harder; as for the gendarmerie company, how can there be so many deserters in my army?Just work harder to maintain military discipline.

Needless to say, the guard platoon, there are only a few people, and the execution of the guards is still relatively reluctant, let alone the others. It is estimated that Xu Sangou ran to his head Zhang to complain as soon as a squad was taken away. That is to say, there are only so many people, and people have to be drawn out. How can they maintain the security mission and the like?

The three companies, the special agent company, the mortar company, and the small artillery company, are one of the few combat companies directly under the regiment headquarters, and they cannot be randomly transferred.

So, at the beginning, looking at the directly affiliated group with quite a lot of people, it seems that the number of people is barely enough...

Just as Zhang Tianhai was meditating, there was a knock at the door.

"Which one?" Zhang Tianhai asked impatiently.

"Yu Lin, it's me." There was a nice voice coming from the door, the words were correct, who else but Zheng Man?

PS: Update update, another day update.Drop your votes, folks.

Thank you QQ reading book friends for joining hands with Xiyu and Missing @感感 monthly pass each!
(End of this chapter)

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