War of Resistance

Chapter 189 Zhang Shaoxun's Request

Chapter 189 Zhang Shaoxun's Request
In order to encourage the generals and boost morale, Chiang Kai-shek held a military meeting to defend Nanjing in a small conference room of the Nanjing Ministry of Railways.

All the senior generals present at the meeting included Tang Shengzhi, the commander of the Nanjing Garrison, and Luo Zhuoying, the deputy commander, Qian Dajun, Wang Jingjiu, Gui Yongqing, Yu Jishi, Song Xilian, Sun Yuanliang, Ye Zhao, Deng Longguang, Wang Yaowu, Feng Shengfa, etc. Army military chief.

The atmosphere in the conference room was very dull, and a pessimistic atmosphere enveloped the entire meeting. Everyone knew that Nanjing could not be defended, but no one dared to express specific opinions.

After that, Chiang Kai-shek once again emphasized the inevitability of sticking to Nanjing. He also said that the troops from Yunnan had been mobilized to come up. Chairman Long Yunlong had sent his vanguard troops, that is, Lu Han's No.60 Army. Soon he would lead the powerful The army of the army came to support Nanjing, please stick to it and so on.

After returning to the army, Song Xilian convened a meeting of cadres above the regiment level in the entire division, and Zhang Tianhai was among them.

"Dear colleagues, fellow brigade commanders and regimental commanders, someone Song called everyone here to convey the order of Generalissimo Jiang." Song Xilian said slowly, his eyes were red and his expression was very tired.

Everyone sat very straight, and they were waiting for the teacher to speak again.

"Nanjing must be defended to the end. Everyone, the duty and responsibility of our soldiers should be to defend the country. Now, the Japanese invaded Nanjing, and Nanjing is at stake. As soldiers, we should shoulder the responsibility on our shoulders and do our best Train the troops and wait for orders from the chief. Then fight to the death with the Japanese army and serve the country with death. Please, everyone, don’t forget the school motto and spirit of Huangpu!” Song Xilian’s words can be heard by anyone, even the last A word of morale boosting is said with force. It seems that the situation in Nanjing is no longer as urgent.

Although Zhang Tianhai already knew the result of the Nanjing Defense War, in this atmosphere, it was impossible to say that he was not nervous. After all, what he saw in the books was very different from what he experienced personally.

"Yes!" All the officers stood up and responded at the same time, their attitudes were very firm.

As early as joining the army and entering the Whampoa Military Academy, these people put life and death aside. It is undeniable that all the officers present here, including Zhang Tianhai, are from the Whampoa Military Academy, but among the regiment commanders and brigade commanders present, he is the only one with qualifications is the shallowest.

"The meeting is over!" Finally, Song Xilian, who was exhausted both mentally and physically, gave the order to end the meeting.


Just as Zhang Tianhai was about to return to the regiment headquarters, a voice with a Guangxi accent called out to him: "Regimental Commander Zhang!"

Zhang Tianhai looked back, isn't this Zhang Shaoxun, the new head of the [-]th Regiment?

"Brother Xunhua, what's the matter?" Zhang Tianhai smiled politely. After all, he took away the veterans of the first battalion, and the weapons and equipment had not been returned to the [-]th regiment. This matter must not be mentioned. I will definitely pay it back.

"Let's take a moment to talk!" Zhang Shaoxun is of a relatively strong build. Since he is from Hepu, Guangxi, and the vernacular is spoken in his hometown, it is inevitable that his Mandarin will be somewhat irregular.

"En." Zhang Tianhai nodded. On the surface, the situation was calm, but in his heart, he was already flooded. There was no problem in asking for anything, except that he couldn't ask for the return of weapons and equipment.

After walking to a remote corridor in the division headquarters, Zhang Shaoxun said: "Brother Yulin, I, Zhang Shaoxun, have been infatuated for a few years, so I reluctantly call you brother. I hope you don't mind."

"It's okay, these are not problems. You are a few years older than me, and you are two periods older than me in Huangpu, so you should be called like that." Zhang Tianhai said calmly like water.

Zhang Shaoxun said with a wry smile: "To be honest, I asked you to come here to talk, just to recognize your friendship. You are from the battalion commander of the [-]th Regiment, and I just took up the post of commander of the [-]th Regiment. How come?" It can be regarded as a source. The situation in Nanjing at the moment must be very tense. The current [-]th regiment does not say that there is a shortage of cadres, it can only be said that it is barely enough to fill, and the army is mostly recruits, especially now Ouyang The first battalion in the afternoon is almost all recruits, and their combat effectiveness is not strong..."

After hearing Zhang Xunhua's words, Zhang Tianhai's heart jumped into his throat and finally sank: he is finally not a debt collector.

"What does Brother Xunhua (cousin of Zhang Shaoxun) mean?" Zhang Tianhai asked calmly.

"Most of the new recruits of the [-]th Regiment now have weak combat capabilities. Your regiment is now strong and well-equipped, and I don't ask for anything else. I just ask you to lend a helping hand when the [-]th Regiment is in trouble..." Zhang Shaoxun said bitterly .

Looking at Zhang Shaoxun's appearance, Zhang Tianhai also knew that the life of the [-]th Regiment is absolutely difficult now, otherwise a dignified head of the regiment could ask him for help?
"Absolutely not a problem." Zhang Tianhai nodded and agreed. This was his promise. The old troops still have feelings.

"Okay, buddy, I'll recognize my brother's love. The military affairs are busy now, so we can talk about it another day!" Zhang Shaoxun said hello to Zhang Tianhai and left.

Looking at Zhang Shaoxun's leaving back, Zhang Tianhai's eyes were deep, and he didn't know what he was thinking, maybe he was thinking about Zhang Shaoxun.


After returning to the regiment headquarters, Zhang Tianhai immediately called the battalion-level officers and the heads of the units directly under the regiment for a centralized meeting.

In addition to Li Chunfei and other four battalion commanders, there were also Chief of Staff Guo Qiliang, Director of Communications Zheng Man, Director of Military Supplies and Logistics Zhu Shaohong, and Military Police Company Commander Liao Lizhi. On Zhang Tianhai's left were the heads of the four units directly under the regiment headquarters, including Guo Qiliang, while on Zhang Tianhai's right were Li Chunfei and other four battalion commanders.

"Brothers and colleagues, the external situation is becoming increasingly tense in the defense of Nanjing. The main forces of the No. 60 Sixth Army and No. 80 Third Army are fighting fiercely with the Japanese army in the direction of Jurong. The Sichuan Army in the direction of Guangde is now We are also caught in a fierce battle. There is not much time left for us..." Zhang Tianhai announced the news in a heavy tone.

The unfavorable news on the outskirts of Nanjing is not a good thing for everyone here. As a Chinese, it is definitely a shameful thing for the country to fall.

Zhang Tianhai only knows that Song Xilian's 36th Division successfully broke through the siege in history, but there seems to be no record in the history books about his small unit directly under the First Regiment. Who knows if he will be buried in this vigorous battle? What about the defense of Nanjing?
"Hurry up and train the troops. We have to fight this battle. Let me repeat again, if someone deserts at a time of crisis in this country, he will be shot on the spot!" Zhang Tianhai reiterated this point in a very serious tone. The words he has emphasized since the formation of the regiment.

It was not the first time for the officers present to hear the head of the regiment say this, but it was not as serious as this time, and there was a murderous look in his tone.

"Yes!" All the officers stood up and responded.


PS: Another beautiful day.Keep asking for votes!
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Thanks to the starting point book friend Pingping Gua for two monthly tickets!Thanks to Qidian book friends who have been reading books silently for 13 years, and give you a monthly ticket to Qingyun!
(End of this chapter)

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