War of Resistance

Chapter 190 Combat Mission

Chapter 190 Combat Mission
After the meeting was over, Zhang Tianhai went back to his small wing, lay down on the bed, stared blankly at the ceiling, and didn't know what he was thinking.

At this time, the door knocked.

Zhang Tianhai didn't need to guess who was here, who else was here if it wasn't Zheng Man?
After Zhang Tianhai opened the door, it was indeed Zheng Man, but now Zheng Man didn't look as energetic as usual, and she really didn't seem to be in a good mood.

After Zheng Man walked in, he locked the door with his backhand, then hugged Zhang Tianhai, and said with a slight cry: "Zhang Yulin, will we all die in Nanjing in this battle?"

After hearing Zheng Man's words, Zhang Tianhai just hugged her lightly, then gently stroked her soft hair, and said softly: "Are you scared? If you are scared, apply to be transferred back to the Minister's Department. This war, this war should be a men's war."

Zheng Man suddenly raised his head, his eyes were red: "What's the matter, at this point, you don't want me anymore?"

Zhang Tianhai didn't make a sound, but just looked at the roof. This silence seemed to be telling his decision or entanglement.

"Zhang Yulin, let me tell you, don't even think about abandoning me. I applied to be transferred to Zhiyituan to live and die with you. The situation in Nanjing is critical. Who doesn't know that the minister's department has already prepared to share with Nanjing Life and death. Rather than dying alone at the officer's office, I'd rather be by your side..." Zheng Man leaned on Zhang Tianhai's shoulder and sobbed softly...

At this moment, Zhang Tianhai was stunned. He never thought that Zheng Man would have such deep affection for him: When the city is broken, I can go through the wind and rain with you. If I want to see thousands of mountains and rivers in the world, even if I die, it will not be in vain. .

For a while, Zhang Tianhai didn't know what to say, so he could only put his arms around Zheng Man and say the old-fashioned words: "You will not disappoint me, and I will not betray you."

"Hmm..." Zheng Man's head was lightly pressed against someone Zhang's shoulder, a sweet smile appeared on the corner of his mouth...


Time is advancing day by day, and the time left for Zhang Tianhai and others is getting less and less. The main force of the Japanese army is fighting fiercely in the outer positions of Nanjing.

At dawn on November 20, the main force from the left side of the Japanese army broke through Guangde County, which was defended by the No. [-] First Army of the Sichuan Army.

At about ten o'clock in the evening on December [-], Liu Xing, the commander-in-chief of the Jiangyin Army who was in charge of guarding the Jiangyin Fortress and had been fighting fiercely with the Japanese for a week, ordered the troops to break through.

It was also from December [-]st that the Japanese army began to carry out large-scale and high-intensity bombing of Nanjing. Although the anti-aircraft artillery units of the national army fought back desperately, they did not gain much. He performed very well and shot down many enemy planes.But the good times didn't last long. A few days later, the air force volunteer brigade was submerged in the fleet of enemy planes, and there was no more sound.

In the early morning of December 60th, the main force of the Japanese army's central road appeared in the east of Jurong after having removed all the national army positions in the east of Jurong, and fought with one of the No.[-] Sixth Army defending here. The battle was very fierce.

On the evening of December 60th, Ye Zhao No.80 Sixth Army and Deng Longguang No.[-] Third Army sent by Guangdong were ordered to guard Jurong. Due to the lack of reinforcements, the defenders were killed and injured. And declared a failure.

After capturing Jurong, the Japanese army, which suffered heavy casualties, did not immediately march towards Nanjing. Instead, they took a rest and adjusted for a day, and then marched towards Qixia Mountain with the sixth division as the main force.

In the early morning of December 41th, the main force of the Sixth Division of the Japanese Army that had entered Qixia Mountain launched a fierce attack on one regiment of the 36st Division and the [-]th Division...


The generator outside the division headquarters was blaring, and the dim light reflected on the faces of the nine military chiefs present, their expressions very dignified.Division Commander Song Xilian, Chief of Staff Xiang Xianju, Li Zhipeng and Liu Ying, two brigade commanders, plus five regimental commanders including Xiong Xinmin, Wu Guangzong, Zhang Tianhai, Gu Baoyu, and Zhang Shaoxun, this time all military officers above the regiment level were present. Done.

Unlike the last meeting to convey the spirit of the chairman's speech, this time the gathering was to issue combat tasks.

After more than ten days of training, Zhang Tianhai's Zhiyi Regiment finally took on an elite look. After all, most of the Zhiyi Regiment were veterans, no matter how bad they were, they had been on the battlefield.

I heard that this meeting was for combat missions, and Zhang Tianhai was already ready to grab the defensive mission. This time it might be Song Xilian's last combat meeting before leaving Nanjing.

There is still a whole week before the fall of Nanjing, Zhang Tianhai does not want to watch the tragedy happen, he wants to take his Zhiyi regiment to participate in this battle.

Although a reinforced regiment in Zhiyi regiment was seen as cannon fodder by the Japanese army, Zhang Tianhai still wanted to do his best, even if the strength was not that great, right...

Compared with the pessimism of the previous meeting, the conference table at this time is more dignified and fighting.

Teacher Song Xilian stood at the head of the conference table, looking at the two brigade commanders and the heads of the regiments sitting in two rows with piercing eyes.

"Everyone, I believe that this meeting is to issue a combat mission. Everyone knows, right?" Song Xilian looked at the crowd, "Just half an hour ago, Jurong fell, and the commander ordered our division to send a regiment 40th Division of the Tenth Army stationed at Qixia Mountain, under the temporary command of Commander Ding Zhipan. In your opinion, which regiment is appropriate to send?"

The Tenth Army is Xu Yuanquan's Second Army. Since the Second Army only has one Tenth Army under its jurisdiction, this army is still one army in essence. The Tenth Army has two divisions under its jurisdiction. One is Ding Zhi Pan's No.40 First Division, and the other is Xu Jiwu's No.40 Eighth Division.

Since arriving in Nanjing, the two divisions of Xu Yuanquan's Second Army Corps have been divided into two groups to perform tasks. The 41st Division is stationed in Qixia Mountain, and the 48th Division is stationed in Longtan and other directions.

"Reporter, I would like to lead a regiment to follow the No. 40 Division [-] to guard Qixia Mountain, so as not to let the enemy advance!" Zhang Tianhai stood up first, standing at attention and saluting.

Song Xilian didn't say anything about this, but just took a deep look at Zhang Tianhai.

Soon, Xiong Xinmin, the head of the 40th Regiment, also stood up: "Reporter, I am willing to lead the [-]th Regiment and No. [-] First Division to defend Qixia Mountain, and fight to the death with the Japanese invaders!"

"Report Master, I would like to lead the 41th Regiment to follow the [-]st Division headquarters to guard Qixia Mountain. Master, our regiment has the fewest casualties among the few regiments withdrawn from the front line in Songhu. My [-]th Regiment should take on this task!" Gu Baoyu, the head of the [-]th Regiment, got up and stood at attention and saluted.

Subsequently, Wu Guangzong, the new head of the [-]th Regiment, and Zhang Shaoxun, the new head of the [-]th Regiment, also stood up and expressed their willingness to lead their troops to Qixia Mountain to defend their positions.

At the time of the national crisis, these Whampoa students have proved their aspirations when they entered the school with practical actions: to get promoted and get rich, please go elsewhere;


PS: Another update.This chapter is a bit short, please bear with me.Well, it doesn't seem that short.

Thanks to the starting point book friend FinalFire for voting for a monthly ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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