War of Resistance

Chapter 191 Variables

Chapter 191 Variables
Song Xilian glanced at the regiment leaders standing there, and said, "In my opinion, the task of defending Qixia Mountain should be left to the 36th Regiment! Commander Gu's troops have the most remaining veterans of our 36th Division. It's just right for Captain Gu to guard Qixia Mountain on behalf of our [-]th Division."

"Thank you seat!" Gu Baoyu stood upright and sat down.

Seeing that the combat mission had been determined by the division seat, everyone sat down one after another, and only Zhang Tianhai stood alone. He questioned Song Xilian, "Master seat, my first regiment is mostly veterans, and it is a reinforced regiment. It is also complete, and it is very suitable for our regiment to defend Qixia Mountain."

"I, Song, is the teacher, or are you, Zhang Yulin?" Song Xilian said with some dissatisfaction. After all, the decision he just made was questioned in public, and no one would be happy.

"Master, of course you are the master." Zhang Tianhai also knew that his actions were a bit reckless, so he said bitterly.

"Regimental Commander Zhang, the first regiment directly under you is a strengthened regiment, and it is a fully equipped German armored reinforced regiment. In terms of your combat, the division headquarters has other arrangements. Soldiers, it is their bounden duty to obey orders. Do you understand? ?” Song Xilian was tantamount to criticizing by name.

"Yes, I understand." Seeing that the teacher's mind has been made up, Zhang Tianhai immediately decided to sit down and wait and see what happens. After all, there are many wars, and if you make the teacher unhappy, you just want to make yourself unhappy.

"Nowadays, Nanjing's peril is entirely tied to our soldiers. You must remember your responsibilities." While Song Xilian was speaking, an aerial bomb dropped from a house near the division headquarters, and then exploded. Compared with the bombing of the Japanese army, More often a few days ago...

At this time, Song Xilian's division headquarters was located in the Dingjiabao Central Party Headquarters, but his headquarters was located near Yijiangmen. He usually sat in the headquarters of Yijiangmen most of the time, unless it was necessary to hold a meeting. , he hardly ever came to the division headquarters, and Xiang Xianju, the chief of staff of the division, stayed at the division headquarters to handle affairs.

Walking out of the division headquarters, Zhang Tianhai's face was still a bit ugly, and Zhang Shaoxun who was next to him stopped him: "Brother Yulin, are you still unhappy because you didn't get the defense mission just now?"

With a smile on Zhang Tianhai's face, he said reluctantly: "It is impossible to say that there is no such thing at all. After all, our regiment is now the regiment with the largest number of people in the entire 78th Army, and the equipment is also the best. Instead, let the [-] regiment They're on it, and it's impossible to say they're not depressed at all."

Zhang Shaoxun smiled and said: "You can't blame the division for this kind of thing. Although your Zhiyi regiment is temporarily under the command of our 78th Army, anyone can understand it. After all, you are a regiment directly under the theater. It's different. The teacher must have his own difficulties."

Zhang Tianhai knew that Zhang Shaoxun was telling the truth, so why did the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs give the designation directly under the theater, not the 78th Army Secret Service Regiment?This is a bit intriguing.

But Zhang Tianhai is not reconciled to knowing that this is the result. The Nanjing Massacre is about to begin. Is he really going to be a cold passerby?If it doesn't exist, Zhang Tianhai won't just wait for the massacre to happen in vain. He will do what he can!
After returning to the regiment headquarters, Zhang Tianhai was still sullen. As a soldier, he should obey orders, but as a descendant of Yan and Huang, he knew what would happen next, so what should he do?
"Yulin, what's going on? You look so dull." As soon as he entered the regiment headquarters, Guo Qiliang asked about the meeting. After all, it was a meeting to issue combat missions. Coupled with Zhang Tianhai's expression, he said he was not worried. That's all fake.

Zhang Tianhai smiled wryly and said: "The task of defending Qixia Mountain was missed. Now that the Japanese army has entered Jurong, they are preparing to continue their fierce attack on the No. 60 Sixth Army defending the west of Jurong. The division said that according to the 66th Army According to the news from the other side, at dawn on the 60th, their outpost troops had already found the plainclothes of the Japanese army 83 kilometers east of Jurong. They launched a fierce attack on Jurong from [-]:[-] am to [-]:[-] pm today At that time, one regiment of the No.[-] Sixth Army and one regiment of the [-]rd Army stationed there were all dead..."

"It seems that the gate of Nanjing has been completely opened after the fall of Jurong." After Guo Qiliang sighed for a long time, he sat down on the chair as if his whole body had been exhausted, and then looked at the roof, silently in a daze.

The troops of the two regiments are the ones that have just defended for two days, and they are still all shot. While people can't help but lament the powerful Japanese army, it will inevitably make people very frustrated-the two regiments, combined More than 4000 people defended a county, and all of them died in two days. If they were to defend Jurong as a group, the result would be almost the same.

"Brother Qiliang, I only have passion at the moment, and I wish I could pick up the gun in my hand and fight to the death with that damned little Japan!" Zhang Tianhai, sitting at the head of the conference table, clenched his fists and was extremely angry.

"Let me tell you, Lao Zhang, our regiment is now fully equipped with all kinds of German weapons and equipment. No matter how you say it, it is impossible for the executive department to leave our reinforced regiment unused. You can wait with peace of mind. !" Guo Qiliang comforted Zhang Tianhai.

Zhang Tianhai shook his head and said, "In my opinion, it's not necessarily true! Today, the master refused to let my regiment defend Qixia Mountain. It is a unit directly under the third theater, and the unit ordered to guard Qixia Mountain today must be our regiment!"

Hearing this, Guo Qiliang was overjoyed. He said, "Zhang Yulin, you are too short-sighted, aren't you? Didn't Commander Tang, the commander of the garrison, say that? If we want to live and die with Nanjing, are you afraid that there will be no battle?"

Hearing this, Zhang Tianhai smiled helplessly: Is he really going to tell Guo Qiliang that Tang Shengzhi will lead the senior officials of the Minister's Department away on the night of December [-]th?
But how can I say this well? At this moment, the matter of Tang Shengzhi's escape will still happen in the next week. How should this be expected?
For Zhang Tianhai, the future is full of variables, and the only constant is Tang Shengzhi's escape.

Tang Shengzhi ran away by then, so what will happen to Zhi Yituan?Should he follow Tang Shengzhi's ministerial department, or should he stick to Nanjing and become the most dazzling firework that bloomed before the massacre?

All of these are unknowns. In the face of the current situation and fate, individuals are always very small, and many things cannot be controlled by themselves.

Even if Tang Shengzhi took him and his gang away from Nanjing before leaving, would he be able to leave with peace of mind?As an upright Chinese soldier, as a descendant of the Yellow Emperor, knowing that a massacre is coming, why did he leave so quickly?Will my conscience be at ease in this life?

If he chooses to disobey orders on the battlefield and lead Zhiyituan to charge, even if the chiefs don't shoot Zhang Tianhai, he will eventually ruin Zhiyituan, the only remaining and fully equipped German armed reinforcement regiment up.

In the defense of Nanjing, the 87th Division, the 88th Division, and the teaching corps, all these elite German armorers were wiped out, and only the 36th Division, the only remaining German armorer, was beaten to a half.

For Zhang Tianhai, he is familiar with the wheels of history, but he is helpless in front of the rolling wheels of history. His personal power is too small...


PS: Double updates every day, the rhythm is very pleasant.

(End of this chapter)

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