War of Resistance

Chapter 192 Tears

Chapter 192 Tears

No matter what kind of result, I am sorry for my heart.

If he disobeyed and stayed in Nanjing with the first regiment directly under him, he would be sorry for Minister He's trust and high hopes. Minister He gave him so much support, is there only one result in exchange?But if he ran away, he would be sorry for the people of Nanjing. Since he entered Nanjing, he had not fired a single shot at the Japanese invaders. How could he be worthy of his own heart if he just ran away like this?

This kind of result is undoubtedly a dilemma. In Zhang Tianhai's view, the best thing is that Tang Shengzhi gave them an order to stick to Nanjing and not retreat before he left, instead of retreating.

Of course, this kind of result can only be expected. He remembered that Shi Zuo had a look at him today, as if he had an idea, but he still rejected it - there must be a way here, otherwise, people like Shi Zuo Will people hide it for the so-called preservation of strength?nonexistent.

The troops of the Central Army have always been defeated by the central government, and the central government will make up for it. Only those short-sighted local warlords will have such an idea of ​​​​preserving their strength. For example, they left Jinan with the Third Army without firing a single shot. Han Fuqu ran away.

Thinking about it, Zhang Tianhai tossed and turned on the bed, unable to fall asleep.

Anyway, I couldn't sleep anymore, so I just found something to do, so Zhang Tianhai got up, put on his clothes and walked out of the room, and said to the guard platoon officers and soldiers on duty outside: "Come on, go, call the spy company commander Wei He." come over!"

"Yes." A guard responded.

The small courtyard where the regiment headquarters was located was not big, but Zhang Tianhai's roar shocked many people.

No, many people poked their heads out to see what was going on, Zhang Tianhai waved to them impatiently and said, "Don't look, it's none of your business, go back to sleep!"

"Yeah~" With the roar of Zhang Datuan, the doors of each room were closed.

Not long after, Zheng Man appeared behind the corridor, her bright eyes were staring at Zhang Tianhai who was leaning against the door and puffing, her eyes were full of fascination—really, just Even the pose of smoking is so pleasing to the eye.

Sometimes, liking someone is so unreasonable.

Not long after, Wei He, who had already put on his clothes, ran to report to Zhang Tianhai: "Reporting to the regiment, Wei He, the commander of the spy company directly under the humble regiment headquarters, was ordered to come and report!"

Zhang Tianhai looked around, with his eyes, how could he not have found Zheng Man? He patted Wei He on the shoulder with a smile, and said, "Okay, don't be so serious, the leader just can't sleep at night. I'm awake, and I'll call you over to talk about my life."

After speaking, Zhang Tianhai put his arms around Wei He's neck, and turned aside like an old friend.

Wei He was quite strong, probably about the same height as Zhang Tianhai, and also almost strong. After all, he was born in martial arts, so it is normal for him to be strong.

"Tuan Zuo, what are you doing?" Wei He was a little confused.

"Shut up." Zhang Tianhai whispered.

Hearing what Tuan Zuo said, how could Wei He not know what was going on, Tuan Zuo must have noticed something was wrong, so he turned the abducted to the side.

After turning to a dark place that Zheng Man couldn't see, Zhang Tianhai asked, "Wei He, tell the truth with your conscience, how do I, Zhang Yulin, treat you?"

Hearing this, Wei He naturally patted his chest and said: "Tuan Zuo, you are a kindness to a humble officer. If there is no Tuan Zuo, I, Wei He, will still be a big soldier. How can I be a company in this life? Chang, when I met you, it was smoke from the ancestral grave."

Wei He's words must come from the heart and be extremely sincere. During the Battle of Songhu, Zhang Tianhai was the only one who picked Wei He to be his orderly in the vast crowd of recruits from the first battalion. lucky.

"Okay, if you were given two choices now, which would you choose?" Zhang Tianhai said very seriously.

"What choice, as long as the group seat orders, Wei He will go through fire and water, and will not hesitate!" Wei He also promised very seriously.

Zhang Tianhai glanced around, and after finding no one there, he said seriously, "I'm afraid Nanjing won't last long. I don't know what will happen to Zhiyi Group tomorrow. But I have made up my mind, if Zhiyi Group retreats. The first One, you go with the Zhiyi Regiment, but you must protect Director Zheng of the Communication Department, she is my woman; second, lead the special agent company and stay with me in Nanjing!"

"Tuan Zuo, you are a man of integrity and integrity, and you are a man who is not afraid of death, but I, Wei He, are by no means the kind of people who are greedy for life and afraid of death, so it's no big deal. If it weren't for Tuan Zuo, I, Wei He, would have died on the Songhu battlefield long ago. It's gone." Wei He's gaze was very determined.

"Okay. Since you are willing to go to the national disaster with me, I will not hide it from you in advance. This is a battle that must be lost. The loss of Nanjing will be a devastating disaster for the people of Nanjing. I am willing to stay in Nanjing and do my best for Nanjing, even if I end up sacrificing on this battlefield." Zhang Tianhai clenched his fists tightly.

Wei He didn't know why the head of the group was so emotional and made such a difficult decision.

"Wei He is willing to defend the Nanjing battlefield with the Tuan Zuo, but I want to know, Tuan Zuo, why do you insist on staying in Nanjing knowing the result?" Wei He couldn't understand Zhang Tianhai's behavior at this time.

"Okay, it's okay, you can take the spies and follow me to the refugee camp tomorrow!" Zhang Tianhai shook his head and said, as the days approached day by day, his inner hesitation became more and more serious.

"Yes!" Wei He responded.


Slowly walking back to the wing house, the flame of the oil lamp is still swaying gently in the night breeze.

The cigarette was lit again, but this time, it was caught by a jade hand when it was lit.

"Yu Lin, smoke less, it's not good for your health." A concerned voice sounded from behind, and the door was already closed.

Zhang Tianhai continued to pick up the cigarette, and said with a wry smile, "So what? You might die tomorrow, so why do you care so much about your health?"

The chic shreds of tobacco slowly spit out from Zhang Tianhai's mouth. He has been under a lot of pressure these days, especially the mental pressure. If he had never been to the Nanjing battlefield, he might not have such anxiety, but since he came When I arrived, I couldn't do anything, and it seemed a bit unreasonable.

He wants to do something for the people of Nanjing, even though he can't change the final result, but he still wants to do it and fulfill some obligations.

"Yu Lin..." Zheng Man embraced Zhang Tianhai with a heart full of distress. She knew the pain in this man's heart.

Zhang Tianhai threw away the cigarette butt, looking at the pretty face of the beautiful woman in front of him, his heart finally tugged lightly, an uncomfortable feeling overflowed from his heart, and his nose was already sore: I don't know this Will there be a chance to meet, know and love her again in this lifetime?

He kissed her bitterly, a tear slowly overflowed from the corner of his eye, and then left a trace, Zheng Man clearly saw that tear.

She also responded to his painful kiss, the wick went out, and the two of them responded to each other like crazy: Maybe tomorrow will be forever...

The snow is rustling through the window, and the bridal chamber is half drunk and rejuvenated.

Silver candles shine longer, Luo Pingwei night fragrance.

Yushan Youmengxiao, tomorrow is far away.

Leaning on the household and darkening the hibiscus, the trickling autumn dew is thick.

Only the extinguished lamp vaguely recorded everything about the two of them.

"Zhang Yulin, you must treat me well in the future. You must come back alive. Even if you die, I will accompany you to the underworld..." On the bed, the two whispered in their ears, but they had already met each other frankly.

"Well... even if I sacrifice, I will protect you well. I will do my best to protect you and treat you well." Zhang Tianhai said softly, but his confidence was not so strong anymore.


That night, the tenderness continued, and the plum blossoms bloomed little by little...


PS: Another update is here, I have limited pen power, so I can only do this, continue to ask for tickets, recommendation tickets, monthly tickets and other tickets!

Thanks to Qidian book friend moyibao for the reward of 1000 points! !
It is recommended to read a new military novel "The First Heavy Armor" by the great gods of the Han and Tang Dynasties.

(End of this chapter)

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