War of Resistance

Chapter 193 Alive

Chapter 193 Alive
When the war was approaching in Nanjing, some social figures and foreign missionaries proposed to set up a refugee area.After approval by the Nanjing Garrison Commander-in-Chief, the area north of Zhongshan North Road, starting from Xinjiekou to Shanxi Road, was designated as a refugee area, which could accommodate about 25 people.

Among them, the area from Zhonghuamen to Huapailou was originally a residential area, but later it was divided into a refugee area, especially the people who have grown up in Nanjing for generations and the poor who cannot move elsewhere.

For these people who have been born in Nanjing for generations, their ancestors have always lived here. If they leave Nanjing, they have no other place to go to live; and for these poor people who cannot afford to migrate to other places Said that they have no money on them, they will die if they leave, and they will die if they don't leave.

If you go, you will definitely die on the way out of Nanjing. If you don't go, maybe you don't have to starve to death?
War is extremely cruel to the poor at the bottom.

Borrowing from the TV series "Iron Teeth Bronze Teeth Ji Xiaolan", He Shen said: "The disaster victims, are the disaster victims still human? They can only hope to survive, even if they can't eat the bark of yes, they have to eat it. "

Although this sentence is not pleasant to hear, it is also a big truth-human life is not as good as a dog in a troubled world, and a dog can survive by eating shit, but what about humans?

In the early morning of December 12, Zhang Tianhai asked his adjutant Liu Houming to drive the military off-road vehicle, and then brought their special agent company to the refugee area of ​​Zhonghuamen.

I saw that the buildings in this refugee area were still in good condition. Maybe it was because the artillery of the Japanese army had not yet reached the city of Nanjing. Occasionally, more than a dozen houses had collapsed, and they were also bombed by Japanese aircraft.

After getting off the bus, Zhang Tianhai discovered that the refugees in these refugee areas were queuing up to receive their breakfast in an orderly manner with small tile bowls. Their breakfast was porridge, the kind in a big bucket, and the person in charge of distributing breakfast It was a blond foreigner plus several hired laborers.

The clothes the refugees wore were not bad, and there were still thick clothes that should be worn in cold weather, but their clothes seemed to have not been washed for a long time.

Zhang Tianhai took a closer look. The breakfast porridge these refugees had was not so much porridge as rice soup, and it was very watery.

Looking at this scene, although Zhang Tianhai felt sad for a while, he didn't say anything. The Japanese invaders are now approaching Nanjing. Many things such as food can no longer be shipped in.

Nanjing will soon become a besieged city trapped to death.

Under such circumstances, the Garrison Commander's Department is unwilling to give too much supplies to the refugee area-we can't let the soldiers go to the front line hungry to fight the devils, right?Even if you die, you have to be a full ghost.

When resources are in short supply, contradictions in many aspects are highlighted, but there is no way, from the standpoint of the Commander-in-Chief of the Garrison, their primary task must be to maximize the food and clothing of the troops and fight.

"Hello, sir." The blond foreigner in charge of serving breakfast greeted Zhang Tianhai in blunt Mandarin.

"Hello, where is your person in charge?" Zhang Tianhai greeted the other party in fluent English.

Seeing the bewildered face of the other party, Zhang Tianhai knew it was a German, and then he asked again in Chinese.

"Oh, sir, our Director Hang is in the refugee office, are you going to find him?" the German continued to ask.

Zhang Tianhai nodded and said, "Yes. I'm looking for your director."

Soon, under the leadership of this foreigner, Zhang Tianhai arrived at the office of the refugee area. The office was located in a two-story building not far from Zhonghuamen. A very old-fashioned building.

In this office building, Zhang Tianhai met Hang Liwu, director of the refugee area.

Hang Liwu is a very strong young man with square features. He looks about 34 or [-] years old, a bit like Wu Dawei, an actor of later generations. At this time, he is wearing a suit and sitting behind the desk to sort out materials. something.

After seeing Zhang Tianhai coming in, Hang Liwu stood up and said, "Hi sir, I'm Hang Liwu, the director of the refugee area. May I ask why this sir is here?"

After seeing Hang Liwu, Zhang Tianhai gave a military salute, showing respect to him with military etiquette, and said: "Hello, Director Hang, I am Zhang Tianhai, the colonel and head of the first regiment directly under the third war zone. I am here. I want to ask you for help with something."

Seeing that the other party had made it clear what he wanted to come, Hang Liwu didn't refuse, but just said: "Mr. Zhang, there is nothing here in the refugee area. Except for a group of refugees waiting to be fed, I'm afraid I can't help you with anything."

"Director Hang, you have misunderstood. I, Zhang Tianhai, came here this time to ask Director Hang to help me find a way to transfer these refugees who are currently stranded in Nanjing." Zhang Tianhai said.

After listening to Zhang Tianhai's words, Hang Liwu shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "Head Zhang, we have already worked hard on what you said, and those who can leave can leave. We also want to leave the rest in Nanjing." I tried my best, and I tried my best. It didn't work at all..."

"But this is a total of more than 25 refugees..." Zhang Tianhai was still a little unwilling.

Seeing that the bitterness on Hang Liwu's face remained undiminished, he said, "Since the beginning of the Songhu Anti-Japanese War, Nanjing has been relocating people, and most of the population has been relocated. Now the government has also withdrawn. I also entrust people to guard The commander-in-chief asked these things, but it was useless at all. The garrison headquarters is also short of people and food. They don't even have enough troops to go to the front line to fight. How could they send troops to send these refugees out? Besides These refugees have neither money nor food, so even if they escape from Nanjing, they will inevitably starve to death.”

Before Zhang Tianhai could speak, Hang Liwu continued: "Hiding in the refugee area, at least there is still a glimmer of hope. We have already approached Father Rao who set up the refugee area in Shanghai, and handed over the map of our refugee area to Father Rao." , now Father Rao has gone to the Japanese Commander. Father Rao wrote back and told me that the Japanese Commander said he already knew about this and accepted the map..."


When he walked out of the refugee area office, Zhang Tianhai was extremely depressed. The sadness caused by that feeling of powerlessness came from the inside out. Although he is now the colonel leader of the reinforced regiment, he still doesn't care about anything. He couldn't do it, and he could only watch helplessly as all this approached or even happened. He was powerless to change the status quo in Nanjing.

Nanjing is going through a war, and even the army is short of people, money, and food, let alone these ordinary people.In the face of this huge war, no one has the ability to change these objective realities...

Sitting on the co-pilot of the jeep, Zhang Tianhai raised his head and looked up at the sky, so that tears would not overflow or even fall—this is the humiliation of the Chinese nation. Even the establishment of the refugee area depends on the protection of foreigners. These patriots can only ask these foreign missionaries to ask the Japanese commander not to harm the Chinese refugees.

And Zhang Tianhai finally understood: in the face of the rolling historical torrent, how insignificant one's personal power seems...

In the eyes of these refugees, even living is a luxury.

Living seems easy, but in troubled times, it is the most precious luxury.


PS: Another update.To be honest, when writing this chapter, Xiongying’s heart is very heavy. This history is a history of humiliation for our nation, and it is also a history that we will never forget.

Recommend the masterpiece "Anti-Japanese War: My System Is A Little Show"!
(End of this chapter)

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