War of Resistance

Chapter 194 Level 1 Combat Readiness Order

Chapter 194

After walking back to the regiment headquarters' room, Zhang Tianhai locked himself in the room and shut the door.

In the room, the gentle atmosphere from last night is still there, and the little plum blossom marks on the bed sheets have been cut off, presumably Zheng Man cut them off and kept them for collection.

Sitting on the desk in the room, Zhang Tianhai lightly rubbed his temples with his fingers, the cigarette tobacco was burning, his mind was empty, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

About an hour later, Zhang Tianhai's door was knocked.

"Duk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk."

Zhang Tianhai shook his dizzy head, and then went to open the door, only to see Zheng Man walking in with a plate of food. In addition to a bowl of steaming rice, there was also a bowl of green vegetables with a few thin pieces of fat on top of the vegetables. sliced ​​meat.

Seeing these delicious meals, Zhang Tianhai remembered that the lunch time had already passed, and his eyes were slightly moist: this is the appearance of happiness that someone cares about and cares about. Someone serves you a hot plate of food.

This feeling reminded Zhang Tianhai of the TV series "War in Changsha" he had watched in his previous life. At this moment, he seemed to finally understand why his brother-in-law Xue Junshan, who was born as an orphan and a gangster, was desperate to protect the Hu family. Hu Xiangjun is still there, and the Hu family is his home, the home he has tried his best to support.

"Eat, I saw that you came back from outside at almost two o'clock, and I thought you must have not eaten, so I went to the cooking class to get you some hot food. It's cold now, eat quickly !" With that said, Zheng Man walked into Zhang Tianhai's room with the plate of hot food.

"Okay, you can put it on my desk!" Zhang Tianhai said softly, seeing that Zheng Man was still walking in an unnatural state, he blamed himself and felt distressed.

After putting the food on the table, Zheng Man picked up the rice paper that Zhang Tianhai had just finished writing, and saw dragons and phoenixes dancing on the paper, the handwriting was beautiful, and it was standard regular script. After picking up the paper, she gently Read it: "Qin Shimingyue Han Shiguan, the people of the Long March have not yet returned. But the dragon city flying generals are here, and Huma is not taught to go to the Yinshan Mountains. Hey, Zhang Yulin, I didn't expect you to write beautifully with this pen Hey."

"That's it!" Zhang Tianhai smiled and walked over to sit down, then hugged Zheng Man.

The food is delicious, and the people are beautiful and delicious.


Two hours later, the staff of the communications department received a telegram from the division headquarters.

The content of the telegram generally stated that the Japanese army in Jurong had already moved out, and the whole division must be ready to fight and devote itself to the battle to defend Nanjing at any time.

After receiving the order, Zhang Tianhai immediately issued a first-level combat readiness order, and the next thing to do was to wait for the order from his superiors.

"Yulin, should we go down and inspect the situation of the troops now? Although our regiment is basically a reinforced regiment composed of veterans, most of our cadres are relatively inexperienced, especially the company platoon cadres, who are basically the original platoon cadres. The leader and squad leader were promoted. We have been eager to train combat effectiveness during this time, and although the political training department has a He Jiye and Section Chief, I still feel a little uneasy." Chief of Staff Guo Qiliang suggested.

"Okay, let's inspect the Fourth Battalion first, and see what the Fourth Battalion has done to me at this Wang Yongcheng's side." Zhang Tianhai immediately decided to inspect the troops, starting from the Fourth Battalion.

As for why the inspection started from the fourth battalion, the reason is very simple. He didn't know enough about Wang Yongcheng. At that time, he was mentioned as the battalion commander simply because there were not enough students in Huangpu. Neither will promote him.

In the past ten days, Zhang Tianhai not only taught the shooting essentials and correct training methods in each company, but also gathered the company commanders together, and held a training course that couldn't be shorter, which was about company-level tactical command. He, Guo Qiliang and Li Chunfei served as instructors for the training class.

There is no doubt about Zhang Tianhai's academic level. After all, he has undergone systematic study and training in the 21st century. In addition, he is a company commander in the Marine Brigade. In terms of company-level command, the entire 36th Division cannot find him. Come up with a higher level than him.

Guo Qiliang, the level of staff operations is quite high, and he can teach the commanders of the companies who lack the foundation in this aspect; as for Li Chunfei, it is purely because Zhang Tianhai feels that this kid has a temper and has the same personality as him. Therefore, we should teach these company commanders how to "shine the sword against the enemy".

There is no way, who made this new regiment have a shortage of cadres at the beginning of its establishment?You know, before the 36th Division entered the war, even the platoon leader was from the ninth batch of the Central Military Academy. Those from the seventh batch of Whampoa, like them, were still small company commanders in it?
So, in the past ten days, in addition to the people in the communication office, the commanders of the twelve infantry companies and the four machine gun companies of the four combat battalions, plus the military police, secret agents, small artillery, and military police directly under the regiment headquarters The company commander of the fourth mortar company, and even the company commander of the logistics supply company were also arrested for class.

There are a total of 21 companies. Except for the logistics supply company, which has no guns, the others are all fully staffed companies. Zhang Tianhai can't help but not swell.

Um, if it wasn't for the fact that the quality of the officers was not up to standard, if he had the quality of officers of the 36th Division before the war, Zhang Tianhai would dare to take the first regiment directly under him to defend the strength of a regiment of the enemy.

The Fourth Battalion is also located not far from the regiment headquarters. In the current state, soldiers of a squad basically live in one room, officers and soldiers of a platoon live in a small courtyard, a company is stationed in a house, and a battalion is stationed in an area. , which is relatively dense.

"Hello, Captain!"

"Hello, Captain!"

"Group seat!"

After entering the fourth battalion's camp, Zhang Tianhai was greeted by soldiers or officers at checkpoints, and almost lost himself in the "Hello, regiment commander" and "Team seat"... Ahem, digressing.

For these salutes, Zhang Tianhai just nodded slightly, and then observed their standing posture, vigilance, and the distribution of various checkpoints.

Walking into the battalion headquarters of the Fourth Battalion, it happened that Wang Yongcheng was convening a meeting of the company commanders.

After seeing Zhang Tianhai and Guo Qiliang coming in, Wang Yongcheng and the four company commanders immediately stood at attention and saluted: "Hello, Commander! Hello, Chief of Staff!"

"Hello, I came here uninvited this time, did I disturb your meeting?" After entering the gate of the battalion department, Zhang Tianhai rushed directly to the conference table.

Wang Yongcheng is also a person with good eyesight. When he saw Zhang Tianhai approaching, he quickly gave up his seat, and then reported: "Report to the leader, there is nothing wrong. The humble officer is preparing for the first-level combat readiness order under the leader. .In addition, the rank and file represent the officers and soldiers of the Fourth Battalion, and the regiments are welcome to inspect the troops!"

"Okay, this time I'm here to inspect your troops' training situation, and I have to tell you personally that the Japanese invaders are approaching Nanjing. If the head of the regiment did not make a mistake in his prediction, the Japanese army will be on the way from tomorrow morning. Launch a general attack on the outskirts of Nanjing." Zhang Tianhai paused, and then continued: "Everyone, the time has come for everyone to fulfill their promises to the soldiers. If the battle starts, please be mentally prepared to fight with the regiment leader at any time. Desperate!"

Zhang Tianhai's tone was murderous and awe-inspiring, everyone could hear the fighting spirit in the group's words, if anyone was a coward, he would definitely be shot immediately!
"The lowly ranks are willing to follow the regiment to fight the Japanese invaders to the death!" Five officers of the Fourth Battalion including Wang Yongcheng stood at attention in unison and responded.

After feeling their morale, Zhang Tianhai nodded slightly, and then said: "Okay, since you have this determination, I will trust you. But I still have to take a look at the troops you brought me. What I need is a Howling troops!"


PS: Another update.Continue to beg for recommendation tickets, monthly tickets~
Thank you for the monthly ticket of the great god of the starting point!
(End of this chapter)

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