War of Resistance

Chapter 195 Review

Chapter 195 Review

Zhang Tianhai was serious about inspecting troops, he had to see with his own eyes how his troops had been trained, so that he could have confidence in his heart.

In the next week, whether he will withdraw with the Minister's Department is still up to the two. In short, he must lead the troops to prepare for battle in advance!

As for the transfer of refugees, he has done his best. Hang Liwu has already said that he has asked Tang Shengzhi about this matter. Even Tang Shengzhi, the commander of the garrison, has not evacuated these refugees, let alone Zhang Tianhai. What about the little leader?
It is impossible for him to rescue these more than 20 refugees by himself. It is better to step up the training of the troops and then fight the Japanese army to the death. The torrent of history cannot be stopped by one person.

At this time, the sky was already dark, and after gathering the Fourth Battalion in a relatively open place, Zhang Tianhai took Guo Qiliang to inspect the Fourth Battalion.

The review that Zhang Tianhai and Guo Qiliang mentioned is not so much a review, but a look at the mental state of these officers and soldiers. If the spirit and fighting spirit are not good, then they must find a way to boost morale. The current Zhiyi regiment is still a reinforced regiment made up of broken soldiers.

It's not scary to be defeated, the most fearful thing is that the enemy will knock out their spirit and morale, and a team without spirit and morale will only collapse on the battlefield.

Compared with the 36th Regiment before the war, the Zhiyi Regiment is still far behind. On this point, both Zhang Tianhai and Guo Qiliang are very clear-the quality and morale of the officers are not as good as before. The [-]th division of the division has a kind of confidence, and it is confident on the battlefield. This is the strong self-confidence of an army fighting on the battlefield.

Seeing that the officers and soldiers were in good spirits and morale, Zhang Tianhai and Guo Qiliang left. It was time to inspect Lu Shaojie's second battalion and Wang Ziqing's third battalion. The first battalion was Zhang Tianhai's most important battalion, so He will keep it for the final review.

When I went to the headquarters of the Second Battalion, the Second Battalion had just finished the meeting and now it was at the end of the meeting. The arrival of Zhang Tianhai and Guo Qiliang delayed the meeting that was supposed to end immediately.

Just like when he was in the fourth battalion headquarters, Zhang Tianhai repeated what he said just now, even if he was a four-time repeater, he had to compare the four battalions, as the saying goes, there is no harm if there is no comparison.

For the battalion commanders, this inspection is also like an assessment, assessing the battalion commanders' ability to lead troops.

After inspecting the remaining three battalions in batches, it was already an hour later. Zhang Tianhai made a comprehensive analysis. Generally speaking, the mental outlook of each battalion is still very good. After all, the veterans of the first battalion brought them out. The team, together with various aspects such as equipment bonuses, have strengthened their confidence to a certain extent.

After all, the guy in his hand is ready, and the waist is hard. What if they try it with a fire stick?Those who don't run are fools.

"Old Guo, what do you think of our four battalions?" After returning to the regiment headquarters, Zhang Tianhai began to ask Guo Qiliang. He also wanted to hear the latter's opinion on the inspection results. There is a limit to what a person can see.

Guo Qiliang thought for a while and said: "To be honest, the four battalions of our regiment are very good in terms of mental outlook and other aspects. If they are pulled out, it will not be a problem to fight a tough battle. The key is not to collapse when fighting. .”

"If we don't collapse, it depends on our command art. The enemy is far superior to our regiment in terms of heavy firepower. Even in terms of the number of their grenadiers in a regiment, coupled with the blessing of artillery, we have no advantage." Zhang Tianhai Shen Sheng said, "In the Nanjing battle, if our regiment goes to the front line, we probably won't be able to come back."

"Hmm..." Guo Qiliang nodded.

Immediately, the meeting room of the regiment headquarters fell silent, only the sound of telegrams from the next room was beeping. This topic was too heavy.

It was Guo Qiliang who broke the silence first: "Old Zhang, it's just the two of us now. To be honest, I really don't want us to be together. How much effort we have spent on this, especially you, back then He even risked being shot to go to the shelter to rob people."

Zhang Tianhai was silent for a while, and said: "Our Zhiyi regiment has developed from only more than 300 people to a strengthened regiment with more than 3000 people today. We have indeed put in a lot of hard work, but the military and political department wants us to be a regiment. Don't you just want to make some contributions on the anti-Japanese battlefield? In the battle of Nanjing, I am afraid that we are not the only ones who will die..."

Zhang Tianhai, who is familiar with history, knows that in the defense of Nanjing, the most elite German weaponry troops were wiped out, and even the only remaining 36th Division was beaten to a half, not to mention the 74th Army and Xu Yuanquan These troops of the Second Army Corps have lost their lives, and there are not small casualties.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that the battle of Nanjing has no chance of winning, but a battle has to be fought-Nanjing is the capital of the Republic of China, and the capital can be surrendered, so what else can't be given up?In the long run, it is very unfavorable for the countermeasures of protracted resistance to Japan.

Guo Qiliang sighed heavily, and said: "Nanjing is about to become a dead city. Behind us is the Yangtze River. The First Army stationed in Pukou on the opposite side of the Yangtze River has received the death order from Chief Tang. Qixia Mountain in the northeast will soon be dead. It is about to fall into the flames of war; I hope Yuhuatai in the east can withstand the firepower of the Japanese army, but I don’t think it will last long. The 88th Division has not been fully repaired, so it will be pulled to Yuhuatai and Guanghuamen; The 74th Army has also exchanged fire with the Japanese army. When these three sides are breached by the Japanese army, it will be the day when I will die for my country."

Guo Qiliang is not the kind of person with short-term strategic vision. On the contrary, his grades were already very good when he was studying in Whampoa. After getting all the memories of his predecessor Zhang Yulin, Zhang Tianhai naturally knew the former's ability, otherwise he would be full. Would you ask for an oil bottle to hold you back?
Zhang Tianhai also knew that Guo Qiliang was telling the truth, but he felt that the conversation could not continue in such a direction. , if it can be pulled to the front line, I believe that our regiment's strength can kill and wound many Japanese troops. We are not afraid of death, but Little Japan will not take too much advantage of us."

"Old Zhang, I understand what you mean. You are afraid that we will not even have the confidence to fight. How can we continue this battle, right?" Guo Qiliang said with a wry smile, "Actually, Qiliang is not afraid of death. He came from Huangpu. It was predicted that there would be such a day. I was very happy to die on the battlefield of the national war. Otherwise, let’s study the evolution of the battle in a while. After all, it may be necessary for us to go to battle in one regiment. It’s probably a good place to have a psychological preparation!”

"Yes. Yes." Zhang Tianhai nodded in agreement with Guo Qiliang's proposal. After all, the situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly. The deduction method proposed by Guo Qiliang is also very good, especially conducive to cultivating the staff's ability to judge and predict. .

Yes, that's right, Zhang Tianhai is skeptical about the ability of the three staff officers in the regiment headquarters who temporarily drive ducks to the shelves, so he thinks it is necessary to cultivate their professional capabilities.

But just after the two of them finished speaking, their stomachs started to growl. It turned out that the two of them were busy inspecting the troops just now, and even forgot to eat dinner, so their stomachs were growling with hunger.

"Liu Houming, call the cooking class, make a quick dinner for the three of us!" Zhang Tianhai called out to Liu Houming who was standing at the door.

"Yes, group seats!" Liu Houming responded.


PS: It’s another chapter. The progress of this chapter is relatively slow, and there are many things to be paved. I can only thank you for your understanding.

Thanks to the starting point book friend Laozi Mo Daodao for the 100 point reward!

Thank you Qidian book friend Tianfengguyaoyue for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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