War of Resistance

Chapter 196 Supervising the team? !

Chapter 196 Supervising the team? !

The term sand table deduction has been around since ancient times. As the name suggests, it is a war game played on a sand table.

The Zhiyi Regiment Headquarters also had a very simple sand table. This sand table was made by Xu Xun and other staff officers in the spare time after handling the affairs of the regiment headquarters during the past ten days. Under correction, the final shape.

At this time, in addition to Zhang Tianhai and Guo Qiliang, Xu Xun and the other two regiment staff officers were also nearby, and a map of Nanjing was placed next to the sand table.

"First of all, Chief of Staff Guo will conduct the sand table deduction." Standing in front of the sand table, Zhang Tianhai first named Guo Qiliang. After all, Guo Qiliang first proposed this thing to be deduced. He must have some ideas.

"Okay, then let me do the deduction first!" Guo Qiliang took out a slender baton, and then pointed to the mountains in the upper left corner. To the east, where I am pointing in the upper left corner is the Qixia Mountain position, and the No.40 First Division of the Tenth Army and my No.30 Sixth Division [-]th Regiment are currently stationed in this position."

As he said that, Guo Qiliang paused, and pointed his baton at a raised hill to the east, "This is the Dahu Mountain position, and it is now composed of the No.80 Third Army and the No.60 Six The Yuhuatai position behind Dahu Mountain was defended by a part of Zhu Chi's 80nd Brigade and a part of Gao Zhisong's 80th Brigade from the No.[-] Eighth Division. On the side is the line between Zhonghuamen and Guanghuamen, which is defended by the main force of the No.[-] Eighth Division."

"In the direction of Tangshui Town and Chunhua Town in the south, the No.70 Fourth Army is stationed here. In addition, a brigade of the No.70 Fourth Army is stationed at the Niushou Mountain position. Moling Pass and Jiangning Town in the southwest are garrisoned here. The No.40 Eighth Division of the Tenth Army is stationed. And my No.30 Sixth Division, the Teaching Corps, and the No.80 Seventh Division are still on standby.” Soon, Guo Qiliang made Nanjing’s defenders The introduction is over.

"In your opinion, which direction is the Japanese army most likely to break through?" Zhang Tianhai asked Guo Qiliang.

I saw Guo Qiliang shook his head and said: "It's hard to say. Logically speaking, the Moling Pass in the southwest will be weaker in the direction of Jiangning Town, but there are still two of our divisions in Zhenjiang - the [-]rd Division and the [-]st Division. The first and second divisions, these two divisions can return to help at any time. There are more fortifications built on the Qixia Mountain side, but there is only one division and one regiment here, and on the Dahu Mountain side, although our army has two divisions, But it is not easy to defend. These two directions will be one of the key breakthroughs for the Japanese army. As long as these two places are taken, the enemy can drive straight in and directly hit our city of Nanjing."

These lines of positions are like the last eggshell that protects the yolk of an egg. As long as this layer of "eggshell" is broken, Nanjing can be taken down just around the corner.

Just as Guo Qiliang was about to continue the analysis, the guards outside ran in and reported: "Reporting to the regiment commander, the chief of staff, the [-]th Regiment has received orders from the division seat, and has now assembled urgently!"

"Did something happen again?" Zhang Tianhai frowned, and hurried out.

But looking at the weather, there was no Japanese air raid, so Zhang Tianhai asked the guard: "Do you know what order the teacher passed on?"

"Reporting to the regiment, I don't know, I saw that after the head of the [-] regiment Xiong's car drove past, the [-] regiment gathered urgently not long after." The guard replied truthfully.

"Captain Xiong came back from the division headquarters?" Zhang Tianhai asked.

"Yes." The guard replied.

"Okay, you can go back to your post!" Zhang Tianhai waved his hand and said, after eating, he must go to the division headquarters to find out the situation.

"Old Zhang, what's going on?" Guo Qiliang, who came out one step later, asked.

Zhang Tianhai shook his head and said: "I don't know, let's eat quickly! I guess the commander may call us regiment leaders for a meeting. Something must have happened on the front line, and now the two regiments of the 36th brigade have been transferred away , Now the [-]th Division and our regiment have only three regiments left. The situation is so urgent now, it is impossible for the commander-in-chief of the garrison to let our three regiments go unused. The teaching team may have already entered the position. "

"Okay. Hurry up." Guo Qiliang said, this deduction hasn't finished yet, even if it's declared over.

Zhang Tianhai, Guo Qiliang, and Liu Houming's dinner is also very simple, just a bowl of hot noodles each is enough.

Just as Zhang Tianhai finished eating noodles, Xu Xun, the staff officer on duty, ran out and reported, "Reporting to the regiment, the division has just called, and I want you to report to the division immediately!"

"Okay, I'll go there." Zhang Tianhai wiped his mouth casually, and then took Liu Houming to the division headquarters.


At the same time as Zhang Tianhai and Liu Houming, Liu Ying, commander of the [-]th Brigade, Wu Guangzong, head of the [-]th Regiment, and Zhang Shaoxun, head of the [-]th Regiment, also arrived at the division headquarters.

"Brigade Commander Liu, did you also come here to report under the order of the master?" Zhang Tianhai asked Liu Ying.

Hurriedly walking into the division room, Liu Ying nodded and said: "Yes. Now I guess there is an accident outside the city. The entire [-]th brigade has been transferred away. Now the division is summoning us again at this time. I'm afraid something will happen. Not optimistic."

During the conversation, they arrived at the division headquarters, and the few people stopped talking. The division commander Song Xilian had already been waiting here.

Sitting at the head of the conference table, Song Xilian hurriedly said to the four people: "Everyone, since you are here, please sit down quickly. I am going to announce a new order from the Chief of the Garrison."

"Yes!" The four sat down one after another.

After seeing the four people sitting down, Song Xilian didn't talk nonsense, and directly announced the combat order: "Nowadays, in view of the current tense situation in Nanjing, the commander of the garrison, Mr. Tang, appointed our department. The division serves as the battlefield supervisor.”

"Master, will our [-]th Regiment continue to guard the Red Mountain and Beigu Mountain in the east?" Wu Guangzong, the head of the [-]th Regiment, asked.

I saw Song Xilian nodded and said: "Well, not only will I continue to serve, but I will also transfer another battalion from the [-]th Regiment to strengthen your position defense! Remember, you must strengthen your connection with the Teaching Corps on the right. On your left is the [-]th Regiment of the [-]th Brigade!"

"Yes, Master!" Wu Guangzong responded.

After hearing this sentence, Zhang Tianhai still doesn't know what's going on?Most of the task of supervising the battle team will fall on the [-]th Regiment and his Zhiyi Regiment.

"Now announce the combat missions of the [-]th Regiment and the [-]st Regiment directly under the theater!" Song Xilian stood up and said, "Except for the [-]th Regiment to deploy a second battalion to reinforce the defense of Hongshan and Beigushan, the rest of the troops Together with the Zhiyi Regiment, the troops directly under the [-]th Brigade Headquarters, and the troops directly under the Division Headquarters, form a battlefield law enforcement team, which is what we usually call a supervisory team!"

"Supervisor team?" Liu Ying, Zhang Shaoxun, and Zhang Tianhai looked at each other.

"Yes, that's right, it is the Supervising Team. I will be the captain of this Supervising Team. I remember that during the war, no matter which troop retreated in the direction of Xiaguan without receiving the order from the Minister's Department, They must be stopped by shooting, and they must not be let out of Yijiangmen. If anyone refuses to obey the stop, regardless of their official position, they can be punished on the spot! This order will take effect from now on!" Song Xilian said coldly, his tone made people shudder.

Through this order, Zhang Tianhai and others have already known the determination of the garrison commander's department, and they are the kind that have already prepared for the worst. Almost a full brigade will serve as the supervisory team, and it will be in the absence of a pick-up. Anyone who approaches Yijiangmen under orders will be shot regardless of their official position. This is not like a joke.


PS: Another update.hey-hey.hey-hey.

Thanks to Qidian book friends, don't guess, I must be a very, very handsome monthly ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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