Chapter 197
"Yes, Master!" Liu Ying, Zhang Tianhai and the other four stood up and responded.

"Tomorrow, except for the [-]th regiment, all the white cuffs of the law enforcement team will be issued!" Song Xilian finally finalized the order.

"Yes!" Liu Ying, Zhang Tianhai and others responded.

The order for the two main regiments of the 36th Division to be divided into battlefield law enforcement teams had already been issued to each army, division, and even brigade when Song Xilian called a meeting of four people.

When this order was issued, all the division commanders smelled an unusual smell: Chief Tang really wanted to live and die with Nanjing.

Many officers at the division commander level thought that the Japanese army would soon enter Nanjing City, and if they did not retreat, they would have no chance.

But the issuance of this order by Tang Shengzhi undoubtedly shattered the illusions in many people's hearts - no matter what, they cannot escape death, and it is better to die in the hands of the enemy than to die in the hands of their own people If he dies at the hands of the enemy, he is a hero after all; but if he dies at the hands of his own people, he is a shameful deserter.

"Everyone, I know that this task is really not an easy task for everyone. It is really not easy to force your own robe to die with a gun, but there is no way. Nanjing is broken, and not only the dead You and I, Song Xilian, and tens of thousands of people in Nanjing behind us!" Song Xilian said in a deep voice, the words between the lines were as important as a thousand pounds.

"Humble job understands." The four responded again.

"Okay, do you have any questions that you don't understand? If you don't understand, you can ask questions." Song Xilian put his hands on the conference table and leaned forward.

"Teacher, I have a question that I have been unable to understand. Can I ask Master?" Zhang Tianhai turned 45 degrees and asked Song Xilian.

"But it doesn't matter." Song Xilian probably knew what Zhang Tianhai wanted to ask. This kid and Hu Jiaji were very much in the same category. Apart from asking for a fight, what else was there?
Sure enough, as Song Xilian expected, Zhang Tianhai opened his mouth and asked: "Master, what I want to ask is that I have always been well-equipped and fully equipped. I am the only one in our 36 divisions who is fully equipped." Why didn’t the division directly assign me a regiment to defend Qixia Mountain, Red Mountain, or Beigu Mountain?”

"Okay, I'll just say it straight. First, your regiment has just been replenished for about ten days. Although the composition of the troops is basically composed of veterans, I don't know what your combat effectiveness is; second. , just because your regiment is full of people and well-equipped, so you have to save it for special occasions; third, you have been promoted too quickly, you were a company commander three months ago, and now you have been promoted to regimental commander, I think you It still takes time to settle. You and Hu Jiaji, head of Hu, have similar temperaments. They are not afraid of death, and they like to lead troops in battle. Now the times are different. It can be said that the city of Nanjing is already in danger. I, Song, can't Take this risk." Song Xilian's thinking was very clear, and he directly listed three points, but these three points were all speechless.

"Master, please believe in the ability of the humble officer. Even if the humble officer dies, he will hold his ground. The humble officer dares to issue a military order! There are people, and the position is here!" Zhang Tianhai was a little impatient, and even dared to issue a military order.

Under the slightly dim light, Song Xilian's face was a little cloudy, and finally he couldn't help it anymore. He slapped the table with a "bang", and the division became quiet all of a sudden. Only the next room The sound of the telegraph ticking away as it worked.

"Zhang Yulin! Let me tell you, boy, if you lose your position, it's not just a question of whether you will die or not. And the people of the whole country, including my descendants, will scold me with their backs! Scold me for not being able to command! Scold me for why Send a newly formed regiment to guard the main attack position of the Japanese army!" After scolding, Song Xilian's anger finally vented a little, and he suppressed his anger and said: "If it is because of me, Song Xilian, that Nanjing is lost, I, Jiuquan Under the circumstances, how to face the ancestors? I, Song Xilian, am not afraid of death, but I am afraid that Nanjing will be lost because of my ineffective command. Do you understand?"

After hearing these words, Zhang Tianhai didn't make a sound, just responded: "Yes, Master, I understand."

Zhang Tianhai can also understand the pressure on Song Xilian's shoulders, and also knows that Mr. Song is telling the truth - just like Tang Shengzhi later, although Chiang Kai-shek gave the order to retreat when necessary, but it was Tang Shengzhi who gave the order to retreat It was ordered by Chief Tang, so after the news of the Nanjing Massacre, Tang Shengzhi couldn't afford it, resigned from everything, and then went back to his hometown in Hunan to recuperate.

It was not because Tang Shengzhi was in poor health, but because he couldn’t bear the responsibility and the infamy—it was his retreat order that sent 30 rout soldiers and refugees into the jaws of the Japanese army. When he thought of this, he blamed himself very much, and then he fell ill, and it was the kind that could not get sick and stayed in bed for a long time.

Song Xilian picked up the hot water that had already been poured in front of him, took a sip slowly to suppress his anger, and then he said in a calm voice as much as possible: "Now, let's formally issue combat missions!"

As he spoke, Song Xilian picked up the drafted combat order: "The troops directly under the [-]th Brigade and the [-]th Regiment are responsible for the defense of the area from Hepingmen to Xiaozhuang Normal School, and we must pay attention to resolutely enforce battlefield discipline; The war zone is directly under the headquarters of the First Regiment, guarding Yijiangmen and the vicinity of Xiaguan, until the Hutchison Wharf, and must not let a single deserter escape across the Yangtze River!"

"Yes, teacher seat." Everyone stood at attention and saluted. After all, judging by the rhythm, the meeting will be over soon.

"Okay, before dawn, all ministries must enter the predetermined area on time." Song Xilian added again, "In addition, after entering the predetermined area, all ministries occupy positions and prepare for fortifications. Even if Nanjing's troops are exhausted, We must also leave the last blow to the Japanese invaders!"




It was eleven o’clock at night when we returned to the headquarters of the Zhiyi Regiment. At this time, Guo Qiliang still did not go back to his room to sleep, but just took a nap on the desktop during the meeting, because he Knowing that Zhang Yulin was called to the division headquarters for a meeting at eight or nine o'clock in the evening, the division must have announced something important.

Not only did Guo Qiliang not go back, even Zheng Man was waiting for Zhang Tianhai to come back in the conference room of the regiment headquarters.

It's just that Zheng Man's waiting is not as simple as Guo Qiliang's waiting for the order to be announced. She hasn't seen Zhang Tianhai's shadow all day, and she wants to see him.

People who fall in love are always so blind and irrational, because love is not a rational thing.

At this time, the cold fog rose in the early winter night, as if it wanted to cover everything around, making everything blurry, but it was bitterly cold.

Even Zhang Tianhai put on the wool overcoat that only officers at the school level or above are eligible to wear, not because it looks cool, but because the weather has gradually become colder.


PS: day after day.Life is good, life is wonderful.

Thank you for a monthly ticket for the big brother who loves to read books!
(End of this chapter)

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