Chapter 198

"Tuan seat, is our group going to the front line?" Liu Houming asked Zhang Tianhai, who was sitting in the passenger seat with his eyes closed, while driving.

"No, our regiment, the [-]th regiment, and the troops directly under the brigade headquarters and division headquarters serve as the battlefield law enforcement team. The specific arrangements will be discussed after the regiment headquarters returns." Zhang Tianhai's voice was full of exhaustion.

Back outside the regiment headquarters, Zhang Tianhai lit a cigarette again, and then smoked in the car, puffing.

"Hey, this world is really troublesome. There is no shortage of cigarettes." Leaning on the co-pilot's seat, Zhang Tianhai heaved a long sigh. The pressure on him is unimaginable by others. Then you don't have to think about anything.

It wasn't until the cigarette was about to reach the cigarette holder that Zhang Tianhai threw away the cigarette in his hand. After getting out of the car, he twisted his cervical spine and did a few chest expansion exercises before entering the regiment headquarters.

For Zhang Tianhai, except for sleeping time and smoking time, when he can barely relax, other times are as busy as a war, but a little mistake is allowed.

"Yu Lin, you're back." Zheng Man, who had heard the sound of a car outside the regiment gate, was already waiting for him at the gate.

"En." Zhang Tianhai just responded lightly, and then hurriedly walked towards the regiment headquarters, followed by Liu Houming.

As soon as he entered the regiment headquarters, Zhang Tianhai said to Xu Xun, the staff officer on duty: "Xu Xun, inform the battalion commanders and the company commanders of the troops directly under the regiment headquarters to immediately gather at the regiment headquarters for a meeting! There is an urgent task!"

"Yes!" Xu Xun stood up and responded.

Ten minutes later, in the meeting room of the regiment headquarters, everyone was already there, including Zheng Man, the director of communications, He Jiye, the chief of the political training section, and Zhu Shaohong, the director of logistics and military supplies. Xu Sangou, the security platoon leader, was not qualified. He had already attended such a meeting, so he could only stand at the door with his adjutant Liu Houming and wait for instructions.

"Hey, Old Liu, how does it feel to follow the commander all day?" Xu Sangou, who was wearing an officer's uniform, looked a bit like a dog, but he didn't have the right type.

"Keep your voice down, the group members are having a meeting inside, if you don't want to be kicked, just keep your voice down." Liu Houming said in a low voice. Although he is now a lieutenant, he seems to have a higher official position than Xu Sangou, but with Xu Sangou doesn't need to put on airs when talking to someone like Xu Sangou who has been with the leader for so long.

"Okay." Xu Sangou lowered his voice and said, "Is Tuan Zuo not in a good mood these days? I don't see his face smiling. It's more dull than when he was on the Songhu battlefield."

"Yeah, the regiment has been under too much pressure these days. It happened to be at the division headquarters, and the regiment was trained by the division in front of Brigadier Liu and the two commanders of the [-]th brigade. Then It's too loud, I could hear the scolding from the teacher when I was standing outside, it's so fierce." Liu Houming also lowered his voice and said, he has a good relationship with Xu Sangou, so he didn't want to look at Xu Sangou The dog touches this brow.

"No way? Even the teacher is mad. I have been in the 36th division for so long, and I have never seen the teacher is polite and looks like a literati. I have almost never lost my temper. Even if I get angry, I can bear it." Just kill the person who made the mistake." Xu Sangou babbled, but revealed many "inside stories" that Liu Houming, an adjutant, had never heard of.

Before Liu Houming could open his mouth, Xu Sangou continued to ask: "Hey, old Liu, why do you think this master is so angry and scolding our head?"

Liu Houming shook his head and said, "I don't know, it seems to be because of the group seats asking for a fight."

Seeing that Xu Sangou sighed softly, he said: "Hey, the temper of our regiment is the same as that of Captain Hu. If you lead troops to fight, if you don't rush to the front for a day, your heart will itch."

"Sangou, I heard that you came from Xi'an with our regiment leader? And you were a subordinate of our regiment leader before. Is there such a thing?" Liu Houming asked.

"That's for sure. When the regiment was originally the deputy company commander, I followed him. It's just that I was still a little big soldier at that time." Xu Sangou felt a little lost, as if thinking of the time before he came to Shanghai thing.

As if thinking of something, Liu Houming hurriedly asked: "Did the Tuan Zuo look like this before he came to the Shanghai battlefield?" Just a little smile on my face.”

Xu Sangou thought for a while, and then said: "No way, Company Commander Li was more serious at that time, and the deputy company commander was very talkative and never scolded us, just smiling all day long."

"It seems that the environment can really change people. Fortunately, I follow officials like Tuan Zuo. If I have a bad temper with other officials, I might have been kicked in the ass long ago." Liu Houming also sighed and followed. By the side of the head, everything the head has experienced has been witnessed with his own eyes.

Xu Sangou nodded, expressing his agreement with Liu Houming's opinion, and then said: "Yes, since entering Shanghai, I haven't seen our regiment leader smile. When the regiment leader was the deputy company commander, he was still smiling all day long. , after entering Shanghai, the brothers of our second company were killed and wounded, and there were not many people left in the second company, and the whole regiment did not exceed ten. Even the relationship with the regiment now Li Chunfei, the very good first battalion commander, was transferred to our first battalion later, it seems that he was transferred when the group seat was still the battalion commander."

"Our regiment, three months ago, was a small deputy company commander. How many levels has this been promoted? Company commander, deputy battalion commander, battalion commander, deputy regimental commander, and regiment commander, it can be regarded as five consecutive promotions Now, this kind of promotion speed is very rare in our national army." Liu Houming's eyes are full of envy and admiration, like Zhang Tianhai's situation, in the eyes of ordinary officers, he is definitely an inspirational idol, and this The head of the regiment is still the head of the German Weapon Strengthening Group, but he doesn't bring a little water.

Seeing Liu Houming's envious look, Xu Sangou immediately decided to pour cold water on him, mercilessly: "Okay, stop worshiping, and if you give you two heads, you may not be able to rise as fast as our team, we The official positions of the regiment commander are all done with real knives and guns. Think about how many Japanese died under his command, and there are also many devil officers who died."

Regarding Xu Sangou's behavior of throwing cold water, Liu Houming didn't care about it. He just said: "That is, fighting with a hero like Tuan Zuo is a pleasure. I just want to follow Tuan Zuo step by step, and see Tuan Zuo Where can I go?"

The two people outside the door were bragging, but the atmosphere inside the regiment headquarters was so solemn that they couldn't breathe.

"Everyone, our regiment, the [-]th regiment and the troops directly under the brigade headquarters have been appointed by the garrison commander as the battlefield discipline law enforcement team, that is, the supervisory team. The situation outside Nanjing is already very critical. On this day, the Japanese army will come to the city of Nanjing, and the characters of our supervisory team will force our robes to rush forward. It is shameful to desert. If the troops guarding the city wall cannot stop the Japanese invaders, then our supervisory team The team is the last line of defense in Nanjing City, as long as we are not finished, the last wall of Nanjing will not fall." Zhang Tianhai's tone was very calm, but anyone could feel the heavy fighting spirit in his words.

"Tomorrow, the division headquarters will issue the cuffs that belong to our supervising team. But starting tonight, we will be moving to the station. Before tomorrow morning, we will enter the predetermined position according to the plan." Zhang Tianhai said slowly , Articulation is very clear.

"The first battalion and the special service company and military police company of the troops directly under our regiment headquarters guarded Yijiangmen and the vicinity of Yijiangmen. The Communications Department sent a radio station to guard Yijiangmen with me. The rest of the troops were under the command of Chief of Staff Guo to guard Xiaguan. The company is on the front line, and the regiment headquarters is also set up in Xiaguan, so we must not let a deserter escape to the Yangtze River! Director Zheng, you also follow the large army to defend the regiment headquarters and assist Chief of Staff Guo in commanding the troops." When Zhang Tianhai said the last sentence, His eyes were already fixed on Zheng Man.

"Yes!" Everyone stood up and responded.

To be honest, Zhang Tianhai wanted to set up the regiment headquarters in Xiaguan, and let Zheng Man stay in Xiaguan with the main force. It is impossible to say that there is no selfishness.

Guo Qiliang is okay to say, after all, Chief of Staff Guo is recognized as the No. [-] officer in the Zhiyi Regiment where there is a shortage of senior officers, and his command ability is indeed very good. It is quite reassuring to hand over the three battalions to him.

As for letting Zheng Man stay at the regiment headquarters to assist in the command, it was purely out of selfishness. If the enemy came, then Yijiangmen would be the frontline position. If Chief Tang ordered the troops to retreat, then Xiaguan would be the closest place to the pier!

Zhang Tianhai always felt that it was enough to leave things like fighting and fighting to men. If he couldn't even protect his own woman, what kind of man was he?
Sometimes machismo is a good thing, sometimes it is not necessarily a good thing, especially for a woman who wants to follow you wholeheartedly, regardless of life or death, it is especially unfair.


PS: Another chapter is presented. The foreshadowing rhythm and waiting required in the front require more words, so the progress of the plot is relatively slow.

Continue to ask for recommendation tickets, monthly tickets and other tickets~~~
After the [-]th, the old man wants to explode, what do you readers think?

(End of this chapter)

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