War of Resistance

Chapter 199 Take Over Defense

Chapter 199 Take Over Defense
After the meeting ended, Zhang Tianhai went back to his room to pack his quilt and bedding.

The other battalions and companies are also busy with the transfer. After all, time is tight, and they must arrive and enter the position within three hours.

While Zhang Tianhai was still wrapping up the quilt, the door was pushed open, who else walked in, not Zheng Man?
Zhang Tianhai glanced back, then continued to organize things, and asked with a smile while doing it: "What's wrong? Shouldn't you be packing things at this time?"

"Ah~" The door was closed and locked.

Zheng Man didn't make a sound, and just when Zhang Tianhai wanted to ask her what she was thinking, he was suddenly hugged from behind: "Yu Lin, why did you leave me behind at this dangerous moment. Chief of Staff Guo's ability, I know that I can definitely command the troops well, and there is no need for me to do anything to assist the command.”

Zheng Man's voice was full of tears, which made people feel a burst of heartache.

Hearing these words, Zhang Tianhai turned around and hugged Zheng Man, but looked out of the window with erratic eyes: "This is for the safety of the regiment headquarters. Besides, if something happens on the front line, I will It’s more convenient to run alone over there, but it’s inconvenient to take you with you, if you don’t believe me, go ask the soldiers of my old battalion and ask them how my skills are.”

"But, what if you die on the front line? How critical is the situation in Nanjing now." Zheng Man raised his head to look at Zhang Tianhai, his big beautiful eyes were already red.

"Fool, no." Zhang Tianhai caressed Zheng Man's little head, with a forced smile on his face, who knows what will happen tomorrow?
Zheng Man just buried his head in his chest lightly, and said softly: "Don't leave me alone."

"Well. Have you packed your things? If not, I'll go over and tidy up for you!" Zhang Tianhai said.

Hearing Zhang Tianhai's words, Zheng Man was immediately amused: "No, you are a dignified group leader who comes to clean up a girl's house for me, and you are not afraid to spread it and make people laugh?"

"No, let's talk about it again, I'll pack things for my own woman, so it doesn't matter." Zhang Tianhai gently hugged Zheng Man tightly, lowered his head, and kissed her hair lightly, as if he wanted to put Zheng Man in his arms. Everything about her is deeply imprinted in my mind, including her appearance, her hair fragrance, and her smell.

"Okay, I'm going back to pack my things." After finishing speaking, Zheng Man broke free from Zhang Tianhai, bounced back to her room with a happy face.

Looking at Zheng Man's leaving back, Zhang Tianhai couldn't help but smile: It looks like a fairy who has cultivated to become a fairy, but after all, she is still a woman in love for the first time, so coaxing.

In this era, there is no saying that "three hundred hospitals can repair them", but they are all original.

But when he thought of the decision he had to make, Zhang Tianhai couldn't laugh anymore, his heart ached, even though he was reluctant to give up, there was nothing he could do.

Half an hour later, Zhang Tianhai, who had packed up his things, took Zheng Man to Xiaguan, along with Liu Houming and Guo Qiliang.

Liu Houming drove the car, Guo Qiliang sat in the co-pilot, and Zhang Tianhai and Zheng Man were left in the back row. Those things were put in the back compartment of the off-road vehicle.

And behind Zhang Tianhai and the others, apart from the officers and soldiers of the guard platoon, there are also officers and soldiers of the logistics supply company, the mortar company, and the small artillery company. The rest of the battalions, except Lu Shaojie's second battalion, have already set off to explore the road After that, the rest of the troops will arrive later.

As for the first battalion and the spy company and military police company directly under the regiment headquarters, they all stayed in place and waited for orders. After all, this place is not far from Yijiangmen, and it will not be too late to enter the position after the regiment headquarters has almost made arrangements—after all, Yijiangmen is now Before the handover was completed, there were still troops stationed here, and the troops from the [-]st Battalion of the [-]th Regiment were in charge of stationing here.

Under the night, a group of well-equipped national army officers and soldiers trotted to Yijiangmen, and the formation was not scattered at all.

At this time, the gate of Yijiang Gate had already been closed tightly, and groups of patrolling soldiers were patrolling the city wall, and there were several large searchlights waiting to detect the surrounding situation.

When the off-road vehicles of Zhang Tianhai and others approached, the lights of several searchlights also focused on them.

"Which part do you belong to?!" A young officer asked on the city wall.

"We are directly under the first regiment in the third war zone, and we are all our own!" Liu Houming shouted.

At this moment, Zhang Tianhai got out of the car, took off his military cap, and strode forward: "I am Zhang Tianhai, the commander of the Zhiyi Regiment, and your Battalion Commander Ouyang, tell him to come out and let him go immediately!"

Among the members of the [-]th Regiment, many people have seen Zhang Tianhai, but there are really not many people in the first battalion organized by this group, except for the battalion commander Ouyang Wu.

The current commander of the first battalion, Ouyang Wu, is a graduate of the sixth batch of Whampoa. Before he was transferred to the Central Military Academy as an instructor, he was attached to the first battalion of the [-]th Regiment, so he met and knew Zhang Tianhai, of course he was the former one. Zhang Tianhai.

"Okay, sir, please wait a moment, I will call our battalion commander right away!" said the young officer on the tower, it seems that he should be the company commander of a certain company in the first battalion.

Soon, Ouyang Wu boarded the tower in less than 3 minutes. He picked up the binoculars and looked at Zhang Tianhai carefully, and then said: "I'm sorry, Captain Zhang, we are also doing things according to the rules. So there is a delay It's time for your troops. Let go now!"

"Yes!" The people behind the city gate opened the city gate after hearing the order.

"Thank you, old sir." Zhang Tianhai said loudly to Ouyang Wu. From Ouyang Wu's speech just now, he knew that Ouyang Wu was actually not very convinced that he was one period behind him, but The official position is higher than his own.

It's not that Zhang Tianhai didn't know Ouyang Wu's dissatisfaction, so he deliberately showed weakness. At this time, there was no need to make grudges because of some minor conflicts, as they were good comrades in fighting devils together.Besides, he was considered his old chief, at least when he was attached to the battalion, he was still a small deputy company commander.

An hour and a half later, after arranging the address of the regiment headquarters in a private house in Xiaguan, Zhang Tianhai took Liu Houming and drove back to the city. Guo Qiliang will take care of the rest of the matter without him Worrying, he went to the customs just to know where his regiment headquarters is, and to stay with Zheng Man for a while.

Another hour and a half later, Zhang Tianhai took over the defense of Yijiangmen with the first battalion, the regiment's special agent company, the military police company, and a communication staff officer with a radio station...

At around 05:30 in the morning, that is, Zhang Tianhai had just fallen asleep for two hours, when the transport vehicle from the division headquarters arrived, carrying the cuffs.

Adjutant Liu Houming didn't wake Zhang Tianhai up. He also knew that the head of the regiment was exhausted during this period, so he could just do these things by himself.Ever since, he took the soldiers below to receive this batch of yellow cuffs.

I saw a few black words written on these yellow cuffs: Nanjing Garrison Supervisor Team.


PS: The update is sent, and we continue to ask for votes. The eagle is slowly saving the manuscript. On average, it saves one update every day or two. When the time comes, the eagle will explode.Stay tuned, thank you very much for your support!
Thank you for a monthly pass for QQ reading book friend Ai!
(End of this chapter)

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